Why should atheism delimit understanding? I certainly do not believe that to be true in my case.The downside of being an atheist is that, at last in my case, my understanding of religion is fairly limited.
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Why should atheism delimit understanding? I certainly do not believe that to be true in my case.The downside of being an atheist is that, at last in my case, my understanding of religion is fairly limited.
No, no, no, no. Remember as brother Shaul stated ..
Rom 2:14 For whenever Nations, who have no Torah, do naturally what the Torah requires, then these, even though they don't have Torah, for themselves are Torah!
Rom 2:15 For their lives show that the conduct the Torah dictates is written in their hearts. Their consciences also bear witness to this, for their conflicting thoughts sometimes accuse them and sometimes defend them.
The term beast I used was meant in a very broad sense of the word. We are as the beast of the field if we do not follow after the will of Yah. Actually we are worse because we do not do as we were created to do. The animals do better than we do at times because who could ever say that the monkey didnt do as monkeys do. He does as he is created. Man was created for a purpose and duty. That was to obey Elohim. If we do by nature that which is against Torah then we are literally worse than a beast for a beast will be as it is created, a beast. Do you follow?
Of course it does. Its a terrible and sad thing to see anyone suffer or die but thats where it ends. There are reasons behind the madness. What was the reason behind the deaths? It is written as much as was known about it and pretty much we see that it was thus commanded unto the son of Yisrael by Elohim to do the act. That is all I require to know that it was enough for Elohim to command such it is enough for me to know that it was right.
In my understanding and faith it does. All you can do is either sit back and wait to see if it does come true or start working towards a true path of understanding for the fulfillment of a just reward.
I see your point and as to my understanding I agree that this so called christianity, among other sects of understanding, have taken it way beyond the bounds of what really is to be. Even judaism as it is now is but a speck of what was intended at Mt. Sinai. All have added to and taken away so much that nothing almost remains of that true intent. Bits and pieces are left for the few of us that work so diligently to piece back together to show that true light which once wielded its glorious wisdom and knowledge amongst those who loved Yah with all of their minds and all of themselves.
I have rather enjoyed having this discussion with you thus far and hope that if your intentions are as honorable as they seem that you take a look at the information on the website at my sig. There is a wealth of information there as well as the links attached there. Warning though, you will need to be diligent with plenty of time to take in all that is there. Read and listen to all with an open mind and we encourage you to do your own research to search out for yourself what is being taught. Remember, it isnt church. Enjoy and get back to me. I will be more than happy to answer your questions as to the best of my ability as long as it is as it has been thus far.
Why should atheism delimit understanding? I certainly do not believe that to be true in my case.
It is not a matter of understanding, it is a matter of perspective on the roll of the parent. To me that is of a guardian and protector, and as such they cannot do anything, because they would not be doing their job properly. This is partly why the interest of abused children are more important then the interest of their abusing parents. The other part of this reason is that even a parent is under morality.
If that is what you believe, so be it. I do not share your faith, even though I respect your right to have it. Never the less, it would have been much better if more people had disobeyed Hitler. Fact is we could need more people to disobey and refuse to participate in crimes and atrocities. We have also evolved a lot faster and now that we challenge ideas rather then having blind faith.
I have yet to see a reason for that. Also note that this is a central aspect of my philosophy. There is a reason for everything.
And you got a point. Fear is a very strong emotion, I know that very well myself, and I have no idea how I actually would react in a life or death situation. But I prefer to try and believe in myself. Beyond that, fear is not a good basis for faith.
You cannot say that without knowing the stories. It is not a matter of just any stories, it is true stories of extreme abuse. Only someone with a very cold heart can say the parents matter more then the children in these cases. Fortunatly they are rare.
Not saying that we should end it, maybe find a way to change the direction where we do not say the same things again and again
. Besides, you
So basically it is not a matter of actual fear as much as reverence?
And to explain why I asked the question....
For me the word fear means fear. So when someone tells me about "God fearing men" or whatever, I see people scared of their deity. But if their deity is all that good, loving and all, why would they fear him? Why be scared, if you are of the "right faith" (according to your own beliefs, that is)? I am saying this not to question your faith or beliefs, but to express why I asked the question. I take words quite literally, fear means... fear to me.
