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God is an exhaulted Man


Hostis humani generis
Personally I don't believe God is an exalted man: to me, God is formless, eternal, never born, never dying. :)


Well-Known Member
I don't believe God is an exalted man, and of course he isn't omnipotent, almighty etc etc. If he were that good, there would be no people like me that don't even believe he exists. ;)

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
Are you saying that we will lose our particularity at some point?

I don't think so. if that were so I think all of God's children would look exactly alike. I could be wrong, but as to whether or not we lose our particularity/ /individual creativity/ personality I doubt it. If that were to happen I don't think God would give us so many choices through life. When I say be one with God I mean there is not a thing we would do that God would not approve of, and we would do this out of our own free will and choice.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Personally I don't believe God is an exalted man: to me, God is formless, eternal, never born, never dying. :)

Exactly. To restrict an infinite being to a finite form would lessen them. It's man's attempt to bring god down to their level.

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
Exactly. To restrict an infinite being to a finite form would lessen them. It's man's attempt to bring god down to their level.

So what exactly do you believe in? Do you believe in the Bible? Do you believe Christ when he stated that God is our Father in Heaven? Do you
believe Christ when he stated that we are God's children? Do you believe
the Bible when it mentions that we are "heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together." and then also in John Chapter 10 when it states
"34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

36 Say ye of him, whom the Father hath asanctified, and bsent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?

The Bible testifies of these things clearly.

What can I say more?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I don't believe God is an exalted man, and of course he isn't omnipotent, almighty etc etc. If he were that good, there would be no people like me that don't even believe he exists. ;)

Why not? The nonexistence of God is a logical conclusion, not a moral one. After all, God could end up being just plain evil or some sort of super-scientist and we're the guinea pigs. :p

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
So what exactly do you believe in? Do you believe in the Bible? Do you believe Christ when he stated that God is our Father in Heaven? Do you
believe Christ when he stated that we are God's children? Do you believe
the Bible when it mentions that we are "heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together." and then also in John Chapter 10 when it states
"34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

36 Say ye of him, whom the Father hath asanctified, and bsent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?

The Bible testifies of these things clearly.

What can I say more?

Nope. That is all nothing but mere mortal men projecting their own words, emotions and egos through god like a sock puppet. If a god in fact existed, it would not make any of the many silly ways man has portrayed true, nor would it make any of the many silly things that man has attributed to god true, either.

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
you guys completely take prayer out of the picture. One can pray and receive answers. God can prove he exists in his own way to you personally, In a manner where you can not merely say that it was just a coincidence. It has been said that God is perfect, and God is honest.
No one ever said that people can not test God. In fact we are invited to test God. For example. Is it true that God really loves us and wants us to be happy? Has God ever commanded us something that was not for our benefit? As we follow his commandments we can see plainly that life really is better when we follow them.
A great way to test God is with a Checklist. I write down every principal of the Gospel I can think of starting with prayer, praying to know if God exists. When I get my answer directly from God, I put down a check on my checklist and move on to the next item, and then when I can check that off, I go right on down the list. After awhile it's like check, check, check, check and before long when you get to a box that you don't have checked off yet, you can look at all of your other checks and have a pretty good idea that the next check is going to be true too. I call it faith, to be able to act on that principal of the gospel without knowing for a surety that it is true.
Pray that is all I can say. It is the best evidence I can give you.


Well-Known Member
Why not? The nonexistence of God is a logical conclusion, not a moral one. After all, God could end up being just plain evil or some sort of super-scientist and we're the guinea pigs. :p

Sure. But when I said "that good" I meant like... "so hilarious" hahaha


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
you guys completely take prayer out of the picture. One can pray and receive answers. God can prove he exists in his own way to you personally, In a manner where you can not merely say that it was just a coincidence. It has been said that God is perfect, and God is honest.
No one ever said that people can not test God. In fact we are invited to test God. For example. Is it true that God really loves us and wants us to be happy? Has God ever commanded us something that was not for our benefit? As we follow his commandments we can see plainly that life really is better when we follow them.
A great way to test God is with a Checklist. I write down every principal of the Gospel I can think of starting with prayer, praying to know if God exists. When I get my answer directly from God, I put down a check on my checklist and move on to the next item, and then when I can check that off, I go right on down the list. After awhile it's like check, check, check, check and before long when you get to a box that you don't have checked off yet, you can look at all of your other checks and have a pretty good idea that the next check is going to be true too. I call it faith, to be able to act on that principal of the gospel without knowing for a surety that it is true.
Pray that is all I can say. It is the best evidence I can give you.

I have prayed, and so far God has demonstrated to be equal to what the Vedas have taught: One with many Names and Forms. My point in saying that is prayer is still subjective, and plenty of people have said that God does not answer their prayers.


Question this statement and tell me what you think.
"God is an exalted man."
make your statements/opinions and I'll do my best to back it up.

That just reads, "God is a man" I think He is more than that.

