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Freewill and Volition


Well-Known Member
doppelgänger;1381237 said:
Nope. The stories were written based on the would-be "prophecies". They are a sort of midrash in the form of metaphorical fiction. :)

Really. So the prophecies given to Moses at Mt. Sinai about the curses that would come on the israelites for not following His commandments were only metaphorical and never really happened to them? Or how about the destruction of the temple given by Jesus? Yes i do agree they dont have higher meanings to them, but these things literally happened before they were done


Through the Looking Glass
Really. So the prophecies given to Moses at Mt. Sinai about the curses that would come on the israelites for not following His commandments were only metaphorical and never really happened to them? Or how about the destruction of the temple given by Jesus? Yes i do agree they dont have higher meanings to them, but these things literally happened before they were done
But they didn't. The stories containing the "prophecy" about the destruction of the Temple weren't even written until after the Temple was destroyed. It's really easy to prophesy things that already occurred. As for more fanciful and interpretive prophecies - like the suffering of Israel - we tend to find what we're looking for. The more vague the prophecy the easier it is to find it "fulfilled."

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
Pick and choose pick and choose. When will you believe all of Gods Word.

Ben: It's in the "pick-and-choose" that we eliminate the contradictions of the NT.

So how does this link up with Isa 2. You think this has something to with the literal address of Zion and Jerusalem. Okay lets go with that. So do we go to the wall that you guys are kissing or on the other side where the islamic mosque is? Tell me please. Oh you say we go the people of judaism and they will instruct us. Okay which sect do we go to? Orthodox, Reformist, Messianic, or one of the other thousands of sects of this religion? Only one can be right. See how ridiculous this sounds.

Ben: As a Christian, you are the last one to criticize the sects of Judaism, when you guys have literally more than a thousand.
And when Isaiah says that the address is Zion, the meaning is not literal. He refers to the People of Israel, who were given as
light unto the nations. (Isa. 42:6) Now, you are dealing with me, so take from me the Biblical instructions you need, and stop
bringing Greek Mythology into Judaism. Jesus was Jewish and he never had anything to do with Christianity.

So now who do we go to, the one who reigns in Zion and Jerusalem who sits on High, the one who has been annoited King. Who could this be? Who is your king over there? Who is the one with all the knowledge to bring out His laws to where He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples and we will beat our swords into plowshares and our spears into pruning hooks. Where is this person? And for your argument---which sect of judaism is the collective messiah that we should seek them?

Ben: The question is not who is the person, or to look for an individual as a King. Judah, the Jewish People reigns in Zion.
That's the one that one day the nations will recognize that God is with us, and will take hold of our garment and ask to be
allowed to come with us. (Zech. 8:23) Then, and only then, swords will be beaten into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks.
In the meantime, if the attitude of the nations is to try to eliminate us, they will meet with real swords and pears.

No there, the few disciples that were sent to wolves who they had to shake the dust of their feet to didnt go to the gentiles first, they went to the wolves first and was rejected and killed by them wolves. But before they died they went to the gentiles/dogs who actually believe the Word of God.

Ben: Sometimes I think we should do like Jesus did and forbid ourselves to bring the Truth unto the Gentiles. (Mat. 10:5)
Sometimes I think Jesus was right about throwing our pearls before swine. (Mat. 7:6) But I see no other option but letting
our light shine as we were given as light unto the nations. (Isa. 42:6)

The nation of israel or the religion of judaism can in no way fit any of those prophecies in Isaiah and the OT. The proof is in the pudding. Which sect of judaism is correct? What part of the wall should we be kissing? Should we convert to islam because thats the only building near where the temple was? Oh wait i think there is a catholic cathedral around there also. But all judaism got IS A WALL!!

Ben: Go ahead and mock. Laughs best who laughs last. Pretty soon, I wish I could look at your face when they remove that abomination of desolation on our Temple Mount and rebuild our Sanctuary to prove to you that the Pauline Christology of his Christ-once-and-for-all sacrifice was not once-and-for-all after all.

So what does your "superior knowledge" tell you and how dare I, an insignificant dog, tell a WOLF what the Word of God is saying?

