I think that we have to maintain a balance with regards to scientific truth. What is proven should be unquestionably accepted by one and all but where there is uncertainty, disagreement and not complete agreement then maybe we can accept it provisionally until some more better explanation comes along.
No, loverofhumanity.
You don't understand science.
Science is not about being "proven", but about what is probable or improbable.
And the only way to show the science is true or false, or probable or improbable, is to challenge his own hypothesis or theory, by finding evidences or through tests or experiments.
Why do you think scientists have to rigorously and repeatedly test their works?
To show that the hypothesis, theory or statement can be refuted, so a scientist has to be willing to be proven wrong. The statement has to be falsifiable and testable.
Any statement (be they be theory or hypothesis) that unfalsifiable and untestable, would immediately disqualify the statement as being "unscientific".
Take Isaac Newton's theory on gravity, on forces and body in motion, as an example. Now, his theory is right and true, ONLY as long as the object is moving slower than the speed of light, and it is not bigger than a star or galaxy, or smaller than the atom.
Albert Einstein has shown that if anything astronomically large (like stars, galaxy or even the universe itself) can move as fast or nearly as fast as the speed of light, then Newton is wrong.
Newton's theory is also wrong regarding to things that are smaller than protons. Quantum physics and particle physics show that the world is very different to Newton's and Einstein's Relativity.
Newton's theory is still valid, only if we not dealing with out in deep in space or with particle much smaller than a speck of dust.
No, loverofhumanity. Any scientific theory or hypothesis can be challenged and questioned. But any challenge must be backed up with strong verifiable evidences.
The reason why evolution is accepted is not because of faith and belief or in the case of Gobobeyer's deluded paranoia of "western" conspiracy theory, is that the theory of evolution has many strong evidences.
There are not just evidences in fossils or in speciation, though there are strong evidences here; no I am talking about testable theory like in the studies of viruses and vaccines/antibiotics.
That viruses can developed and changed in new strains of viruses, when a new vaccine is being used, the viruses become resistant or immune. The vaccines force the viruses to change or to evolve.
Those changes in the viruses are clear evidences of Natural Selection and Mutation - two different evolutionary mechanisms.
Scientists can challenge evolution, but they have to have evidences to challenge evolution, not mere belief.
Neither creationism, nor intelligent design can challenge evolution because they have "no evidences" to support the existence of this Creator or this Designer.