In a way. I have yet questions left before I will understand. The downside of being an atheist is that, at last in my case, my understanding of religion is fairly limited. So I must ask before I can understand.
Not really. If a beast is someone who does not follow the will of your deity, the term automatically and by definition makes people beasts with little or no regard for their character or person. I could understand if we talked about murderers or rapists, but can really a Bhuddist who lives his life according to the teachings of his religion and has good moral values (from a Buddhist perspective) be a beast? Or an atheist as me, who try to be a good person? None of us actually follow the teachings you follow, or the will of the deity in your religion, but we do not do what a best actually would do... depending on your definition of the term beast.
Why does it end there?
Actually no. Faith does not deal with knowlage. No amount of faith will make me fly (please not that this is not directed against your faith, but is marely an illustration about that faith does not make it so).
Problem with me is that I have a very short attention span, so I may not be able to read much. Can take a look at it, though. Anyway, if you wish to understand my perspective on the universe I would suggest this youtube series:
YouTube - 1 -- History of the Universe Made Easy (Part 1)
It pretty much explains how I view the world (since I view it though science).
LOL. Oh you’re bad. LOL
Lol, it was about midnight to 3 am when I wrote that... not sure exactly when. Atheist or theist, being tired makes you make mistakes .
This is so cute. You've said you will no longer talk to me. Now you will just talk about me? Your ideas of what is rude are screwed.Sandy prefers to hold on to his fantasy that massacring an entire tribe does not meet his personal technical definition of genocide, all the while refusing to answer any questions that might disabuse him of this misconception. Whatever it takes to maintain his religious beliefs, I guess.
Sandy also maintains that the babies were killed not for being Amalekite, but for something horrible that they did before their first birthday. When asked what on earth these little babies could possibly have done to merit capital punishment, he again declines to respond.
Somehow one suspects that were Sandy an Amalekite, he'd see it differently. Like many religionists, Sandy suffers from an inability to sympathize with people from outside his tribe.
I'm not sure if killing your cousins qualifies as genocide. The Amalekites are neither a cultural of political group. It might be possible to loosely define them as a culutral group except they were not the only nomads in the Negev. Perhaps it's closer to fratricide yet I don't think the action falls under either category.
I doubt that the Israelites were ever a distinct ethnic group. Like the Canaanites, Nabateans, Amalekites, and residents of all of the cities savagely attacked in the Old Testament, all of these people were Amorites ethnically. They were a Semitic People who spoke a group of Semitic Languages from a branch of Old Arabian. The so-called Jews in Egypt were mainly Amorites plus some Arabs, Aramaeans, and Assyrians with possible relationship to the mysterious Semitic Hyksos who conquered Egypt.
So the Semites led out of Egypt by Moses are of unknown ethnicity. Some were Amorites the main ethnic core of Palestinians and pre-70 AD Jews. But I suspect that they were really a motly group of Hamites, Nubians, Berbers from the west, and even native Egyptians (Copts) who for some reason found themselves at the bottom of the social order.
Moses himself is of unknown Semitic ethnicity. He may well have been an Egyptian or an Egyptian-Semite mix. He imposed the Monotheistic Religion founded on the one God Aten the Solar Disc. He devised the dogma and mythology from older tales he heard from other groups in Egypt. When he led them out across Sinai, he need to unify them into a new nation of his design. He killed 3000 of them for worshipping a golden calf because he need for them to have oppressive submission to the god Moses invented, JHWY.
Over time they probably did become more or less merged into an Ethnic or cultural group, more cultural than ethnic. They differed little in appearance and perhaps language from the other Amorites or Canaanites whom they conquered.
I further doubt that they really murdered all of the Canaanites. That was just the bragging of savage barbarians of the Bronze Age. More likely they conquerred the cities and intermarried with the women they enslaved. They possibly did destroy city life because like all nomad savages they despised settled agriculturalists. It took centuries for this Ethnic porridge to merge into a cohesive Israelite Nation. They later added the Philistines, and still later added Macedonians and Greeks from the Ptolomaic and Seleucid Kingdom's occupation.
