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God and his hatred of homosexuality


Active Member
I know some Christians like to play with the term "word"; capitalize it and infuse it with some other-worldly, god sanctified meaning, but believe me, to we outsiders it come across as self-serving, meaningless, hokum. You may delight in tagging it with mystical nuances, but to others it's a pure perversion of the word.

Do you really think anyone but the choir cares about any of this? We don't. Take this as a friendly hint.

By "we", are you the groups spokesman? Do you speak for everyone now?

If you don't like it, don't read it and move on. It's not intended for you.

Isn't this a "religious" forum? Or is only your religion the acceptable one to discuss? This view is just as closed minded as the very Christians you hate.


New Member
They don't have to. That's literally what I just said in the post you quoted.
No one has to do anything, I don't have to abstain from alcohol or cigarettes but I do because I want too. It's the same for homosexuals, If they want too then they should and if they don't want to then they shouldn't. It's personal and between them and God, I personally couldn't care less what they choose though and I don't judge them for anything.

But if I want to be close to God I have to be celibate?


Active Member
The Bible says that god really hates those who commit homosexual acts.

Lev. 20:13:
"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

Rom. 1:26-27
"For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even
their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise alsothe men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. "

And that's one harsh judgment: death and all. But as has been argued time and again here on RF, god doesn't necessarily hate the homosexual, just the physical intimacy (s)he shares with those of the same sex. Acknowledging this is correct---I see no reason to contest the point--- why would god be against such intimacy? Evidently he doesn't care that those of the same sex love each other, just as men and women love each other, or even that they desire and yearn for one another. Just don't go shedding your tunics and loincloths, and start rubbing up against one another. God, then, seems to have no trouble with homosexuals sharing any of emotions that occur between men and women. "Go ahead and covet your bro, just don't take it any further."

The crux of god's fury then is physical intimacy between those of the same sex: the touching of another's body for sexual gratification, in whole or in part. In as much as god endowed almost all of humanity with sexual desire; and even when apart of from the purpose of procreation he doesn't regard sexual intimacy as a no-no, I have to conclude that this isn't a bad thing in of itself. In fact, sexual gratification is a good thing! :) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . except among those of the same sex. :( So, it comes down to the actual acts of touching pee-pees or pearl diving themselves, not the purpose or outcome itself that's god's problem (god still smiles down upon sexual gratification). His problem is that a specif part of one body touches a specific part of another body. Parts, all of which he approved of when they were first designed.

So, *sigh* god

1. approves of all our body parts
2. approves of sexual gratification
3. approves of people of the same sex loving one another
4. disapproves of people of the same sex lovingly obtaining sexual gratification among themselves with their approved body parts.
Therefore, I'm asking if anyone has any idea of what is so inherently bad about touching pee-pees or pearl diving that it's worth killing someone over? Just think of how innocuous homosexual acts are (no less so than those engaged in by heterosexuals). On the other hand, a man can play in the sandbox and god's just fine with it, but if a woman dare do the same, she had better start packing for hell. And, a woman can lay some lip, but a man had better keep his mouth shut.

Looked at rationally, I just can't make any sense of it. It's almost as if god randomly decided---no reasoning involved--- "Some people are going to desire those of the same sex much more than those of the opposite sex, which is just fine. And while there's nothing wrong with attaining sexual gratification if two people are of the opposite sex, this will be prohibited of people of the same. Why? Because I don't like it, that's why. And that's that!"

Now, I know that some say that trying to divine god's ways is impossible, in which case you people may be excused from participating here. But for those who do defend god and his ways by seeking to explain them, I welcome your input.

(Assuming I am speaking to Bible-believers)

In the truest form of the law, all physical human sex (in the flesh) is SIN! Both heterosexual and homosexual. In SIN MY MOTHER CONCEIVED ME. Psalm 51:5. This speaks for EVERY HUMAN that ever lived. It makes no real difference because God is going to TOAST all natural bodies (and this entire world) anyway and make it all new including all our bodies. We will no longer desire the things he doesn't want us to have.

Our true (and sinless) birth is the SECOND one when God himself births us spiritually. John 3:3, 1 Cor 1:30

The religious people ("Christian" teachers) forget that under the law ALL THINGS man does IS SIN! Man can't do ANYTHING RIGHTEOUS, not ONE THING! Even sex with our married (human) wife is sin as the LAW DEFINES IT!

