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'Gay/trans panic' defense


I'm back!
"but if someone finds me attractive and is staring, i get creeped out."

Duh, who doesnt find that creepy?? whether it be a girl or a boy, i would freaked out too. staring? thats soo gross.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Bennettresearch said:
However, it is over-reaching to place the burden on others to accept homosexuality.
What does that have to do with not killing someone??
You cannot deny that a lot of homosexuals are predatory and aggressive, just like a lot of heterosexuals are.
So you're willing to condemn heterosexuals as well? Can you prove that "a lot" of homosexuals and heterosexuals are predatory and aggressive? It's been my experience with people that those who are predatory and aggressive are the minority of both groups. But maybe I just know a lot of nice people, both gay and straight.
Try being trapped by a homosexual sometime, I have been. I was giving him a cab ride and he started asking me how I was doing. I said just fine thanks. And he persued. No, how are you really doing? I said what do you want, my life story? He got very angry and upon being dropped of went inside and phoned in a complaint against me.

How is that being trapped by a homosexual? He asked you questions? How do you know he was homosexual? What kind of compliant did he file against you? And what in the world does this have to do with someone being murdered?!


Well-Known Member
Bennettresearch said:
However, it is over-reaching to place the burden on others to accept homosexuality. People have as much right to reject it as those who are sympathetic want to have it accepted as normal behavior. You cannot deny that a lot of homosexuals are predatory and aggressive, just like a lot of heterosexuals are.
Oh, so it's abnormal because they act much like any straight male! I see!

Try being trapped by a homosexual sometime, I have been. I was giving him a cab ride and he started asking me how I was doing. I said just fine thanks. And he persued. No, how are you really doing? I said what do you want, my life story? He got very angry and upon being dropped of went inside and phoned in a complaint against me.
Man, what a jerk. So, what else did you say to him? Well?

Huh? Of course I had this coming because I must be a homophobe right?
Are you? Hmm?

We all have to be careful about what we are saying or doing to whom and this includes everyone!!! Is it only OK to offend a white male heterosexual nowadays? Are we open game because we have no defense?
Nah. You just aren't treated like crap often enough to warrent anyone's sympathy. Not that you'd want to, of course.


I smell something....
Bennettresearch said:
A Hah! It is the Twinkie defense in disguise!!!
I am really having a hard time believing that you are serious in this post simply because you sound like an educated person in all of your other posts. Just on the off chance that you are, I will respond to your comments.

Bennettresearch said:
Assault and/or murder is not excusable. However, it is over-reaching to place the burden on others to accept homosexuality. People have as much right to reject it as those who are sympathetic want to have it accepted as normal behavior. You cannot deny that a lot of homosexuals are predatory and aggressive, just like a lot of heterosexuals are.
Then are you saying that it is o.k. to assault or murder because it is a burden on others to accept homosexuality? And are you saying that the reasoning behind this is because (ehem) a lot of homosexuals and heterosexuals are predatory and aggressive? If this is not what you are saying then why did you group these comments together. Your reasoning is quite confusing and lacking in rational thought if you are serious. And yes, I can deny that a lot of homosexuals and heterosexuals are predatory and aggressive as far as you have them contexted in this post.

Bennettresearch said:
Try being trapped by a homosexual sometime, I have been. I was giving him a cab ride and he started asking me how I was doing. I said just fine thanks. And he persued. No, how are you really doing? I said what do you want, my life story? He got very angry and upon being dropped of went inside and phoned in a complaint against me. Huh? Of course I had this coming because I must be a homophobe right?
It doesn't matter if the person was a homosexual or heterosexual. Remind me to not get a cab ride with you if I am ever in your neck of the woods. Golly gee! What if the person had told you to have a nice day. No, have a really nice day. :D

Bennettresearch said:
We all have to be careful about what we are saying or doing to whom and this includes everyone!!! Is it only OK to offend a white male heterosexual nowadays? Are we open game because we have no defense?
I really believe that the measure of a person is in their actions. Whether you are heterosexual person saying these comments towards a homosexual person or you are a homosexual person making these comments about a heterosexual person is irrelevant. A persons actions always leave a lasting impression. And in this case, your actions have spoken loudly.

The Black Whirlwind

Well-Known Member
yes, its quite enjoyable actually. you just have to make sure they dont see you doing it. no, it just, creeps me out. i had some encounters with a guy at my school who seemed and acted homosexual and one time started looking at my crouch in PE and said, "he he he, nice underwear." that guy really creeped me out.


Well-Known Member
Both my boyfriend and I have had to deal with agressive people because of his being Transgendered, and ONLY because he is Transgendered. We've had to deal with people trying to break us up (girls who went to school with him before the operation messaging me and saying things like "Your boyfriend's not ALL male... hehehe oops), trying to seemingly "spill the beans" on my boyfriend's transgenderedness, as if I wouldn't have already known.