Ben: Just ask me in honesty and I'll tell you what you need to know. You argue like a stiff-necked mule just for the sake of argument.

Ben: <*)))>< :rolleyes:
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But all judaism got IS A WALL!!

So what does your "superior knowledge" tell you and how dare I, an insignificant dog, tell a WOLF what the Word of God is saying?


Proverbs 13: 13 "Whoso despiseth the word shall be destroyed: but he that feareth the commandment shall be rewarded. "

If you wanted to touch the heart of G.d, then why do you constantly mock the expression of His heart? Why do you attempt to steal all that G.d has done for and through the Jewish people by worshiping a man rather than G.d? You claim the foundation that G.d laid through their ancestors and yet, you cling to and worship ONE man that came and went over 2,000 years ago. You spit at, and therefore miss the love and light that is being offered to you because you live in the false hopes of the past. Proverbs 14: 30 A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones.

There is much foolishness in what you present AK4. Ben is certainly a better person than I am for the kindness he shows. I find in your pompous attitude and mock spirituality little that is to be desired. The pearls of wisdom that he has thrown out to you are not going to waste though you choose not to understand the significance of them. I am more than happy to gather what you are choosing to ignore.

Also, consider this.... The Jewish people (the true Jews, of which Ben is obviously one) are a LIVING expression of G.d on earth. I do believe it is time for the living testimony of G.d to live in their homeland and to be the collective expression of G.d's heart to the world; but it is this attitude that Christians display and the "prophecies" they want fulfilled to usher in the coming of man who was actually rather apathetic toward the gentiles that gives me unrest.

Seeing that the main push of violence in the middle east is coming from the christian fanatics who say they "love" the Jews but actually display the attitude toward them that has been displayed to Ben in this thread, I fear there is much truth in what Ben has said... if they don't get the light out into the world, the next holocaust is just around the corner. :( Only this time, I sense a greater loss.

And to tie in with the thread, if this loss occurs, it falls squarely on the shoulders of all those who are denying G.d by denying the light that is being offered to you even now. The expression of G.d's heart is before you and you fail to see it. You have been offered true knowledge and you mock it freely.
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Well-Known Member
Ben: It's in the "pick-and-choose" that we eliminate the contradictions of the NT.

Sorry there are no contradictions in the "NT". Its you and people like you who lack the spiritual eyes to be able to see the smooth flow of the whole Word of God (thats the "OT" and "NT")

Ben: As a Christian, you are the last one to criticize the sects of Judaism, when you guys have literally more than a thousand.
And when Isaiah says that the address is Zion, the meaning is not literal. He refers to the People of Israel, who were given as
light unto the nations. (Isa. 42:6) Now, you are dealing with me, so take from me the Biblical instructions you need, and stop
bringing Greek Mythology into Judaism.

Thats as a child of God, not christain. And yet once again you avoided the question--which one do we go to? Only one is right, there is only one God and one faith--notice its not one religion. So answer me oh light or will you avoid this one again?

Take instruction from you? Come on you dont even believe Gods words of when He says He will bring people back to life and yet i and everyone else should listen to any of words spewing from your mouth. And am i bringing greek mythology into judaism? The jews brought it in before Christ ever came. Do you want me to show how the jews worshipped everything but God and incorporated it into judaism and beguiling those who are full of ignorance because you guys have duped them into believing yall are the chosen ones? DO YOU WANT ME TO? Do you want me to expose how yall believe in the false egyptian doctrine of hell? The sacrifices to Moloch etc etc?

Ben: The question is not who is the person, or to look for an individual as a King. Judah, the Jewish People reigns in Zion.
That's the one that one day the nations will recognize that God is with us, and will take hold of our garment and ask to be
allowed to come with us. (Zech. 8:23) Then, and only then, swords will be beaten into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks.
In the meantime, if the attitude of the nations is to try to eliminate us, they will meet with real swords and pears

You know i debate with you with on your level which non spiritually to show how wrong you are, but really the meaning of gentile and jew are higher than what you apparently dont know.

Funny, the Word actually says the gentiles will be to ones who actually bring you guys to God.

