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Freedom of religion -Isn't this a basic human right?


Well-Known Member
Anyone that evangelizes their religion is basically shoving it down your throat. That's why evangelistic religions are dangerous, they don't like to take no for an answer.


Guardian of Asgaard
Anyone that evangelizes their religion is basically shoving it down your throat. That's why evangelistic religions are dangerous, they don't like to take no for an answer.

My mother, the most gentle person alive (until the arrival of evangilists) absolutely ripped into the poor people offending her secularism by having the nerve to come to our house and preach. It was great to watch peoples beliefs get torn to shreds only because they thought it was their right to be able to preach to us.

I'd have respect for christianity if it had the decency to leave me alone.


E Pluribus Unum!!!
So? We are not a "Christian nation". We were founded as a secular Constitutional Republic to ensure religious freedom and equality. Would you enjoy living in a theocracy? Our current Motto only serves to motivate those who would turn the Nation into any one of the theo- classifications.

Again, so? Why should my opinion and viewpoint be dependent on others'? I really don't care if someone views me as "not a true American;" after all, I'm not a patriot, and I believe political boundaries are just mental constructs, anyway.

If you are not a Patriot, perhaps you shouldn't be commenting on a Religious Freedom thread as this was one of our Founding Principles.

What "same?" Anyone who doesn't follow prop 8 isn't a true American? Is that the only punishment I get?

If you enjoy living as a Christian, more power to you.


E Pluribus Unum!!!
Different things annoy different people I guess. It'd just one of those things that needs to be tolerated if we are to live in some semblance of democracry ;)

If I had it my way, the Jonas brothers would have been burned at stake a long time ago, but apparently a lot of people like them, so I just have to put up with the odd poster here and there. Of course in private I'm then free to go down into my ritual chamber with the inverted Jonas brothers image hung above burned skinny jeans and sing their songs backwards in a death growl. In an ideal society I would be able to quietly advertise Sanojism in public without fear of persecution, but we're a while off that level of tolerance yet I fear :cool:

Look on Ebay, maybe you can get some of the Jonas Bro's hair. :p

Littering bothers me big time. I'm the sort of guy who refuses to throw his cigarette butts on the ground. Nothing detracts from city life more than litter piles in the streets IMHO, second only to grafitti.

Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
Anyone that evangelizes their religion is basically shoving it down your throat. That's why evangelistic religions are dangerous, they don't like to take no for an answer.

Maybe that is why they get me so riled up, that may actually answer a lot for me. I never thought about it that way...

I have big issues with people who cannot handle no. They are my psycho ex's of the past who badgered me into sympathizing for them when they brought things on themselves, and got upset when I wouldn't give them money for their drug addiction, or told them no when I couldn't have sex because I had a pelvic infection (that hadn't been diagnosed) which was putting me in pain. People who can't handle no, have that rapist vibe about them. They are the ******** that want me to do ridiculous things for them at work because they think they are special, and then throw a tantrum when they realize I don't have a magic wand to poof their desire into existence. During the calm after their tantrum storm they sometimes leave a religious pamphlet. People who cannot take no for an answer are immediately tap dancing on my nerves. I just don't have patience for adults that act like children instead of using their brains to solve their own problem. They want the world to move for them instead.

So.... not being able to handle "no," in my personal experience is a common sign of deep seated highly irritating personality flaws. Hence why all that stuff in religious people sends me off the deep edge I guess. Same crap I am emersed in all day every day, different flavor, and I just finally recognized it.


Well-Known Member
Littering bothers me big time. I'm the sort of guy who refuses to throw his cigarette butts on the ground. Nothing detracts from city life more than litter piles in the streets IMHO, second only to grafitti.

Hmmm, I'd argue that the people are the worst part of city life, but there you go ;)

In all seriousness though, yes I see where you're coming from with pamphlets and things.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
So? We are not a "Christian nation". We were founded as a secular Constitutional Republic to ensure religious freedom and equality. Would you enjoy living in a theocracy? Our current Motto only serves to motivate those who would turn the Nation into any one of the theo- classifications.

Then change it.

If you are not a Patriot, perhaps you shouldn't be commenting on a Religious Freedom thread as this was one of our Founding Principles.

Debating/discussing religion online was a founding principle? What sense does that make?

If you're talking about freedom of religion, India had that long before Jesus was born.

If you enjoy living as a Christian, more power to you.

I really have no idea what you're talking about. I'm a Shaiva Smartan, not a Christian.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I find your condesending tone insulting.

I fight for simple Equality, whether racial, gay, or religious.

Calm down, friend. I was being serious.

I'm not a patriot, because I don't think America has succeeded in what it set out to do. But I'm very much in support of what the founding fathers had in mind, and further.


E Pluribus Unum!!!
Then change it.

Debating/discussing religion online was a founding principle? What sense does that make?

If you're talking about freedom of religion, India had that long before Jesus was born.

I really have no idea what you're talking about. I'm a Shaiva Smartan, not a Christian.

1. Returning our origianl, Founder crafted motto is an ongoing process that will probrably continue until Christians loose their clear majority in a decade or two.

2a. If you're going to be purposely obtuse...
2b. India also had a severe caste system. Point?

3. As a Californian, you live under the rule of laws based on Christian religious ideology and doctrines, therefor you are living as a Christian.


E Pluribus Unum!!!
Calm down, friend. I was being serious.

I'm not a patriot, because I don't think America has succeeded in what it set out to do. But I'm very much in support of what the founding fathers had in mind, and further.

A patriot is someone who lives by and fights for an ideology, not neccessarily for an existing Nation.

I am certainly a Patriot of the Founding Principles of this Nation, otherwise Iw ould not strive so hard to reassert the superiority of those Principles.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
1. Returning our origianl, Founder crafted motto is an ongoing process that will probrably continue until Christians loose their clear majority in a decade or two.

Well, good luck with that.

2a. If you're going to be purposely obtuse...

Hey, you're the one not being clear. I was primarily jesting; I know that's not what you meant. However, that was what came into my mind after reading it first.

2b. India also had a severe caste system. Point?

Not quite. During the reign of King Ashoka, that same king who implemented religious freedom after converting to Buddhism, the caste system was discouraged.

Oh, and you might want to read up on the difference between caste and varna.

3. As a Californian, you live under the rule of laws based on Christian religious ideology and doctrines, therefor you are living as a Christian.

What sense does that make? :confused: I keep demonstrating that prop 8 doesn't affect me, and you haven't successfully refuted it, yet. How can I live under a law I can't break?