Modern Israel has all of those ethnic inputs plus a large input of North and East European genes giving them the frequent red hair, blue eyes, flat or straight noses, and thinner lips of European admixtures.
The irony is that in propaganda posters and films made in Israel, the good guys are the ones who look the most European while the evil Palestinian terrorists are the ones who look like the Jews who dispersed in the Diaspora after 73 AD.
You need to study your Biblical geneologies a little more thouroughly.I doubt that the Israelites were ever a distinct ethnic group. Like the Canaanites, Nabateans, Amalekites...
No offence taken. I place the same standards on everyone, otherwise they would not be proper standards. Abuse your kids and you should not be a parent, because you are not doing your job and you are hurting the kid in an unacceptable way in the process.And as far as abused children here on earth by their earthly parents I agree. I just disagree, no offence, with putting the same standards on one that said standards cannot apply to.
I don´t think you say anything against my understanding, you are explaining yours. I may disagree with them, for example I do not think a one should rely to much on books (even if they are religious writings, such as the Bible). But your reasons are your reasons, and you are entitled to them... just as I am entitled to think what I want about them .Yes I agree and believe that there is a reason for everything. I understand the bible to be good and a way to live. There is not a thing within its pages that I do not disagree with when it comes to Yah my Elohim and his word. That being said, the reasons I have are thus written ..
Isa 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith Yah.
Isa 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
This shows me that his understanding is higher than that of man which he btw created from dirt. I also see my purpose in life as simply as .
Ecc 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: reverence Elohim, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
This, to me, is enough reasons for what I so stated. Again, nothing against you or your understanding, but it is my understanding and way of life.
That would depend on what you believe in. Someone who do not believe in eternal life cannot fear getting rid of it if they do not act morally. Also I am not sure if anyone "should" fear anything... not saying everyone should be fearless, I would be a huge hypocrite if I did, I just do not advocate fear.No fear is not a good basis for faith. I rather base my faith on what is written as to what I might expect if I obey Elohims righteous words through his Torah (instruction). It is so stated that if we obey we might obtain eternal life where there be no more death or hunger. What a wonderful thing to look forward to and all that is expected of us to obtain such a thing is to obey what is right and just for all of mankind to live by. The torah is not a bad thing. It is a way of life. It is an instruction manual for us to go by to teach us how to live with love to Yah and for each other. The only fear should be for those who practice disobedience. Not that one might slip up once in a while. That happens and will continue to happen. What matters is one not practice doing wrong. Those who do should have fear by my understanding. They should fear that they will cease to exist and lose their reward of eternal life.
Abuse is never a matter of punishment, especially not in the cases I am thinking of (some people are just bad people, and their children suffer because of that). And to be honest there is no positive thing about abuse.In the case of abuse I agree with you as far as man is of concern. But as for my understanding of Elohim if he so saw fit to punish one severely then I see it as right. I see it as there has to be a reason for it. I just might not see it but there must be a reason. I dont see Elohim punishing anyone without a reason. There his reasons and we cannot read his mind so I have to go on faith that his reasons are good and right. I have no other explanation. To say that he is wrong and his actions are wrong can be played and toyed with in the same way. How do you know? What proof do you have that they are wrong or not right? One way is a positive and the other a negative. Where it comes to Yah, no offence, I tend to look at the positive side of things.
Lol, I may if I remember.On a side note. You used the word fortunately in your reply. Do you know where that word was so derived? It belongs to giving ones fate into the pagan deities Fortunas hands. Look her up. She had the wheel of fortune long before the game show on TV.
Ok. Thanks for clearing that up .Correct
I know I propobly missunderstood, which is why the first thing I did was to answer your question if I did understand with that I did not really do it .No. I believe you misunderstood what I was trying to convey. As Rom 2:14-15 stated if you do what is right which is written in the Torah then you are doing the Torah whether you are one who believes in it or not.