'Behold, I will raise My hand to the gentiles, and I will lift My banner to the peoples, and they bring your sons on their arms, and your daughters will be carried on their shoulders" (isa 49:22).

isa 66:20 And they will bring all your brothers, from all the nations, to my holy mountain in Jerusalem as an offering to the Lord--on horses, in chariots and wagons, and on mules and camels," says the Lord. "They will bring them, as the Israelites bring their grain offerings, to the temple of the Lord in ceremonially clean vessels. 21 And I will select some of them also to be priests and Levites," says the Lord. (What? A gentile be a priest and Levite? God is going to change someones heritage?)

Ben: Sometimes I think we should do like Jesus did and forbid ourselves to bring the Truth unto the Gentiles. (Mat. 10:5)
Sometimes I think Jesus was right about throwing our pearls before swine. (Mat. 7:6) But I see no other option but letting
our light shine as we were given as light unto the nations. (Isa. 42:6)

Yeah i know the feeling. People just love the darkness

Joh 1:5 - And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
Joh 3:19 -And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
Ben: Go ahead and mock. Laughs best who laughs last. Pretty soon, I wish I could look at your face when they remove that abomination of desolation on our Temple Mount and rebuild our Sanctuary to prove to you that the Pauline Christology of his Christ-once-and-for-all sacrifice was not once-and-for-all after all.

Im not mocking at all. Im just stating facts. I wish things werent the way they are but apparently this is how God has planned it. You claim judaism is the religion of God but the obvious fact is that it cant be because there are thousands of different sects and then we are supposed to come to yall? Will answer and tell me which one to choose?:no: Because you cant.

Ben: Just ask me in honesty and I'll tell you what you need to know. You argue like a stiff-necked mule just for the sake of argument.
:biglaugh:Its not me your arguing with, you are resisting the own Words of God i quote and then pure logic.


Well-Known Member

Proverbs 13: 13 "Whoso despiseth the word shall be destroyed: but he that feareth the commandment shall be rewarded. "

If you wanted to touch the heart of G.d, then why do you constantly mock the expression of His heart? Why do you attempt to steal all that G.d has done for and through the Jewish people by worshiping a man rather than G.d? You claim the foundation that G.d laid through their ancestors and yet, you cling to and worship ONE man that came and went over 2,000 years ago. You spit at, and therefore miss the love and light that is being offered to you because you live in the false hopes of the past. Proverbs 14: 30 A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones.

I didnt touch Gods heart, He touched mine and is circumcising it as we speak. Obviously you dont know the expression of His heart is those who actually believe in Him and follow His commands and is circumcised in the heart and that it has nothing to do with a race or religion.

And i believe you are clinging in the belief of millions of men by worshipping a people. So if one sin was greater than another you would in more trouble than I.

Envy? thats funny. Tell me, what is there to envy about? I believe in My Lord and Saviour. I am His child and will be begotten anew with Him, so Everything else is just dung.

There is much foolishness in what you present AK4. Ben is certainly a better person than I am for the kindness he shows. I find in your pompous attitude and mock spirituality little that is to be desired. The pearls of wisdom that he has thrown out to you are not going to waste though you choose not to understand the significance of them. I am more than happy to gather what you are choosing to ignore.

Jer 5:21 - Hear this, you foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do not hear:

Its funny that somehow i am pompous when stating facts and quoting His Word and yet i will do this because it is His commandment

Jer 9:24 - but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the Lord.
Also, consider this.... The Jewish people (the true Jews, of which Ben is obviously one) are a LIVING expression of G.d on earth. I do believe it is time for the living testimony of G.d to live in their homeland and to be the collective expression of G.d's heart to the world; but it is this attitude that Christians display and the "prophecies" they want fulfilled to usher in the coming of man who was actually rather apathetic toward the gentiles that gives me unrest.

I will not stand up for christainity, for in their ignorance they defend something they obviously kept their eyes closed to and dont research to find real truths.

I assure you if the people living over their were the true testimony of God then it would have be done without mans help. God states that He will do this ON HIS OWN AND NOT MAN SO THEY WILL KNOW WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT THAT HE IS LORD.

Seeing that the main push of violence in the middle east is coming from the christian fanatics who say they "love" the Jews but actually display the attitude toward them that has been displayed to Ben in this thread, I fear there is much truth in what Ben has said... if they don't get the light out into the world, the next holocaust is just around the corner. :( Only this time, I sense a greater loss.

