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God is disproven by science? Really?


Veteran Member
There is no evolution without the premise of abiogenesis. Abiogenesis must happen in order for evolution to have occurred.

How many times must we correct this mistake before it will sink in?

It is integral to the process.

It is not.

And you're right...no one knows how it all started scientifically that is. They can postulate but no one knows.
And to evolution, it matters not how it happened.
What matters is that it did. Be it natural chemistry, gods, aliens, unicorn space farts,.... Life originated, since it exists.
That's all evolution requires: that life exists. It matters not how.

Get it into that dense skull of yours.


Veteran Member
It doesn't matter how life started you say.

It doesn't matter to evolution.

But you don't know.. and you can't have evolution without something starting it.

Correct, we can't have evolution without life existing *somehow*.

HOW specifically is irrelevant.

Does life exist? Answer: yes.
That's all evolution needs.

How life exists? Irrelevant.
Regardless how life originated (natural chemistry; gods, aliens, spacefarts,....), it started evolving once it existed.

You guys are funny and sad at the same time.

Projecting much?

Here's the idiocy of your argument.....

Suppose we are tracking what path a car took to drive from east coast to west coast in the US.
Your silly logic applied to that would be that we couldn't possibly figure that out unless we know exactly in which factory and by whom that car was made because the "car needs to exist before it can drive".

I hope you can see how utterly stupid that is.


Well-Known Member
The Flying Spaghetti monster is first cause. All gods radiate from His Noodly Appendages.


Relativity of Concept Frames​

"Partial, incomplete, and evolving intellects would be helpless in the master universe, would be unable to form the first rational thought pattern, were it not for the innate ability of all mind, high or low, to form a universe frame in which to think. If mind cannot fathom conclusions, if it cannot penetrate to true origins, then will such mind unfailingly postulate conclusions and invent origins that it may have a means of logical thought within the frame of these mind-created postulates. And while such universe frames for creature thought are indispensable to rational intellectual operations, they are, without exception, erroneous to a greater or lesser degree.

Conceptual frames of the universe are only relatively true; they are serviceable scaffolding which must eventually give way before the expansions of enlarging cosmic comprehension. The understandings of truth, beauty, and goodness, morality, ethics, duty, love, divinity, origin, existence, purpose, destiny, time, space, even Deity, are only relatively true. God is much, much more than a Father, but the Father is man’s highest concept of God; nonetheless, the Father-Son portrayal of Creator-creature relationship will be augmented by those supermortal conceptions of Deity which will be attained in Orvonton, in Havona, and on Paradise. Man must think in a mortal universe frame, but that does not mean that he cannot envision other and higher frames within which thought can take place." UB 1955 IMOP


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Let's do this again, John53. You can't have growth without the elements combining to grow.
@John53 and the little rabbit...no growth without something like bunny rabbits to grow from...once again thanks for the revealing conversation. Enjoy your overrun. Bye for now...Ask scientists.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Let's do this again, John53. You can't have growth without the elements combining to grow.
@John53 and the little rabbit...no growth without something like bunny rabbits to grow from...once again thanks for the revealing conversation. Enjoy your overrun. Bye for now...Ask scientists.
I'm not sure who you are debating with, but from the questions and statements of your side, I can't imagine they know that much about science or biology. You get a lot of people with little expertise attacking science, because they haven't got any sort of real argument to uphold their own claims. I find this usually means they know very little about the subjects being discussed.

The real issue seems to be the discomfort that scientific explanations and conclusions cause for those that hold very closed and rigid interpretations of religious texts. In many cases they have to take that stance or else it seems.
Obviously @John53 needs a scientific fellow bunnyrabbit like you to explain it.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
@John53 and the little rabbit...no growth without something like bunny rabbits to grow from...once again thanks for the revealing conversation. Enjoy your overrun. Bye for now...Ask scientists.

You do realise you quoted yourself? Are you talking to me or yourself? If it's me, I have no idea what you're on about.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
@John53 and the little rabbit...no growth without something like bunny rabbits to grow from...once again thanks for the revealing conversation. Enjoy your overrun. Bye for now...Ask scientists.

Obviously @John53 needs a scientific fellow bunnyrabbit like you to explain it.

Oh ok I should have kept scrolling. I'm guessing it's a personal attack directed at me and Dan. Not sure that being mates with Dan is going to insult me, he is way more intelligent than me and makes me laugh. So I'm not sure how you want me to react.... throw a tantrum? report you? Threaten you with missing out on the all new Jesus coded earth 2.0 if you don't agree with me?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Oh ok I should have kept scrolling. I'm guessing it's a personal attack directed at me and Dan. Not sure that being mates with Dan is going to insult me, he is way more intelligent than me and makes me laugh. So I'm not sure how you want me to react.... throw a tantrum? report you? Threaten you with missing out on the all new Jesus coded earth 2.0 if you don't agree with me?
please have a nice day evening -- if you want to report me go ahead.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
YoursTrue said:
There is no evolution without the premise of abiogenesis. Abiogenesis must happen in order for evolution to have occurred.
OK. We can address this. Why do you see abiogenesis as evidence of magic, rather than ordinary chemistry?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
@John53 and the little rabbit...no growth without something like bunny rabbits to grow from...once again thanks for the revealing conversation. Enjoy your overrun. Bye for now...Ask scientists.

Obviously @John53 needs a scientific fellow bunnyrabbit like you to explain it.
Sorry, I'm not seeing your point.

Evolution addresses change within existing species. Abiogenesis addresses the origin of life. Apples and oranges.

Science, experience and commonsense says chemistry. Religious mythology says magic.