We've had to put up with people agressively calling me a lesbian (as if that's a bad thing), or a "stupid dyke" because I'm with him. We've had to deal with guys (guys I don't even KNOW) telling him to stay away from me and go back to his "own kind" and guys wanting to beat him up because he uses the boys bathroom (which he damn well should). And all this SIMPLY because he was born female. He's NEVER done anything to bring about such behaviour. He doesn't hit on anyone, he doesn't even look at other people. One girl who bothered me about it, and who Noah went to school with, hadn't even spoken to him in 5 years. We just randomly saw her at the bar one night, and thinking that they left school on good terms (because they were never enemies or anything), Noah said Hi to her, and this commenced a long series of harrassment towards both Noah and I (directed moreso at me though).

So no, there are NO excuses, as I said earlier, for this kind of behaviour, and believe me, if Noah wasn't such a nice guy, and held me back on MANY occasions, a lot of these people would be walking around with a few less teeth, but he doesn't believe in violence at all, so I was forced to put the beer bottle back on the table AND leave the bar (forced by him, I should say, not by anyone else), many times.


Well-Known Member
TheJedi said:
yes, its quite enjoyable actually. you just have to make sure they dont see you doing it. no, it just, creeps me out. i had some encounters with a guy at my school who seemed and acted homosexual and one time started looking at my crouch in PE and said, "he he he, nice underwear." that guy really creeped me out.
:biglaugh:You ever find out for sure which way he swings?

The Black Whirlwind

Well-Known Member
no, he went to some prissy private school. i think it was because people were demonizing him for his homo behaviour. poor guy, he had it pretty bad. i was never mean to him though, he just creeped me out.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
A few of my friends in high school were teased so mercilessly for their orientation that they started becoming like the person you mentioned, Jedi. I wonder if this is a kind of pre-emptive self defense mechanism of some sort, or why it happens. I'm glad you weren't mean to him, yourself, though.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Join every woman ever to walk the Earth! *snickers* Let me guess: it makes you feel naked?
My philosiphy is, if the girl is well covered, she doesn't want attention, I will respect her and not stare or look that much. But if a girl has half, or all, of her breast hanging out, she is just asking to be stared at. Those kind of girls I will usually look at for a few seconds, or make several turns to get a look.

I'll admit, I have given some threats, and a few "warning blows" to gay men that have tried to touch me, either by putting thier arm around me or slapping me on the ***. (I punch straight football players alot harder when they try that) I am heterosexual, and the thought of me being with another guy is a nasty thought in my mind. I don't mind being around gay men, I just don't like them staring at me or trying to touch me. I understand that homosexuals are naturally drawn to members of the same sex, and I don't have a problem with that.


Wonder Woman
In general I find that tolerance towards and between women of differing sexual orientation is greater than that of men. Why is that? There are of course the occasional women that are creeped out by the thought of lesbians, but for the most part I find that women are more accepting of differences than men. I work with a couple lesbians at my job and the women there have no problem getting along...the majority of us even play-flirt with each other. But I can't help but wonder if an openly gay man were to start working there (small restaurant food court) how the other men there would respond.

I don't understand why homophobia seems so prevalent with men and much less with women. Most women I know, myself included, take it as a compliment and move on if another woman "makes a pass" at them. I simply say thanks and if there is genuine interest shown towards me I apologize and tell them I am sorry but straight. Why is that so hard for some men to do? Homosexuals aren't prowling for straight people. Why would they? Do straight people prowl for homosexuals in order to "bring them over to the other side"??? Please:areyoucra If a straight does that them shame on them.


Well-Known Member
Luke Wolf said:
I'll admit, I have given some threats, and a few "warning blows" to gay men that have tried to touch me, either by putting thier arm around me or slapping me on the ***. (I punch straight football players alot harder when they try that)
What? They could still walk properly? They were still able to speak without sounding like chipmunks? I give you credit for self-restraint.

I am heterosexual, and the thought of me being with another guy is a nasty thought in my mind.
And the thought of layin' a woman isn't the best thing for me when I'm already depressed.

I don't mind being around gay men, I just don't like them staring at me or trying to touch me.
Neither do I.


Well-Known Member
Draka said:
In general I find that tolerance towards and between women of differing sexual orientation is greater than that of men. Why is that? There are of course the occasional women that are creeped out by the thought of lesbians, but for the most part I find that women are more accepting of differences than men. I work with a couple lesbians at my job and the women there have no problem getting along...the majority of us even play-flirt with each other. But I can't help but wonder if an openly gay man were to start working there (small restaurant food court) how the other men there would respond.