Do you have facts to support that it is the christain fanatics who is pushing the violence?
Notice it is Ben who tries display superiority over someone. Should i quote him? This supremcy he pushes of "being jewish" is in all his posts. Here a quote i finally got him to stop saying "if it werent for us you guy would still worshipping in caves and rocks."

And to tie in with the thread, if this loss occurs, it falls squarely on the shoulders of all those who are denying G.d by denying the light that is being offered to you even now. The expression of G.d's heart is before you and you fail to see it. You have been offered true knowledge and you mock it freely.

And nope, you are not freely being lead astray by Ben. Ben is causing you to fall even furhter with his "dreams".

Jer 23:32 - Indeed, I am against those who prophesy false dreams," declares the Lord. "They tell them and lead my people astray with their reckless lies, yet I did not send or appoint them. They do not benefit these people in the least," declares the Lord.
So therefore its not freely being done


AK4: I didnt touch Gods heart, He touched mine and is circumcising it as we speak. Obviously you dont know the expression of His heart is those who actually believe in Him and follow His commands and is circumcised in the heart and that it has nothing to do with a race or religion.

[FONT=&quot]Me: [/FONT][FONT=&quot]You don’t know what you are saying. You say, “the expression of His heart is those who actually believe in Him and follow His commandments” yet you profess the name of another god and put your hope of salvation in him. The first commandment (in the more widely known 10) is “You shall have no other gods before me.” [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]You look at the lie and call it beautiful. The truth dances before you and you call it dirty. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]And i believe you are clinging in the belief of millions of men by worshipping a people. So if one sin was greater than another you would in more trouble than I.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I worship the G.d that I have come to know by knowing the history of the people. There certainly is much to be drawn from the individual accounts given to us of the Jewish people, but you find the expression of G.d’s heart by looking at picture that was and is being painted. That is not worshiping a group of people, but rather that is worshiping the “Artist” behind the “expression.” [/FONT][FONT=&quot]

[FONT=&quot]Envy? thats funny. Tell me, what is there to envy about? I believe in My Lord and Saviour. I am His child and will be begotten anew with Him, so Everything else is just dung. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Kings 5: 17 And the king commanded, and they brought great stones, costly stones, and hewed stones, to lay the foundation of the house. [/FONT]ß[FONT=&quot] Find the meaning in that!! You may as well have spit in the face of G-d with that foolish “everything else is dung” statement. I DO believe that you are the child of your god and if that lets you rest at night, then so be it. Just quit trying to support your religion by cheapening the truths of G-d and quit riding on the backs of the Jewish people and PLEASE quit saying that you know more about something that was handed down to THEM by THEIR ancestors. It is hypocritical and disgusting to see. I don’t worship them… I respect, love, and appreciate them GREATLY!! I found the true G-d through the history of their ancestors. I want to bless the Jewish people and I get upset with those who curse them and refer to them as dung. This is actually a feeling that is growing the more I hear those around me in the land of propaganda and lies. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Jer 5:21[/FONT][FONT=&quot] - [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Hear this, you foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do not hear: [/FONT][FONT=&quot]

Its funny that somehow i am pompous when stating facts and quoting His Word and yet i will do this because it is His commandment

Jer 9:24 - but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the Lord.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]“who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth” [/FONT]ß[FONT=&quot] And there is only one people on earth whose history (even despite the Jesus craze) has shown this.[/FONT]

I will not stand up for christainity, for in their ignorance they defend something they obviously kept their eyes closed to and dont research to find real truths.

I assure you if the people living over their were the true testimony of God then it would have be done without mans help. God states that He will do this ON HIS OWN AND NOT MAN SO THEY WILL KNOW WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT THAT HE IS LORD.

[FONT=&quot]Now, though I somewhat agree with you, I would be careful in generalizing. You show your contempt for the Jewish people in the way you have worded this. If you really understood the heart of G-d, there would be more concern and less judgment in your message. [/FONT]

Do you have facts to support that it is the christain fanatics who is pushing the violence?