I will tell you this. There will be those of every understanding in the world who will make it into kingdom. Just because your understanding is not the same as mine doesnt mean that you wont make it. There will be those who practice satanism, buddhism, islam, christianity, judaism, hinduism, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. that will make it. (if I didnt mention your believe please forgive me for no offence was ever intended.) All have the ability of doing what is written in the Torah whether it be that which is good or that of bad. No one understanding has the monopoly on such things. Its just it all began in the beginning with those that disobeyed that which was Torah and started the big ball a rolling.
Actually I do not know that, lol. My parents chose a different path, a path that has proven to work without physical punishment. Anyway, we are talking about babies. Babies cannot do anything serious enough to justify murder.Because as much as my flesh cries out for their punishment or demise my understanding is that they disobeyed Elohim and is getting what they deserved in his eyes. You know its kinda like if you had a brother or sister that did something against your parents wishes and they got their backside tore up. You hated to see them get it but at the same time you knew they asked for it. You also understood that if you did the same thing that the same or worse might befall you as well.
Nor does it try. Knowledge has to do with truth, faith has to do with belief. One cannot know that ones deity exists, it is a matter of faith. I can´t know that your deity does not exist either, I have just not seen anything that would make me believe, so I do not believe in him. Not saying I am better then you or something, just explaining why I see a difference.Knowledge in and of itself will not make you fly either. There has to be some sort of work for that to actually happen. Faith in as much as the knowledge of Elohim by way of being exposed to certain stimuli, be it reading the bible or listening to someone teach about him, does began a work that will, with enough due diligence, transform the mind of one into a more perfect being that may obtain enough light to gain acceptance into the kingdom. No offence to you or your understanding, but it is of my understanding that knowledge and faith go hand in hand. Thus as it is written .
Rom 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing (thus gaining the knowledge of), and hearing by the word of Elohim.
Why should atheism delimit understanding? I certainly do not believe that to be true in my case.
You need to study your Biblical geneologies a little more thouroughly.
That would depend on what you believe in. Someone who do not believe in eternal life cannot fear getting rid of it if they do not act morally. Also I am not sure if anyone "should" fear anything... not saying everyone should be fearless, I would be a huge hypocrite if I did, I just do not advocate fear.
And as a note I am not saying that the torah is a bad thing (or a good thing for that matter). I have not read it after all, and I have religious friends that are good people. It is my firm belief that no religion by itself is dangerous or bad, it is a matter of the interpretations of its followers.
Abuse is never a matter of punishment, especially not in the cases I am thinking of (some people are just bad people, and their children suffer because of that). And to be honest there is no positive thing about abuse.
Basically you mean that if the actions are according to the moral teachings of your religion, they are not the "beast" you speak of? If so, where is the line drawn? The reason I ask is because there are always variations, so to speak. How large can the variations be before we are "beasts"? Or am I on the wrong track?
Actually I do not know that, lol. My parents chose a different path, a path that has proven to work without physical punishment.
Anyway, we are talking about babies. Babies cannot do anything serious enough to justify murder.
Nor does it try. Knowledge has to do with truth, faith has to do with belief. One cannot know that ones deity exists, it is a matter of faith. I can´t know that your deity does not exist either, I have just not seen anything that would make me believe, so I do not believe in him. Not saying I am better then you or something, just explaining why I see a difference.
You missed my other post where I explained why I felt that way .I am an Atheist but I do not think that it limits my understanding of religion. Atheism is just the term indicating that I have no belief in gods. It is not about what or how I believe. The lack of faith in gods, demons, and supernatural or superstitious things perhaps frees my mind understanding religion than those who are actually religious. Religious memes do alter the way the brain works. Religion is belief in non-rational ideas. It forces the brain's sceptical programmes to get weak in weeding out the irrational or superstitious. Atheists should not be so impaired. Our rational networks can freely analyse information and freely reject what does not make sense.
You are obviously on a computer so let me make this easy for you: JewishEncyclopedia.com - AMALEK, AMALEKITES.I can't find the only Bible I have that I bought from a used book store 20 years ago. I do not basic history.