21 Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord, Lord," shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.
Answer: Jesus said, you must sell everything and then follow me
Luke 18:22 AND Mathew 19:21
.but you never heart that one in Church now do you.
22 Many will say to Me in that day, "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?"
Answer: and many claimed there are four legged spidders
23 And then I will declare to them, "I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness."
Answer: Matthew 19:21 Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell ...bible.cc/matthew/19-21.htm Jesus said to him, If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to .... Follow me - To follow Jesus then meant to be a personal attendant on his ... to his person, property, and estate, but he must love him, and do him good; .... Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven It is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of the needle than it is for a rich man to enter into my fathers kingdom
.I hereby question your conviction and your cut and pastes that substitute for a proper response.
Martin Luther figured the same maybe the Church of Rome was handing down a altered version of the Word of God, so he went to the original Greek and Hebrew and wrote it in the vernacular, still the method used today. Hebrew being written by Israelis and the Greek being written mostly by Martyrs who I struggle to find any kind of evil you can attribute to.
Answer: Justin Martyrs first act as a Christian historian was to point out that the story of Jesus was like the story of the son of Jupitor
..the evil being the plagiarism of another religion and creating Christianity.
The idea that Church support Nazism is flawed,
Answer: The idea that Nazism wasnt a Church is flawed and the fact remains Adolf Hitler was a member of the Church in GOOD standing is all the support needed. The fact the Church that Hitler was doing the world a favor was well supported and Ive heard these sentiments with my own ears supports the idea further not to mention the Nazi Church is still practicing today suggest what you see as being selective in the extreme
Look into the Confessing Church, no they weren't perfect, but they opposed the Nazi Regime,
Answer: There are reportedly 380 mainstream and 4000 factions of the Christian Church, the fact that some Churches oppose another is nearly irrelevant and does not excuse the support the Church did offered.
The Vatican had it's own problems in Italy yet there was still anti-Nazi sermons from behind the pulpit.
Answer: The Vatican believes murdering 500 Nations in the Americas was just to this day
.like rape victims, the Native Americans DESIRED to be converted as the where being exterminated
.this is the 2011 position by6 the way.
Yes the Nazi established a state church, but I do believe they held Mein Kampf as more inspired then the Bible, and believe that Christ, King of the Jews and Lion of the Tribe of Judah was not Jewish,
Answer: I see, so because there were not your denomination and had different views excusses and apologies they were wrong
wow, you just eliminated 99% of all of Christianity as being even Christian. I guess you are so lucky to have been born in an area which you obtained your training and denominational faith.
That's not really Christianity. Crusades and Inquisitions where defensive wars!
Answer: Wow, how did I know this was coming
.as it concerns the bible (which is evil), Adolf Hitler was one of the greatest Christians ever! He supported the bible in every way, created a social welfare system, plummeted secularism, and brought a broken Nation to a world power through the inspiration of your god and his bible. Now because the Church and your-self find his works distasteful (and because he lost) your apology is that he wasnt really a Christian. Heads up, he was a devote Christian, Google his paining of the Madonna he made in his youth
.he was way more devote than you my friend
Muslim empires were growing and threating places Like Byzantium so the East called the West for help, Yes the Church got involved, but Western Civialition does not equal Christian Doctrine.
Answer: Irrelevant
The next 6 weren't nearly as meaningful, but some of them had nothing to do with Muslims such as the 4th Crusade,
Answer: Irrelevant
What do you gain from this bickering?
Answer: What is gained in the continuance of covering up historical data in not for mere profit and PR?
Canada used to be one of the most anti-semetic countries in the Western World, now our Prime Minister is nuts about Israel, does that reflect the people in the Courty or the Country itself? I really don't understand your point. If I was a praticing Jew and I decided to have rital orgies on the Sabbath, does that make it an aspect of Juadism or is it an abuse of Juadism? Take any political ideology, any religious ideology or even lack there of and then think that bit over.
Answer: I have, every time a religious ideology manifest itself within a government and politics
..atrocities are the end result ALWAYS!