How can this be? Because TRUE sex is spiritual and not "natural" of the flesh. True sex is the spiritual union of our spirit with God himself. The (human) sex we talk about is "shadow" (law) realm sex. All things in the shadow realm or under the law is sin. Do we not know that is why our bodies are (spiritually) dead and WILL die? Romans 8:10 God really doesn't care what corpses do, does he?

The truth is this: man has NOT ONE SINGLE GRAM of righteousness under the law (old covenant).

But, PRAISE GOD we are now under the NEW covenant (for those that can believe it) and it is NOW UP TO HIM to change our behaviors in our "dead body" if he doesn't like them. WE NEED TO SHUT THE F*** up about behaviors of others and stop condemning them. Instead, we need to tell them how much God loves them and accepts them JUST LIKE THEY ARE no matter what "behaviors" they exhibit. Our body truly is a living sacrifice, a burnt offering to God. A death. This is true for all of us and HE will make any changes in them (and us) that HE wants. That is the truth as I see it in the whole of scripture front to back.


But yet, if they choose sexual activity, they can't be right with God (because homosexuality is "wrong.")

I never said that.
Look I really don't want to get into this again, All I'm doing is repeating myself. It's a choice, If they don't want too then that's between them and God, it's got crap all to do with you and me.
I am not the one who knows what is right for them, Only they know what is right for them.


New Member
(Assuming I am speaking to Bible-believers)

In the truest form of the law, all physical human sex (in the flesh) is SIN! Both heterosexual and homosexual. In SIN MY MOTHER CONCEIVED ME. Psalm 51:5. This speaks for EVERY HUMAN that ever lived. It makes no real difference because God is going to TOAST all natural bodies (and this entire world) anyway and make it all new including all our bodies. We will no longer desire the things he doesn't want us to have.

Our true (and sinless) birth is the SECOND one when God himself births us spiritually. John 3:3, 1 Cor 1:30

The religious people ("Christian" teachers) forget that under the law ALL THINGS man does IS SIN! Man can't do ANYTHING RIGHTEOUS, not ONE THING! Even sex with our married (human) wife is sin as the LAW DEFINES IT!

How can this be? Because TRUE sex is spiritual and not "natural" of the flesh. True sex is the spiritual union of our spirit with God himself. The (human) sex we talk about is "shadow" (law) realm sex. All things in the shadow realm or under the law is sin. Do we not know that is why our bodies are (spiritually) dead and WILL die? Romans 8:10 God really doesn't care what corpses do, does he?

The truth is this: man has NOT ONE SINGLE GRAM of righteousness under the law (old covenant).

But, PRAISE GOD we are now under the NEW covenant (for those that can believe it) and it is NOW UP TO HIM to change our behaviors in our "dead body" if he doesn't like them. WE NEED TO SHUT THE F*** up about behaviors of others and stop condemning them. Instead, we need to tell them how much God loves them and accepts them JUST LIKE THEY ARE no matter what "behaviors" they exhibit. Our body truly is a living sacrifice, a burnt offering to God. A death. This is true for all of us and HE will make any changes in them (and us) that HE wants. That is the truth as I see it in the whole of scripture front to back.

That's great and all, but what of a believer who is gay but wants to obey God? Is he stuck being celibate his whole life?


New Member
I never said that.
Look I really don't want to get into this again, All I'm doing is repeating myself. It's a choice, If they don't want too then that's between them and God, it's got crap all to do with you and me.
I am not the one who knows what is right for them, Only they know what is right for them.

Could you please answer this then? I'm genuinely curious. What if a believer is gay, sincerely wants to please God, is he stuck in celibacy?


Could you please answer this then? I'm genuinely curious. What if a believer is gay, sincerely wants to please God, is he stuck in celibacy?

I don't know.
It's up to them if it's something they want, Even Paul suggested celibacy for everyone but He didn't condemn those who chose otherwise, And neither do I.


Veteran Member
By "we", are you the groups spokesman? Do you speak for everyone now?
A lot of them. ;)

If you don't like it, don't read it and move on. It's not intended for you.
Just as a heads-up here, when you quote a post and the author of that post is indicated in the "quote" line, e.g. "we-live-now said: " it's assumed you are, in fact, addressing your reply to that author.