[FONT=&quot]Christians United for Israel:[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]And most of them ACTUALLY have the attitude that you have toward the Jewish people. Stirring the pot to try and bring order out of chaos. Considering that these people worship a man as god and think that the covenant actually belongs to them, again… the red flags are waving high! [/FONT]
Notice it is Ben who tries display superiority over someone. Should I quote him? This supremcy he pushes of "being jewish" is in all his posts. Here a quote i finally got him to stop saying "if it werent for us you guy would still worshipping in caves and rocks."

[FONT=&quot]UHM, well, yeah! You are saying that you know more about the G-d of HIS ancestors. You are also making a mockery of everything G-d has done through the history of his people and now you are trying to say that unless he “bows” down to your god (thus turning his back on the ONE G-d), he isn’t entitled to his own heritage? It would be like your family treasures being stolen by another and having the thief tell you that unless you give up your family name, you can’t have even a sliver of what rightfully belongs to your family. Imagine if they started spouting off some filth about where the treasure came from and making a mockery of something that is beautiful to you turning it into a filthy lies.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Another example: I am Texan. I assert my knowledge when people start trying to label Texans as redneck, cowboy hat wearing hicks who ride around on horses all day. It is a misconception and it *is* ironic that people who have never been to Texas deem them the authority of our way of life here. There is no DOUBT it is HIGHLY frustrating to be scolded and lectured on their texts by people who OBVIOUSLY have not REALLY tried to understand them through their eyes. The latter is MUCH worse! [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]He and other Jews on here or elsewhere have more knowledge about their texts because it was given TO them.. NOT the Christians or the Muslims; oh, or the New Age “we are all god” people. He has supremacy because it IS part of his history. You don’t even TRY to understand the truth. You are making it up as you think it should be. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Ha! So true! “if it weren’t for us you guys would still be worshiping in the caves and rocks”! [/FONT]

Last verse in the Hebrew Text as it is laid out in our bible: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

[FONT=&quot]I would not be so quick to TRY and turn the hearts of the Jewish people away from what has been passed down to them by their fathers lest G-d come and smite THE EARTH with a curse!

And nope, you are not freely being lead astray by Ben. Ben is causing you to fall even furhter with his "dreams".

Jer 23:32 - Indeed, I am against those who prophesy false dreams," declares the Lord. "They tell them and lead my people astray with their reckless lies, yet I did not send or appoint them. They do not benefit these people in the least," declares the Lord.
So therefore its not freely being done
Ironic that YOU would quote that verse. It is actually very true. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
[FONT=&quot]Me: [/FONT][FONT=&quot]You don’t know what you are saying. You say, “the expression of His heart is those who actually believe in Him and follow His commandments” yet you profess the name of another god and put your hope of salvation in him. The first commandment (in the more widely known 10) is “You shall have no other gods before me.” [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]You look at the lie and call it beautiful. The truth dances before you and you call it dirty. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I worship the G.d that I have come to know by knowing the history of the people. There certainly is much to be drawn from the individual accounts given to us of the Jewish people, but you find the expression of G.d’s heart by looking at picture that was and is being painted. That is not worshiping a group of people, but rather that is worshiping the “Artist” behind the “expression.” [/FONT]

LOL. Now tell me then or maybe ben may help (hurt) you with this, who was the first of God the Father creation? Who is He and what is His name? And what will He be when He comes to judge? Clearly you are deluded into thinking it is the "jewish" people over there now in israel who are going to do all the prophecies where it says I (God) will do all this and My (God) foot will touch the ground and split the earth and all the other stuff. Like i said before you will continue worshipping millions of men instead of the One true Lord. And yes you are worshipping the "artist" behind the "deception".

