Sure, but it has yet to give good evidence it exists.
All we need to do is use black box math and science and we can correlate God, as well as most things in the life sciences. Statistical science is about correlation but not logic and reason, since the black box stays closed. Statistics is not definitive but leaves margin of error and levels certainty.
We could put God in the black box, like we do with evolution and look at input and output, but never open the box. For example, we have zero alive dinosaurs, for direct evidence, just bone remnants. We piece all the dinosaurs bones together and give our best guess of what a living dinosaur was like. Science expects a living God sitting on the lab bench, but not a living dinosaur. The Atheist try to use two standards, with God having the harder standard of proof; alive. How about we need a living Dinosaur standard to include dinosaurs in evolution?
The oldest living thing on earth is a 5000 year old Bristlecone Pine, which is within the time frame of creation. The live standard better suits creation. The dead and inanimate standard is different. Evolution is about changes within living things yet most of the evidence is from dead things; ironical. Dead things do not evolve but only decay.
If we apply that diluted standard to God; use a black box with minimal direct evidence, and no requirement of alive and kicking, we can say miracles are black box output evidence from the past and present. There are plenty of sightings, written in ancient texts to offer anecdotal evidence. We have no sightings of live dinosaurs even as anecdotal evidence.
I am not saying dinosaurs never existed, but live and kicking would be the harder standard, even for dinosaur science. A future prediction with any theory would bridge the fuzzy past by showing the tangible future. I bet there will be more miracle in the future. But we do not know exactly when, sort of like evolution and specific future changes. Both appear to work better in the black box of science.