Isn't this a "religious" forum?
Yes it is a religious forum, in fact, it's classified as

Or is only your religion the acceptable one to discuss?
FYI, agnosticism is not a religion. And of course my "religion" is not the only acceptable one to discuss. Why would you even ask?

This view is just as closed minded as the very Christians you hate.
What view is that? And please don't think that just because I don't care for your post that I necessarily hate Christians. I just don't like your post---pure and simple (I think you're crediting your post with more import than it deserves). And just as a side note, an FYI, your post could be considered to be in violation of rule eight prohibiting "Preaching/Proselytizing."
Your post was also off-topic, a practice that's generally frowned on.

Lastly, some of my very best friends are Christians, one of the reasons being: they know when it's appropriate to express their theological beliefs and when it's not.


Active Member
That's great and all, but what of a believer who is gay but wants to obey God? Is he stuck being celibate his whole life?

That is an awesome question.

First, of all, who says anyone is "gay"? Does God say that in his word or is that what man says or calls himself and others?

So, who are we to believe? Man or God?

I think God says man's body has wrong cravings and desires. This is whether it is for homosexuality or fat foods, alcohol, cigarettes, or even PORN. All of our bodies crave something other than God. He made them crave an image vs. himself. This is the power of sin that HE put in there. Why? See romans 11:32. It's beautiful.

Second, we have to have a true understanding (revelation) of the meaning of the word "obey". Under the old covenant of law it is "to do" or "to perform". It is man's actions to receive righteousness from God is it not?

Isn't this IMPOSSIBLE? Yes it is. Man can not receive anything but DEATH under the old covenant of law. Thus, Jesus revealed the TRUE meaning of the word "obey" and it is NO LONGER about man's performance or him "doing to become" or "do to receive" as the law said.

Under the new and TRUE covenant of GRACE it has a whole new meaning. TRUE "obedience" means simply to "believe God" or to have "faith". True "obedience" is the "obedience of faith" or simply "to believe God will do what he says he will". Romans 1:5 and 16:26.

We don't try to make these things appear ourselves. That would be under the law and feed us death. We simply trust him to do it. He may use us, he may not. It's up to him. So, we will not arrive at "perfection" in this natural body. This natural body has one purpose... to die. God will NOT fix it. It will die. The "flesh" can never be obedient. See Romans 8.

Thus, true "obedience" is simply believing God at his very word and simply waiting for him to make it "appear" or true to you personally. He may or may not make it appear while in the dead, natural body under the power of sin. Thus, a person may be stuck in the body of an overeater or porn addict or homosexual for his entire life, but they themselves in the true inner man ARE NOT THOSE PEOPLE! This is the TRUE circumcision which is of the heart and NOT the outer flesh. This is when God himself separated our dead outer man (of the flesh) from our TRUE being of our heart and inner man. This is a true (spiritual) Jew who is anyone who simply believes God at what he says but can't yet see it! If they can see it, that is NOT OF FAITH. Right?

Now, we know why God leaves us in bodies that do things we don't like. To lead us to faith in him. The law and sin is our tutor to lead us to faith and trust in God. But, God will not remove all sin of the natural body or we will boast. Won't we? I know I will.

See Romans 2:28-29 and Col 2:11-14 on the true (spiritual) circumcision. Very powerful and FREEING WORDS no matter what behaviors a person struggles with in their natural body.
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Well-Known Member
That is an awesome question.

First, of all, who says anyone is "gay"? Does God say that in his word or is that what man says or calls himself and others?

So, who are we to believe? Man or God?

I think God says man's body has wrong cravings and desires. This is whether it is for homosexuality or fat foods, alcohol, cigarettes, or even PORN. All of our bodies crave something other than God. He made them crave an image vs. himself. This is the power of sin that HE put in there. Why? See romans 11:32. It's beautiful.

Second, we have to have a true understanding (revelation) of the meaning of the word "obey". Under the old covenant of law it is "to do" or "to perform". It is man's actions to receive righteousness from God is it not?

Isn't this IMPOSSIBLE? Yes it is. Man can not receive anything but DEATH under the old covenant of law. Thus, Jesus revealed the TRUE meaning of the word "obey" and it is NO LONGER about man's performance or him "doing to become" or "do to receive" as the law said.