[FONT=&quot]I [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Kings 5: 17 And the king commanded, and they brought great stones, costly stones, and hewed stones, to lay the foundation of the house. [/FONT]ß[FONT=&quot] Find the meaning in that!! [/FONT]

Sure, as soon as you can find the meaning in this I [FONT=&quot]Kings 5:5 ....[/FONT] 'Your son whom I will put on the throne in your place will build the temple for my Name.'[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]You may as well have spit in the face of G-d with that foolish “everything else is dung” statement. I DO believe that you are the child of your god and if that lets you rest at night, then so be it. Just quit trying to support your religion by cheapening the truths of G-d and quit riding on the backs of the Jewish people and PLEASE quit saying that you know more about something that was handed down to THEM by THEIR ancestors. It is hypocritical and disgusting to see. I don’t worship them… I respect, love, and appreciate them GREATLY!! I found the true G-d through the history of their ancestors. I want to bless the Jewish people and I get upset with those who curse them and refer to them as dung. This is actually a feeling that is growing the more I hear those around me in the land of propaganda and lies. [/FONT]

Pr 26:5 - Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes.

Spit in the face of a invisible God who doesnt have the ability to manifest Himself in what He would call his Son? i guess im just spitting into the wind

And what is my religion? Christanity? Ha. Try again.

"Just quit trying to support your religion by cheapening the truths of G-d and quit riding on the backs of the Jewish people" Right back at cha babe. Just quit trying to support a religion that cheapens the truths of God and quit riding with the woman on back of the beast

Rev 17:7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

And this applies to all man-made religions that has strayed from the truths of God--judaism and christainity

[FONT=&quot]“who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth” [/FONT]ß[FONT=&quot] And there is only one people on earth whose history (even despite the Jesus craze) has shown this.[/FONT]

WHAT?! You really need to read up on your history. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Now, though I somewhat agree with you, I would be careful in generalizing. You show your contempt for the Jewish people in the way you have worded this. If you really understood the heart of G-d, there would be more concern and less judgment in your message. [/FONT]

I show no contempt for anyone. All have been deluded and has sinned. You want to call me a "bully" for pointing out truths. I guess im a bully then. I didnt finish that statement either let me put here again and whats in red should have been added



Actually i should asked you were is your proof that it is ONLY the christains who are doing this. And really these christains are "in love" with these people that they think they are doing it for them. The new convanant is out there for all, christains are not it.

[FONT=&quot]UHM, well, yeah! You are saying that you know more about the G-d of HIS ancestors. You are also making a mockery of everything G-d has done through the history of his people and now you are trying to say that unless he “bows” down to your god (thus turning his back on the ONE G-d), he isn’t entitled to his own heritage? It would be like your family treasures being stolen by another and having the thief tell you that unless you give up your family name, you can’t have even a sliver of what rightfully belongs to your family. Imagine if they started spouting off some filth about where the treasure came from and making a mockery of something that is beautiful to you turning it into a filthy lies.[/FONT]

Well when i had to point out something in his own mishrah that he didnt know it was stated as such, well... i let judge it for yourself. And theres plenty more i could probably show him IN HIS OWN LAWS AND TRADITIONS that he may not be aware of.

If it makes you feel better to accuse me of mockery, i hope you feel better. Truth is truth and fact is fact. He can bow down to whoever he wants but in the end he will bow down to God and i could careless for anyones heritage. There is one heritage and that is the human heritage.
Besides am i taken it (knowledge of God)? No, God has taken it from them. Why do you ignore the Word of God!!!

[FONT=&quot]He and other Jews on here or elsewhere have more knowledge about their texts because it was given TO them.. NOT the Christians or the Muslims; oh, or the New Age “we are all god” people. He has supremacy because it IS part of his history. You don’t even TRY to understand the truth. You are making it up as you think it should be. [/FONT]

Yup and so goes the saying--
Mt 15:14 - Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Ha! So true! “if it weren’t for us you guys would still be worshiping in the caves and rocks”! [/FONT]

"But thanks to us you now believe in hell and immortal soul and other countless unscriptural garbage"---Get outta here

Last verse in the Hebrew Text as it is laid out in our bible: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

[FONT=&quot]I would not be so quick to TRY and turn the hearts of the Jewish people away from what has been passed down to them by their fathers lest G-d come and smite THE EARTH with a curse!

Thats the problem they dont turn from the stuff that was passed down by their fathers, so they can stick with the traditions of men and not the Word of God. All i gotta say is read up and stop being led to the slaughter.[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
And God said unto him, Call her name Loruhamah: F2 for I will no more have mercy upon the house of Israel; but I will utterly take them away. 7 But I will have mercy upon the house of Judah, and will save them by the LORD their God, and will not save them by bow, nor by sword, nor by battle, by horses, nor by horsemen

And yet this is them whom you praise!


