'God', is a name, when written without specification, thusly, 'the g- d Thor', that isn't a name of Thor, it is a description of what Thor, is, as relating to that word. The name, title, and word, god, thusly, is contextual. Without specification, the name G- d, is written contextually, for the name 'Elohim', in
Genesis 1:26.
A more direct interpretation of John 1:1 would be,
In the beginning, was the word[Jesus in Spirit form, the word[Jesus in Spirit form, was with God[one of the God names, and the word[Jesus in Spirit form, was God.
Contextually, as God manifests as Jesus, therefore if we believe
Genesis 1:26
To be literal, then 'Jesus talking to angels', makes perfect sense. As does, 'God talking to angels'.