And your bottom-most post perfectly fits your top-most claim and that of your entire Baha'i mythology.
Do you always go around insulting yourself and your beliefs?
When a human owns an experience, then the human is living, is experiencing then tries to document information in the expressive reasoning of gaining advice.
Now I am living as a newly born baby, just the same as all of you are. You get told ancient stories. Then next moment your own self is in an experience, which you relate is likened to past shared human advice/information. And you document it.
How is that being wrong, as a human?
If the scientist self, the liars in human life with fake/artificial machines claiming self is the inventor Creator of God by spatial expansion themes. Which a science self with machine activates the point of their designer conversion is that very moment. Radiating space, to own the gain of a power of God he says. Taken from the mass of the planet.
And today he wants to argue about what a human felt, expressed and realised as a NON scientist, without scientific design wisdom, but is changed/attacked and then is teaching everyone? For it was real.
If science ignored their own information that they caused/activated the Earth into a huge reactive release of its owned power/combustion underground and sink hole gain.....for they do ignore relevant advice and it was proven. What would be further proof that science never owned God? You know brothers O the Earth mass and what it naturally does itself, that you never wanted. Life destruction?
So if you were not owner of any form of scientific machine or reaction and then get similarly attacked and advised in a natural Earth release O God the one planet and then write about it. It then becomes historic male human proof that science is a liar and they never owned what the natural planet did. As the evidence.
Why it was preached in a spiritual group and maintained as evidence and advice against science. For science was the only human liar. When a human mind/chemical brain is attacked, then what it expresses is a personal human experience advice. Awareness.
The history quotes before Jesus the event that wandering asteroid stone was being released from owning its highest God presence, stone, and the gases filled back in the mantle between a radiating sun and Planet Earth. As its protective cloak or cloth. As scientific advice that is male science advice.
Which proves that Earth kept releasing its own ground radiation and fusion mass into radiation blasts. A condition no scientist controls.