I don't understand why homophobia seems so prevalent with men and much less with women. Most women I know, myself included, take it as a compliment and move on if another woman "makes a pass" at them. I simply say thanks and if there is genuine interest shown towards me I apologize and tell them I am sorry but straight. Why is that so hard for some men to do? Homosexuals aren't prowling for straight people. Why would they? Do straight people prowl for homosexuals in order to "bring them over to the other side"??? Please:areyoucra If a straight does that them shame on them.
Some men tend to look upon women as objects and innocently assume that gay men behave similarly. Naturally, this leaves them feeling disturbed.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
What? They could still walk properly? They were still able to speak without sounding like chipmunks? I give you credit for self-restraint.
Well, I did make the high school football team's quaterback have a really sore arm. It just happened to be his throwing arm. I never did understand why football players do that.


A fool
Its a stupid stupid excuse.

However, it is also stupid to tell somebody your gender after having sex with them. It is irresponsible and could be hurtful to the other person. No way justifies any sort of retribution on their part of course.

I'll admit, I have given some threats, and a few "warning blows" to gay men that have tried to touch me, either by putting thier arm around me or slapping me on the ***. (I punch straight football players alot harder when they try that) I am heterosexual, and the thought of me being with another guy is a nasty thought in my mind.
If you put your arm around a girl you asked and she asked you politely to remove it would you do so or would you force her to result to punching you before you did so? Sorry it just seems like a weird reaction to have especially when, assumedly, the other person is not aware that you have a problem with such a thing and does not wish to harm you in any way.


I smell something....
Luke Wolf said:
My philosiphy is, if the girl is well covered, she doesn't want attention, I will respect her and not stare or look that much. But if a girl has half, or all, of her breast hanging out, she is just asking to be stared at. Those kind of girls I will usually look at for a few seconds, or make several turns to get a look.
I agree with you on that point. On the other hand, any guy who says a woman deserved to get raped because of the way she dressed is a sick twisted freak. I must live in a breast repressed area, or at least I used to. I did go to a local bar the other night and the reoccurring theme was booby.:D

Luke Wolf said:
I'll admit, I have given some threats, and a few "warning blows" to gay men that have tried to touch me, either by putting thier arm around me or slapping me on the ***. (I punch straight football players alot harder when they try that) I am heterosexual, and the thought of me being with another guy is a nasty thought in my mind. I don't mind being around gay men, I just don't like them staring at me or trying to touch me. I understand that homosexuals are naturally drawn to members of the same sex, and I don't have a problem with that.
Maybe I am not attractive to gay men because I have never had a gay man try to touch me in an inapropriate way. Now I don't think that a gay man putting his arm around you is a major threat to your manhood. If he was trying to jam his tounge in your ear at the same time, that would be a problem. Would you have a problem if a straight buddy of yours put his arm around your shoulders in a buddy kind of jesture?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
If you put your arm around a girl you asked and she asked you politely to remove it would you do so or would you force her to result to punching you before you did so
I wouldn't just walk up to some girl and put my arm around her. I would expect to get a good slap on the face if I did.

Would you have a problem if a straight buddy of yours put his arm around your shoulders in a buddy kind of jesture?
Non of my friends have ever done that, so I couldn't tell you. Because non of of my friends do that, it would be weird.
Actually, its been 2 or 3 years since anyone has even given me a hug (from a girl I was somewhat close with), so its wierd if anyone gets close to me without the intentions of slaming me on the canvas of a wrestling ring. So I might have a 'people' panick if someone tries to get close to me.


Well-Known Member
Umm...you guys, this fellow's talkin' about truly blatant sexual advances. If you so much as happen to brush up against some women the wrong way, you get your jaw knocked out of line. It generally isn't wise to slap a woman on the behind if there is a special reason that you need to be able to walk properly for the following month. Trust me: there's nothing at all out of line about Luke's reaction. That's pretty much my reaction to getting that sort of treatment from anyone other than my mate, male, female, or non-human.


A fool
Umm...you guys, this fellow's talkin' about truly blatant sexual advances. If you so much as happen to brush up against some women the wrong way, you get your jaw knocked out of line. It generally isn't wise to slap a woman on the behind if there is a special reason that you need to be able to walk properly for the following month. Trust me: there's nothing at all out of line about Luke's reaction. That's pretty much my reaction to getting that sort of treatment from anyone other than my mate, male, female, or non-human.
Not saying there is anything wrong or out of line about it. Simply that my reaction would be completely different. In fact violence wouldn't even occur to me (unless, for example, they slapped me on the *** too hard and it hurt). I am fully aware that violence is deemed acceptable in these situations; I simply cannot understand why.

It seems unproductive. If I put my arm around somebody, for example, and they kicked me in the balls, my triggered response would be to hurt them as much as possible. Therefore, I cannot expect another person to act differently so I dont kick em in the balls.