But you do want to clean poop out of a healing wound?
Have you seen it? It's not much of a wound.
Not really. At best, he'll have a decrease in sensitivity later in life (not to mention a painful experience in the circumcision and recovery). At worst, you're exposing him to risk of infection and complications.
Not if the procedure is done properly and there ARE benefits to circumcision - his risk of penile cancer is significantly decreased. He is at lesser risk for UTI infection and yeast infection. Not to mention those religious reasons that people do have the right to observe, whether you agree with it or not. Going back to the OP, male circumcision doesn't compare to the mutilation of female genitalia that occurs. You can't compare the two.
Wound care for circumcision is fairly simplistic as is care for the umbilical chord. The wound heals rather quickly. Dear lord, the penis produces urine, which is sterile. And there is no longer that flab of skin, which harbors additional bacteria and warmth - a breeding ground for bacteria and yeast.
You've made up your mind on this issue and I respect that. But, good parents are going to listen to their pediatrician and weigh the pros and cons of the procedure and make an informed decision. If I felt for a moment after an examination of my son, that he would be in danger of complications, I wouldn't put him in harms way.
I don't have the link handy, but I've read studies that show that the risk of complications increases dramatically if circumcision is done before 30 days of age.
Again, in the US, circumcision is usually completed before Mom and baby are released from the hospital. I have C-sections. Therefore, if I delivered a baby boy, the procedure would be complete before day four, post delivery. If there were complications or concerns that prohibited the procedure being done by this point, we wouldn't have it done.
And I might've grown to like it if my parents had tattooed me when I was a week old. How is this relevant?
Nevermind. My failed attempt at humor.
It's not "extra" skin; it's skin. It protects the glans. And it doesn't get stinky or "gross" if you wash it properly, which hopefully any parent would do with their infant, circumcised or not.
Yes, boys and men get stinky and gross. Dudes, don't kid yourselves. At all ages, mankind have gross moments.
Depends on the culture they grow up in, probably.
I seriously don't get men, then.
We could say the same thing about earlobes. They're just "extra skin"; would a parent be right to just have their kid's earlobes chopped off? If they grew up in a society where the practice was common, they might not even mind. Would that make it okay?
This isn't comparable. Circumcision started as a religious practice that has proven health benefits as well. There are pros and cons to it. Ultimately, parents can decide whether or not their child undergoes the procedure. And a good parent will weigh the pros and cons.
You're not acknowledging at all that there are benefits of circumcision and that infants grow to be adult men without recollection of the procedure and without adverse effects. And in fact, some men look at their penises and when comparing them to uncircumsized penises are thankful that they are circumsized.
I've never met at man who is circumsized that wished he wasn't. And I ask these sorts of questions, because I'm a very odd girl.