Under the new and TRUE covenant of GRACE it has a whole new meaning. It means "believe". True "obedience" is the "obedience of faith" or simply "to believe God will do what he says he will". Romans 1:5 and 16:26.

True "obedience" is simply believing God at his very word and simply waiting for him to make it "appear" or true to you personally. He may or may not make it appear while in the dead, natural body under the power of sin. Thus, a person may be stuck in the body of an overeater or porn addict or homosexual for his entire life, but they themselves in the true inner man ARE NOT THOSE PEOPLE! This is the TRUE circumcision which is of the heart and NOT the outer flesh. This is when God himself separated our dead outer man (of the flesh) from our TRUE being of our heart and inner man. This is a true (spiritual) Jew.

See Romans 2:28-29 and Col 2:11-14. Very powerful and FREEING WORDS no matter what behaviors a person struggles with in their natural body.

I reject everything you say, but what if someone believes that God will do what he says he will, and decides not to "struggle" with their "sins," including homosexuality? After all, they are "obedient" under your new definition by "faith alone."

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Thus, a person may be stuck in the body of an overeater or porn addict or homosexual

Ah, so now homosexuals are being bracketed with over-eaters and porn addicts. I guess that's an improvement on bracketing them with paedophiles and rapists and suchlike.

So I suppose a fat gay man who likes porn would really be in trouble.
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Active Member
I reject everything you say, but what if someone believes that God will do what he says he will, and decides not to "struggle" with their "sins," including homosexuality? After all, they are "obedient" under your new definition by "faith alone."

Awesome point. I love how you guys THINK! So many in the "church" don't.

YES! Behaviors truly don't matter to God. Only belief does. However, behaviors still have natural consequences in the outer natural realm where the body is located. This whole world is under law still. That is what will ultimately destroy it. (But it will all be reborn spiritually)

So, if a person is truly believing in and (internally) walking with the spirit of God within them they WILL stop struggling against "sin" as defined as behaviors. God knows if they truly are or not. If not, this will only serve them more "death". They will then see (through God sharing this inside) that sin is really "unbelief" and then will allow God to "help with their unbelief" (and not behaviors!). Behaviors are all part of the body only. Beliefs are of the heart. It's the heart that needs to see and be revealed the truth. Once the heart changes, behaviors WILL change, but only if God wills it.

Now, let me show you how awesome true grace is. Even the very "belief" or "faith" is not from us. It's the faith of Christ who is in all hearts but hidden. See Col 3:11, Hebrews 12:2 and Gal 2:20 in the KJV. It's faith "OF" him and not faith "in" him. It's HIS faith given to us inside as a total gift! Religious man has F'd that one up to make himself appear more righteous. This one lie is a huge foundation of the current religion of Christianity that God will destroy at the end of this age... along with the entire Christian "religion" that believes it.

This whole idea of "sin as unbelief" and simply "trusting God" is why the true walk of and in the spirit SCARES the H$LL out of the church. They truly don't trust God to work with and in a person. They want to control via a set of outer rules and laws to follow. They do this by mixing the Old (man performs) with the new (God does it all). God hates this mixing and calls it "leavening of the law". None of the old mixes with the new. They stand totally separate.

The entire OLD covenant of "man does to receive" is DYING and passing away along with all things under it. See Hebrews 9! It's awesome! God, will IN TIME do this for ALL PEOPLE no matter what their beliefs are of their outer man. God is the one who provides the "belief".

We simply do not do it. God does. The entire current Church that is still under and teaching Old Covenant law will die when the real, living truth appears to us but first IN us. And he is now... it's from WITHIN!
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Well-Known Member
Awesome point. I love how you guys THINK! So many in the "church" don't.

YES! Behaviors truly don't matter to God. Only belief does. However, behaviors still have natural consequences in the outer natural realm where the body is located. This whole world is under law still. That is what will ultimately destroy it. (But it will all be reborn spiritually)

So, if a person is truly believing in and (internally) walking with the spirit of God within them they WILL stop struggling against "sin" as defined as behaviors. God knows if they truly are or not. If not, this will only serve them more "death". They will then see (through God sharing this inside) that sin is really "unbelief" and then will allow God to "help with their unbelief" (and not behaviors!). Behaviors are all part of the body only. Beliefs are of the heart. It's the heart that needs to see and be revealed the truth. Once the heart changes, behaviors WILL change, but only if God wills it.

