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Frustrated athiest asks why do you believe in God?


Veteran Member
Of course he knew ahead of time... He's omniscient, he has all knowledge and is not bound by time. So the other options were to not create humans or to create them as robots. I happen to think God made the best choice. That doesn't mean they were designed to fail, they still had the choice.
False, God could have made humans wise and with the knowledge to know better than to disobey. A&E didn't have the mental tools to know the consequences of disobeying the rules. God even tempted them, which shows it was a setup. God knew it created gullible people and then duped them. So the whole sin and salvation model falls apart as being necessary and moral.


Veteran Member
It absolves us through a blood sacrifice as God initiated in the Torah.
It's moral because God decided it is, and there's no higher authority.
That not only doesn't answer any of my questions, but it again demonstrates the immorality of your God and belief system. Scapegoating your responsibilities onto someone else doesn't absolve you of your responsibility to the person you have wronged. And yet your belief system says that it does.

Why is a blood sacrifice moral? Well, because God says so! Oh okay, well that clears it all up. :rolleyes:

Come to think of it, you don't have a moral system at all. You're not actually exercising morality; you're just following orders.


Veteran Member
Actually his plan from the beginning was to sacrifice himself for us... Nothing they did took him by surprise. Our mistakes were allowed by God but they are our responsibility.
What a ridiculous "plan" that was. Blood sacrifice? How primitive.

Wasn't the big flood supposed to rid the world of sinners? What happened there?
This same God also didn't know that Adam and Eve would eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that he put in front of them for some reason?
It's just one mistake after another with this deity.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
"the responsibility lies with the deity to make itself known if it can and wants to." And that is why G-d sends his Messengers and prophets with true religions wherein is the message as to how to seek Him and the path to reach Him, please. Right?

If that's how a deity chooses to be known, its existence won't be apparent to those who evaluate evidence critically. I have never read anything from any messenger or prophet that millions of people couldn't have written. If those words were divinely inspired, there is no evidence of that in any of those very human words. If there is a deity that wants to be known, it will need to reveal itself using something transhuman. What else could be considered evidence of a deity?

"He needs compelling evidence before believing. No messenger has offered compelling evidence of a deity by those standards
The " nones" can't play on the both sides of the wicket.
" On one hand they say that there should not be compulsion in the religion because of free will, and now one wants " compelling" evidence.
What compelling evidence one found in "none(ism)" that one jumped into it, please?

I don't know what that first clause beginning, "On one hand" means. I assume that noneism means atheism. Atheism requires no evidence. It is the lack of sufficient evidence for gods to justify belief in them combined with the requirement that an idea ought to be justified before being believed that justifies atheism.


Veteran Member
That not only doesn't answer any of my questions, but it again demonstrates the immorality of your God and belief system. Scapegoating your responsibilities onto someone else doesn't absolve you of your responsibility to the person you have wronged. And yet your belief system says that it does.

Why is a blood sacrifice moral? Well, because God says so! Oh okay, well that clears it all up. :rolleyes:

Come to think of it, you don't have a moral system at all. You're not actually exercising morality; you're just following orders.
Hilarious from someone whose system has no reason for any kind of morality.


Veteran Member
Hilarious from someone whose system has no reason for any kind of morality.
Morality is both biological and reasoned.

Of course morality is in the eye of the beholder. Do you think the Christians who tortured and burned people alive for witchcraft in the 17th century were following God's direct influence and advise, or that it was reasoned action?


Veteran Member
Who is your God, Rube Goldberg?

What a messy theology. Torture and human sacrifice, and then blame the people for it all?
The people are to blame for their actions, and I hope you would agree. If not you are endorsing every evil in history.
The truth is, we all choose evil at times. We all need redemption.


Veteran Member
The people are to blame for their actions, and I hope you would agree. If not you are endorsing every evil in history.
The truth is, we all choose evil at times. We all need redemption.
A&E were designed to fail. The Christian dogma says we humans inherited this sin from their failure. So sin isn't the fault of any human, but rather the system the Creator designed. To create a son and then torture/murder him to redeem the system God created is absurd. It fixed nothing. It wasn't necessary.


Veteran Member
Following a recipe in a cookbook has nothing to do with ethics or morality. Knowing how to cut hair has nothing to do with ethics or morality. Learning car repair has nothing to do with ethics or morality. Learning about religion might claim to do with ethics, morality, and spiritual aspects of life, but it might not offer any of it.

Good people tend to be good theists. Bad people tend to be bad theists. Religion won't make bad people good.
"Good" "Bad"

Kindly tell us as to what is good and what is bad and give compelling arguments to substantiate one's stance, please??
Also, kindly let us know one's compelling arguments or the Methodology one adopted that forced one to join one's now "none-ism", please. Right?

One may like to google for the denominations/types of Atheism, and others please::
  • 7 different types of non-believers | Salon.com
  • The six types of atheist | Andrew Brown | The Guardian
"Organized around skepticism toward organizations and united by a common belief that they do not believe, nones as a group are just as internally complex as many religions. And as with religions, these internal contradictions could keep new followers away."
The World's Newest Major Religion: No Religion