“AK4: And God said unto him, Call her name Loruhamah: F2 for I will no more have mercy upon the house of Israel; but I will utterly take them away. 7 But I will have mercy upon the house of Judah,[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] and will save them by the LORD their God, and will not save them by bow, nor by sword, nor by battle, by horses, nor by horsemen[/FONT][FONT=&quot]

And yet this is them whom you praise!
[FONT=&quot][/FONT][FONT=&quot]And you also said:[/FONT]
I assure you if the people living over their were the true testimony of God then it would have be done without mans help.

[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I *really* did not want to come and respond anymore because I said what I had to say. However, I was “pushed” for conscience sake to do so because your misunderstanding could be seen as my misunderstanding. I can not allow for that to happen. I do want to clarify my position on this, however LET IT BE KNOWN that I do not want to discuss “politics” and such anymore on this board. I come here for something else. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]With that said, you are falling for the propaganda that is being spoon fed to saps like yourself. This is not a fight for the land. They are making a point to those who are firing at them. It is sad that a certain group of people have allowed themselves to be put in the middle of all of this, but this is not the fault of the Jewish people. I would be doing the same thing that Israel is doing if it was the land where my children are playing that was being fired at with missiles (no matter *what* the size of missile). I can not and you should not blame them nor can we judge them or we ourselves will be judged for having done the same. That is far different than if they were to gain *THEIR* land by shedding blood. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]What you are falling for is the lies being handed out like candy here in America (especially as of late) that they are doing this because they are greedy *snips* who will never be satisfied with what they have. This is where I feel concerned because those lies are coming directly from the Zionists over here who have deemed themselves Jews and have been believed to be such which is WHY I said I somewhat agree with you… but I was agreeing that these are the lies being spewed out and I also was agreeing that you believe those lies. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The land is theirs. It is a fact. They have written claim to that land (and we have proof that it did not just *poof* into existence just recently) and the others do not. But to know *that* doesn’t mean that you have to believe they are killing people for *it*. The Zionists that you are hearing from over here are NOT giving the facts. They are giving facts wrapped in opinion to sway public opinion toward their cause. America went from being mad at Usama to being mad at Saudi Arabia to being mad at Iraq to being mad Iran to being mad at Russia and now the new culprit of choice, the Jewish people. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]What I *see* happening is not up for debate because most people rely on other people telling them what to believe. I do not. I know what to believe because I am put through the experience to gain the knowledge. I recognize things that I have been through and THAT is the reason why I relate to the Jewish people; because their knowledge is one that has proven true throughout my experiences. I love them for what they have been put through and what they allowed themselves to go through. I stand by them in their claim to the land and I urge them to be cautious when it comes to trusting a worldly type of nationalistic group.


[FONT=&quot]So I hope that is clear on where I stand and that my stance is not one derived from ignorance but rather has been based on knowing what information to not listen to and where to look for true information and then applying it by using the understanding I have gained through my experiences (that knowledge being that you will know what to do when you have to do it if you learn to know the "voice" of G-d and you learn His voice through a tried and true process that is evident in the Hebrew Scriptures and NOT in the New Testament).

[FONT=&quot]I can not live with hate OR envy (along with many other negative “feelings) and so when I feel them inside of me, I allow myself the process so that I will know why they are there and through that, I find the "voice" of G-d. May I recommend you allow yourself to go through the process of pointing the finger back at yourself. Set aside the Talmud and let go off the witch hunt you are conducting and read through these posts as though you were the person on the other end of your posts. And with that, I will not argue back and forth with you concerning this. Just making my heart known to you as clearly as I can. :yes: [/FONT]