Now, let me show you how awesome true grace is. Even the very "belief" or "faith" is not from us. It's the faith of Christ who is in all hearts but hidden. See Col 3:11, Hebrews 12:2 and Gal 2:20 in the KJV. It's faith "OF" him and not faith "in" him. It's HIS faith given to us inside as a total gift! Religious man has F'd that one up to make himself appear more righteous. This one lie is a huge foundation of the current religion of Christianity that God will destroy at the end of this age... along with the entire Christian "religion" that believes it.

That is why the true walk of and in the spirit SCARES the H$LL out of the church. They truly don't trust God to work with and in a person. They want to control via a set of outer rules and laws to follow.

That is and WILL DIE. Its the old covenant of "doing to become". The entire current Church is still under law and will die when the real, living truth appears to us. And he is now... it's from WITHIN!

So let's just play with this hypothetical a bit more:

A gay man comes to believe in the one true God of Christianity, incarnation of Jesus, atonement, etcetera. Now, according to you, if he is truly believing in the Spirit of God and internally walking with God, he will no longer struggle against behavioral sins. But what if all of this holds true, yet he remains in a same-sex relationship and says "God told me not to worry, for I am justified by faith and faith alone." He confesses Jesus as Lord and all the rest, but persists in his same-sex relationship.

His hypothetical heart has changed, but not his behaviors. What do we take from this? Is it then fitting to say that he does not truly believe and is deceived by Satan? Or do we just chalk it up to his relationship with the Creator?


Active Member
Ah, so now homosexuals are being bracketed with over-eaters and porn addicts. I guess that's an improvement on bracketing them with paedophiles and rapists and suchlike.

So I suppose a fat gay man who likes porn would really be in trouble.

No, you are missing the point. From Gods point of view there is no difference between any of these behaviors or any other way we humans "miss the mark" and are "not perfect". This is what the Old covenant called "sin". That's all they are: behaviors. Not definitions of who we are.


Well-Known Member
No, you are missing the point. From Gods point of view there is no difference between any of these behaviors or any other way we humans "miss the mark" and are "not perfect". This is what the Old covenant called "sin". That's all they are: behaviors. Not definitions of who we are.

But a (heterosexual) marriage is not just a behavior, right? It is a union of two sets of flesh into one, because it would not be good for man to be alone. Paul even suggests that it exists as an outlet for those who cannot control their sexual urges and are not fit for celibacy.

But sexual orientation is a component of your identity. Now you may deny this, but that's the personal testimony of LGBT people. It is not just something that they "do," it is something that they are. Certainly sexual expression is a component of that, but gay couples do not spend most of their time having sex with each other. They spend most of their time together doing other things, and growing together the way any other couple would, as a result of mutual affection.

This cannot be reduced to "behavior" as though it is a discrete, disconnected component of what it means to be gay. That's not how sexual orientation works. Now perhaps this is different from your God's point of view, but it would seem quite strange to me that he would instill it in someone if the natural consequence of that nature was a propensity to engage in sin. And yes, I've heard the comparison to alcoholism and other disorders, but those "sins" also carry easily discernible negative consequences, to oneself or to others. This is not the case with homosexuality (or truly, premarital sex...but that's another topic). The harm, if any, appears to be the result of negative social reaction.

Now it is possible that your God likes to go about torturing people with insatiable temptations that are written into the fabric of who they are, but it seems more likely, applying simple reason and logic, that the existence of homosexuality as a natural variant within the human race casts doubt on the traditions that condemn it as an unnatural perversion.


Active Member
So let's just play with this hypothetical a bit more:

A gay man comes to believe in the one true God of Christianity, incarnation of Jesus, atonement, etcetera. Now, according to you, if he is truly believing in the Spirit of God and internally walking with God, he will no longer struggle against behavioral sins. But what if all of this holds true, yet he remains in a same-sex relationship and says "God told me not to worry, for I am justified by faith and faith alone." He confesses Jesus as Lord and all the rest, but persists in his same-sex relationship.

His hypothetical heart has changed, but not his behaviors. What do we take from this? Is it then fitting to say that he does not truly believe and is deceived by Satan? Or do we just chalk it up to his relationship with the Creator?

Truth and "faith" is very radical.

Much more so than the religious "Church" called Christianity teaches.