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
"Answers to prayers come in may ways. They often come through the still, small voice of the Holy Ghost. They may come in the circumstances in your life, or through the kind acts of those around you. As one continues to draw near to Heavenly Father through prayer, one will recognize more readily His merciful and wise answers to one's pleadings. One will find that God is one's refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

"If a man shall pray, and not with real intent of heart, it profitith him nothing, for God receiveth none such." This is a big reason why many prayers go unanswered. Another thing, Jesus Christ taught us that when we pray, that we must pray in Christs name, and many prayers go unanswered because they in no way represent the will of Christ.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
"Answers to prayers come in may ways. They often come through the still, small voice of the Holy Ghost. They may come in the circumstances in your life, or through the kind acts of those around you. As one continues to draw near to Heavenly Father through prayer, one will recognize more readily His merciful and wise answers to one's pleadings. One will find that God is one's refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

"If a man shall pray, and not with real intent of heart, it profitith him nothing, for God receiveth none such." This is a big reason why many prayers go unanswered. Another thing, Jesus Christ taught us that when we pray, that we must pray in Christs name, and many prayers go unanswered because they in no way represent the will of Christ.

Again, this way still doesn't work. If prayer works, it can't have anything to do with which specific religion is being followed; read Autobiography of a Yogi if you don't believe me. And that's the thing: this sort of thinking as to how prayer is supposed to work would be wholly independent on which God, if indeed it's a God at all, is being prayed to. I once saw a video on youtube that addressed this sort of thing: saying the results would be exactly the same as if you prayed to a jug of milk.

Essentially, it's saying that "if you don't pray hard enough, you won't get what you want." Well, does that mean there isn't a single full-hearted prayer in hard-hit disaster areas? Considering the numbers, I don't think so. It's a VERY insensitive thing to say.

Now, don't get me wrong. I do believe prayer works to an extent. I myself have prayed and more often than not gotten immediate results; the only time it didn't work to my recent memory was praying not to have any rain on the way home, and lo, it rained a bit. (I think Mother was having a great laugh. ^_^) Heck, only last night I prayed that I would be able to get up the next morning at around 6 AM, and I received an immediate mental "answer" (which, for the secularists reading, I fully accept may have just been my own mind) saying essentially "while I could help you with that, it would be better for your growth if you used your own willpower to get up." I managed to do so, BTW.

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
It is so much easier for me to talk with other believers in God, particularly other Christians about my beliefs. I have to admit, I am really not very well accustomed to talking with atheists about my beliefs. Honestly, the real intent I had in writing this thread and now that I think about it, I probably should of mentioned, is I want to find my beliefs peculiar and want to know more. Oh and I probably should of put this thread in comparative religion. Oh well, learn by experience I guess.
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Hostis humani generis
Exactly. To restrict an infinite being to a finite form would lessen them. It's man's attempt to bring god down to their level.

I totally agree. :)

To me, it also appears as an extreme case of anthropomorphism mixed in with human egotism (to think God once was human---and male, and that humans can become gods).

Of course, that's only my own opinion - no offence intended yaddoe, I quite like LDS' theology, even if it does not ring true to me. :)


Question this statement and tell me what you think.
"God is an exalted man."
make your statements/opinions and I'll do my best to back it up.
No... Superman is God, or A compleate man is God.


Chinu .......An incompleate man or just, A-men! :)

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
you guys completely take prayer out of the picture. One can pray and receive answers. God can prove he exists in his own way to you personally, In a manner where you can not merely say that it was just a coincidence. It has been said that God is perfect, and God is honest.
No one ever said that people can not test God. In fact we are invited to test God. For example. Is it true that God really loves us and wants us to be happy? Has God ever commanded us something that was not for our benefit? As we follow his commandments we can see plainly that life really is better when we follow them.
A great way to test God is with a Checklist. I write down every principal of the Gospel I can think of starting with prayer, praying to know if God exists. When I get my answer directly from God, I put down a check on my checklist and move on to the next item, and then when I can check that off, I go right on down the list. After awhile it's like check, check, check, check and before long when you get to a box that you don't have checked off yet, you can look at all of your other checks and have a pretty good idea that the next check is going to be true too. I call it faith, to be able to act on that principal of the gospel without knowing for a surety that it is true.
Pray that is all I can say. It is the best evidence I can give you.

What if I did pray, and the answer I got was that the abrahamic faiths were falsehoods?


Well-Known Member
[T]hat doesn't mean that we can't comprehend small things concerning God; otherwise there would be no point of him ever teaching us his gospel.

Our view is that on our own initiative we can't understand ANYTHING about God, as I said!

But that said, we can understand what we are taught by the various Divine Messengers God has sent to humanity to guide and educate us; indeed, it is through Their teachings that we understand God is One, All-loving, and All-merciful (among other positive attributes)!

(We also totally reject, BTW, the LDS view that God was ever a human or that humans could possibly ever become Gods.)

Peace, :)

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