Well-Known Member
[FONT=&quot]And you also said:[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I *really* did not want to come and respond anymore because I said what I had to say. However, I was “pushed” for conscience sake to do so because your misunderstanding could be seen as my misunderstanding. I can not allow for that to happen. I do want to clarify my position on this, however LET IT BE KNOWN that I do not want to discuss “politics” and such anymore on this board. I come here for something else. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]With that said, you are falling for the propaganda that is being spoon fed to saps like yourself. This is not a fight for the land. They are making a point to those who are firing at them. It is sad that a certain group of people have allowed themselves to be put in the middle of all of this, but this is not the fault of the Jewish people. I would be doing the same thing that Israel is doing if it was the land where my children are playing that was being fired at with missiles (no matter *what* the size of missile). I can not and you should not blame them nor can we judge them or we ourselves will be judged for having done the same. That is far different than if they were to gain *THEIR* land by shedding blood. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]What you are falling for is the lies being handed out like candy here in America (especially as of late) that they are doing this because they are greedy *snips* who will never be satisfied with what they have. This is where I feel concerned because those lies are coming directly from the Zionists over here who have deemed themselves Jews and have been believed to be such which is WHY I said I somewhat agree with you… but I was agreeing that these are the lies being spewed out and I also was agreeing that you believe those lies. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The land is theirs. It is a fact. They have written claim to that land (and we have proof that it did not just *poof* into existence just recently) and the others do not. But to know *that* doesn’t mean that you have to believe they are killing people for *it*. The Zionists that you are hearing from over here are NOT giving the facts. They are giving facts wrapped in opinion to sway public opinion toward their cause. America went from being mad at Usama to being mad at Saudi Arabia to being mad at Iraq to being mad Iran to being mad at Russia and now the new culprit of choice, the Jewish people. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]What I *see* happening is not up for debate because most people rely on other people telling them what to believe. I do not. I know what to believe because I am put through the experience to gain the knowledge. I recognize things that I have been through and THAT is the reason why I relate to the Jewish people; because their knowledge is one that has proven true throughout my experiences. I love them for what they have been put through and what they allowed themselves to go through. I stand by them in their claim to the land and I urge them to be cautious when it comes to trusting a worldly type of nationalistic group. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]So I hope that is clear on where I stand and that my stance is not one derived from ignorance but rather has been based on knowing what information to not listen to and where to look for true information and then applying it by using the understanding I have gained through my experiences (that knowledge being that you will know what to do when you have to do it if you learn to know the "voice" of G-d and you learn His voice through a tried and true process that is evident in the Hebrew Scriptures and NOT in the New Testament). [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I can not live with hate OR envy (along with many other negative “feelings) and so when I feel them inside of me, I allow myself the process so that I will know why they are there and through that, I find the "voice" of G-d. May I recommend you allow yourself to go through the process of pointing the finger back at yourself. Set aside the Talmud and let go off the witch hunt you are conducting and read through these posts as though you were the person on the other end of your posts. And with that, I will not argue back and forth with you concerning this. Just making my heart known to you as clearly as I can. :yes: [/FONT]

Who mentioned anything that is happening lately? I dont even follow the news so i basically know nothing of whats going on over there. I was debating scripture and nothing else. You are wanting to see in my posts hatred of some people. I dont look at anyone based on anything except whats in their heart, if i deem it necessary to even want to talk to them in the first place.

You are trying to call me something i am not. I dont debate politics, i have no interests in it. The Word is my life and thats what i care for. I expose those who contradict it and matters not if you are jewish or jamaican or alien. So next time get your facts straight before calling someone something that they are not.


Well-Known Member
A response to a PM someone sent me

I thought i was pretty clear. I am only debating scripture. If antartica was the promise land of chinese people and the only reason there was chinese people in antartica was because of the russians, but God said He would be the one to put the chinese there and not man (in this case the russians) them you would hear me debating this with what God had said.

As for whats happening now, the only thing i know is israel is defending themselves from hamas and i have no problem with anyone defending themselves were ever they are.

I will also post this in the thread. I will not post what who i am responding to in this PM. So everyone can know i am only debating Gods Word and nothing else


Let's go racing boys !
Happy New Year, Darling! And I hope that 2009 will be the year for the fulfillment
of your dreams. At least one of them.

Ben: <*)))>< :drool:
Fulfillment could be delivering a cookie in person......;) Hope it's a great year for you Sweetie


Who mentioned anything that is happening lately? I dont even follow the news so i basically know nothing of whats going on over there. I was debating scripture and nothing else.

I am very relieved that you have clarified this. Thank you! Have a lovely weekend:yes: