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George W. Bush, war criminal

  • Thread starter angellous_evangellous
  • Start date

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
No one following New Testament instruction can be a terrorist. It is contrary to Christian instruction. There may be zealots terrorists who fly under the Christian flag, but they are not following the teachings of Christ. Therefore they are not Christian.

And many Muslims would say the same about extremists in their religion


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
No one following New Testament instruction can be a terrorist. It is contrary to Christian instruction. There may be zealots terrorists who fly under the Christian flag, but they are not following the teachings of Christ. Therefore they are not Christian.

You take responsibility for convincing them before they act, then.


Then stop appealing to the masses for credibility.

People need to be aware of such facts. In order to let them know, one must appeal to the people to listen. Imparting information does not equal an appeal for credibility. The problem I see here is that you seem more willing to argue than to debate.


Well-Known Member
People need to be aware of such facts. In order to let them know, one must appeal to the people to listen. Imparting information does not equal an appeal for credibility. The problem I see here is that you seem more willing to argue than to debate.

appealing to ones peers for credibility is a lame attempt to bribe the conscience.


dmgdnooc said:
GWB a war criminal?
(And don't forget his lackeys and toadies, and handlers and minders)
If the invasion of Afghanistan was illegal, then yes.
HRW: Legal Issues Arising from the War in Afghanistan and Related Anti-Terrorism Efforts
If the invasion of Iraq was illegal, then yes.
Legality of the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If the military campaign was directed at the Iraqi society, then yes.
'Shutting the country down would entail both the physical
destruction of appropriate infrastructure and the shutdown and
control of the flow of all vital information and associated commerce
so rapidly as to achieve a level of national shock akin to
the effect that dropping nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki had on the Japanese.'
'The intent here is to impose a regime of Shock and Awe
through delivery of instant, nearly incomprehensible levels of
massive destruction directed at influencing society writ large,
meaning its leadership and public, rather than targeting
directly against military or strategic objectives even with relatively
few numbers or systems. The employment of this capability
against society and its values, called "counter-value" in the
nuclear deterrent jargon, is massively destructive, strikes
directly at the public will of the adversary to resist, and ideally
or theoretically, would instantly or quickly incapacitate that will
over the space of a few hours or days.'
If the use of torture was authorised, then yes.
American Torture - An Overview of American Torture in the War on Terror
If GWB is responsible for his actions. then yes.
But he's not responsible, he's a victim of bad advice.
The Leader was mis-led, don't cha know?

Thanks for the links nooc, very informative.


godless wonder
No one following New Testament instruction can be a terrorist. It is contrary to Christian instruction. There may be zealots terrorists who fly under the Christian flag, but they are not following the teachings of Christ. Therefore they are not Christian.
And the same can be said of Islam or other religions. Quit picking your arguments and readdress the OP.


godless wonder
I am not here because I am troubled, I am here to reason truth.
Here's the truth: You don't follow christ teachings with the jibberish you spew about the Muslim religion. You can sense the hate. And that ain't what your religion is supposed to portray. Truth hurts huh?


Active Member
In one way, yes. The people who attacked the World Trade Centre died in the attack. People do tend to stop doing things when they die.

However, even if you're talking about Al Qaeda in general, the extra-judicial detentions and torture of inmates at GITMO did not do anything to "break up their little gang of thugs". If anything, it was useful to Al Qaeda as a piece of emotional propaganda and a recruitment tool.

I agree with yo Penguin. We should wait until the trrotist all kill themselves. That will put an end to terrorist. There are plenty of towers in this country that could be destroyed. There is Chicago, Atlanta, San Fransisco, etc.It should only take about 20 or 30 years for them to run out of suicide bombers. I really like you game Plan. GITMO, we could turn all those guys lose on the main land and eventually the red necks here would kill the terrorist and to make sure the terrorist are free to do as much damage as possible, we can take all the guns away from the red necks and pay the trrrorist for their hard work. Good plan, I think all common sense Americans will go for it.


I agree with yo Penguin. We should wait until the trrotist all kill themselves. That will put an end to terrorist. There are plenty of towers in this country that could be destroyed. There is Chicago, Atlanta, San Fransisco, etc.It should only take about 20 or 30 years for them to run out of suicide bombers. I really like you game Plan. GITMO, we could turn all those guys lose on the main land and eventually the red necks here would kill the terrorist and to make sure the terrorist are free to do as much damage as possible, we can take all the guns away from the red necks and pay the trrrorist for their hard work. Good plan, I think all common sense Americans will go for it.

So much sarcasm here it's a wonder that this post doesn't just slide off the page.


I agree with yo Penguin. We should wait until the trrotist all kill themselves. That will put an end to terrorist. There are plenty of towers in this country that could be destroyed. There is Chicago, Atlanta, San Fransisco, etc.It should only take about 20 or 30 years for them to run out of suicide bombers. I really like you game Plan. GITMO, we could turn all those guys lose on the main land and eventually the red necks here would kill the terrorist and to make sure the terrorist are free to do as much damage as possible, we can take all the guns away from the red necks and pay the trrrorist for their hard work. Good plan, I think all common sense Americans will go for it.

Here's a novel idea: Why don't we leave other countries alone, and clean up our own back yard?!?! We have enough problems here to hold our full attention for years to come, so why do we feel the need to meddle in the sociopolitical makeup of other countries! If we let people live the way they want to in other countries, and strop trying to remake their culture in our own image, we might find that less of them hate us, and we might have a much-reduced terrorist threat!


Active Member
Where's Bin Laden?

Illegal immoral insane activities like torture, extraordinary rendition and civilian death are doing more to confirm the US as oppressor, bogeyman and enemy of humanity than any of their opponents could dream of.

Seems to me that US policy is the #1 recruiter for enemies against itself.

(Given history I suppose it shouldn't be but...) It's bizarre that large portions of a safe rich country stand behind civilian death, mistreatment, oppression and misery in a farcical defence of their own 'freedom'.

That's right brother! The USA is so bad that people are knocking the border down to get out of here. Torture is so prevalent that it is not safe to go to vote. If we don't wake up to the evils of our leaders, we will never be like the USSR, Red China and North Korea. Now these are great examples of people that know how to live. Just look how good they are to their people! If the USA does not change its ways, it will never get the radicals who want freedom to immigrate to the good old USA. When I think of all the better places in the world to live, raise a family and work, it just makes me sick to be a citizen of the USA. Bull ****!