If you can say anything about an "infinite being", you are using human language and human concepts to express your thoughts and beliefs. If God makes any action or changes any event in our timeline or his, 'in advance' is meaningful to both us and God.
Right, but it is invalid to make conclusions, by mixing the two perspectives willy-nilly..
i.e. we need to evaluate them separately
The problem for you is that it is a completely logical argument, but it leads you into a contradiction that you do not wish to acknowledge. God's perception of time need not be the same as ours, but that does not exempt him from temporal logic, since he is described as performing actions..
That does not mean that G-d is like us, with a body that lives in a space-time continuum, for example.
Actions are events, which are inherently temporal. If not, then you are using language improperly to describe his nature. This is consistent with the language used to describe God in holy scripture, and it is the language that has convinced enormous numbers of human beings to believe in him..
One cannot describe something outside of our experience, with anything other than similes.
Miracles are events, and God is often the agent of those miracles. Hence, God operates within our temporal framework as well as outside of it.
Sometimes God is omniscient--he knows everything that will happen even in his own future. Sometimes God is omnipotent--he can do anything imagineable. The problem is that humans cannot know the future, so humans can base actions on an imagined future. God does not enjoy the luxury of an unknown future. God cannot alter his future actions..
It has already been pointed out to you, that you are projecting a scenario, where G-d lives in a "timeline"
in the same way that we do. That is like saying G-d is a created being, who lives in a space-time continuum created by something else.
No, our future has not "already happened" for us until it actually happens, given our inherent ignorance of the future. We can only live from moment to moment. God is fixed in time at every point in time from his subjective perception. Logically, it cannot be otherwise, since he knows every future moment. Hence, our freedom to choose is eliminated from his perspective, but not from ours..
No, our freedom to choose is not eliminated from G-d's perspective .. it is more complex. We say that
the speed of light is a constant in our universe.
What does that mean, exactly? Basically, it means that 'time' is not what it appears to be. One cannot
make conclusions about G-d on the basis of what happens in a dimension where 'measured time'
does not exist.
Your assumption is that 'measured time' still exists .. and you are measuring an infinitely small moment of
our 'time' and correlating it against an assumed, alternative 'measured time'.
That's invalid in many ways.
So far, all you've done to counter my argument is claim that God is an inconceivable being because he is "infinite"..
Not entirely inconceivable, but even if you wish to make mathematical/logical conclusions, you
are still way out.
As we imagine a moment of our time becoming infinitesimally small, it becomes zero.
You haven't explained how that means that he can perform actions--inherently temporal events--in his timeline and ours.
I don't need to .. I appreciate that G-d is something that cannot be fully known .. not part of creation ..
something tremendous.
You yourself use human concepts to describe God until you get into logical trouble. Then, rather than admit the logical hole you have dug yourself into, you suddenly claim that the flaw in my argument is that I take those human concepts that you use seriously.
No .. I accept my limitations, and would rather not say what G-d can and cannot do .. apart from
one thing .. the logically impossible.
If G-d was able to do the logically impossible, then whatever we discuss becomes meaningless.
eg. can G-d lift a rock that is too heavy bla bla..
However, many people
think they are making logical arguments, when they are not.
That is, their arguments are flawed in some way.
..and that includes this present one, about a 'timeline for G-d' .. it's sheer guesswork, based on human perception of this universe.