greatcalgarian said:
Actually, there should still be the design blue print of the Tower. Any qualified engineers can easily take up the blue print, and do some calculation to see whether WTC can stand the slamming of an airplane or not.
Countless experts have already done this, but because they don't see any evidence that the buildings were brought down by explosives, they must all be "in on it".
So thousands of scientists at civil engineering departments and at NIST and Scientific American and Popular Mechanics and Skeptic are all "in on it". Wow, that's a huge conspiracy. It's amazing that the godlike, all-powerful entity you refer to as "the government" can cover all this up but they can't conceal it when the President has oral sex with an intern in the oval office, or when the President's daughters go on a drinking binge out of the country. What's even more amazing is that you can believe it without the testimony of any whistle-blowers, without any incriminating documents or recordings, without any explanation of how the "black-op" of 9/11 was physically carried out, and by whom, or how many.
You can't even refer to any of the
credible hardworking investigative reporters who have uncovered political scandals in the past (oh wait, I forgot, every news outlet including the NY Times, the Washington Post, the BBC, CNN, are "in on it" too....none of those outlets would EVER fault the American government for anything, would they? What would they have to gain, other than selling an unimaginable number of newspapers?)
Instead you simply link to a bunch of websites that posit a "conspiracy-of-the-gaps" that presumes to answer any unexplained aspect of the incredibly complex event that was 9/11. It's almost all hearsay and wild speculation without any actual
Recall lesson #1 from the Evolution vs. "Intelligent Design" controversy: the inability to explain something is not evidence
for something.
greatcalgarian said:
I do not think the Tower cannot stand it. And I do not think the amount of plane kerosine is enough to cause the steel structure to soften to collapse.
With all due respect, at which university did you get your doctorate in civil engineering?
Here are a few questions to consider for any 9/11 theory involving anything other than planes taking down the WTC:
If bombs were used to take down the towers, why all the effort to make it look like planes did it? Why not just use bombs, and blame it on Bin Laden? The WTC was even bombed by Bin Laden before.
Who's that guy in all those videos claiming to be Bin Laden and claiming responsibility for the attacks?
Many previous government scandals have been uncovered in recent years. These include the death of that special forces guy in Afghanistan who used to be an NFL player (what was his name again?), the Jessica Lynch controversy, Abu Ghraib, Gitmo abuses, CIA kidnapping people and sending them abroad to be tortured, secret CIA prisons in Europe, the massacre of an Iraqi family in Haditha by Marines, the lack of proper care at a large U.S. Army hospital for vets, etc. etc. These have been revealed by internal government investigations (congressional, military, etc), government whistleblowers, classified documents being leaked to the media, credible investigative journalists, public hearings, and so on. These activities produced lots of
evidence in the form of documents and testimony for the scandalous activities. Where is the
evidence that 9/11 was perpetrated by people in the government?
What were the 9/11 hijackers doing in the U.S., going to flight school, practicing martial arts, and so on? What happened to them?
I know some firefighters in Dayton, and they took 9/11 very seriously. I can only imagine how emotional firefighters, police and rescue workers in New York must feel. If they thought there was no way the planes could have been responsible for bringing down the buildings, why aren't they angrily speaking out in droves?
These are just a few of many many questions any government conspiracy 9/11 theory would have to
explain by invoking the
evidence (not by invoking ad-hoc hypotheses that just keep expanding the size and scope of the conspiracy exponentially).
You can't just ask questions that most unqualified people can't answer, and then when you don't get an answer you interpret that as "evidence" for a government coverup, as if that were the default explanation. It most certainly is not the mainstream explanation among those engineers and scientists qualified to analyze the collapse. It isn't the mainstream explanation among investigative journalists with their "inside" gov. sources. It isn't the explanation of independent investigations by Congress, which have uncovered mischief in the executive branch in the past.