A religious person always judges by the external behaviors what the bible calls "the flesh". But, God judges by the heart or the inner man who is spirit and soul. The outer man of flesh will always die and is already spiritually dead.

If a person truly does believe God at his Word he will come to know that all his sins (as actions) have been forever severed from his true inner man and "quarantined" to his flesh. This is the TRUE circumcision. It's of a person's HEART and not his flesh (outer man).

Once this truly occurs his HEART will change. He truly will see how amazingly GOOD God is and this will cause great love to come out of him or her. Some of their outer behaviors will change but some won't. It's truly up to God to decide. God could stop all homosexual behavior in a FLASH if he wanted. But he may not. God and God alone makes the call. Each person has a unique path laid out for them.

If God does not, natural people will still judge them because they only judge via outward means. But God knows the truth (of their heart). This may be part of their "thorn in the flesh" which they have to carry around with them. If so, it's their "persecution" on behalf of the truth. All of us have to share in the "death of Christ" whether we are "believers" or not. 2 Cor 4:10 All of us are in ONE (Spiritual) body whether we realize it or not.

On the other hand, if they do believe inside what God says is true but yet they themselves try to purposely maintain their homosexual behavior (without surrendering it to God), they will be constantly convicted inside as a hypocrite or as a liar. They will NOT be able to escape it until they fully surrender to God.

We have to realize that man will NEVER fully accept us no matter how good our behavior is. God will and DOES right now just as we are.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
First, of all, who says anyone is "gay"?
The medical and psychiatric communities. And those who are gay.
Does God say that in his word or is that what man says or calls himself and others?

So, who are we to believe? Man or God?
God doesn't say anything in "God's" word. People say that God says things. So, the question really is: "Who are we to believe? Stone-age people who didn't know much about the human psyche, or the medical professionals?"
I think God says man's body has wrong cravings and desires.
I think the medical community says that some human beings have a homosexual orientation.
This is whether it is for homosexuality or fat foods, alcohol, cigarettes, or even PORN.
Why are you lumping one's orientation in with addiction?
All of our bodies crave something other than God.
This is a statement that cannot be backed up with fact. What do our bodies crave that is devoid of God, do you think? Isn't God present in all God's creation?
This is the power of sin that HE put in there. Why? See romans 11:32. It's beautiful.
Homosexual orientation isn't sinful.
It's simplistic to think that Paul means that God accomplishes God's purposes only through "infecting" us with sin. Paul means (basically) that God makes grace-full lemonade out of our lemons.
Second, we have to have a true understanding (revelation) of the meaning of the word "obey".
"Obey" has nothing to do with homosexuality -- except that we should act in a manner that is true to who we are -- whether we're gay or straight.
Man can not receive anything but DEATH under the old covenant of law. Thus, Jesus revealed the TRUE meaning of the word "obey" and it is NO LONGER about man's performance or him "doing to become" or "do to receive" as the law said.

Under the new and TRUE covenant of GRACE it has a whole new meaning. TRUE "obedience" means simply to "believe God" or to have "faith". True "obedience" is the "obedience of faith" or simply "to believe God will do what he says he will".
This is exegetically untenable.
we will not arrive at "perfection" in this natural body. This natural body has one purpose... to die. God will NOT fix it. It will die. The "flesh" can never be obedient.
That, also, according to Genesis, is exegetically untenable.
Thus, a person may be stuck in the body of an overeater or porn addict or homosexual for his entire life, but they themselves in the true inner man ARE NOT THOSE PEOPLE!
People are who they are. Homosexuality, not being an "addiction," is who a person is. In this case, the outer person reflects the God within.
This is when God himself separated our dead outer man (of the flesh) from our TRUE being of our heart and inner man.
We are souls that are bodies. There is no such thing as "outer" and "inner." We are whole human beings.
Now, we know why God leaves us in bodies that do things we don't like. To lead us to faith in him.
Bunk! that's your poor interpretation that is exegetically untenable.
Very powerful and FREEING WORDS no matter what behaviors a person struggles with in their natural body.
People don't struggle with their sexual identity; they struggle with the stigma placed on their sexual identity by judgmental, pietistic bullspit such as you've tortured us with here.

This is a very nice little sermonette, but it relies on a whole lot of biased assumption and still only serves to dehumanize, and not set free, the homosexual person to be themselves and be acceptable as they are.