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God is Female


Hi Folks..


Yes it does say Adam was fashioned in that "image" - but your most base mistake here is to assume that "elohim" means hermaphrodite, for simply, it does not and never did - not even close..Elohim - is a PLURAL noun - like for instance - mankind - Englishmen - it denotes a SPECIES and a RACE of Beings..Elohim are a SPECIES and a RACE OF "gods"...NOT one god - MANY gods ...

Like if I say here - Iam Pete and I am a Human Being - that is exaclty the same as this "god" saying "Iam Yahweh and Iam Elohim" - and it is also the exact same context when a lesser Angel likewise declares "Iam Gabriel from the Elohim" for example - the word is a NOUN for a SPECIES of CREATURE..An ACTUAL race of beings - like calling someone an Englishman - or an American or whatever - understand - PLURAL NOUN - because we ARE dealing with MANY GODS and their leader we call Yahweh !!

Trace it all way back to the start Folks - Elohim ARE the same group as described much earlier by the Sumerians - only they call them Anunaki..The Elohim of the Jewish heritage ARE the much earlier Anunaki of Sumer.....MANY MANY "gods" - an entirely seperate SPECIES of intelligent HUMANOID CREATURES that once lived among us DIRECTLY and ruled and governed here for millenia.....

(yes Folks they ARE creatures - exactly the same as You and I - these Elohim are NOT the source of Creation itself - NOT gods - Adam is fashioned by GENETIC manipulation as we would now term it)

First - USE THE REPLY BUTTON - so I am notified that you have replied to me.

Elohiym being a "species" and related to the Anunaki, is your OPINION. Also, ALL of these groups have religious and philosophical transference.

I am well aware of the meaning of Elohiym as we have discussed it many times. The Hebrew originally had a God and Goddess, - and I'm guessing that is why we have the plural, - and the image being male AND Female.

And by the way I have expresses the idea - many times - that YHVH Elohiym is YHVH of the Elohiym - used like a Royal Title. It can also mean YHVH the Powerful, etc.

Nor have I made any mistake in the Adam hermaphrodite idea. - The Jews whom know their own language, came up with that. I have also looked at the Hebrew, and agree with them.

I DO always go as direct to source as possible - and again you are plainly wrong - no mention of a "half" anywhere in ANY translation I can find...

Its very very clear - they took a RIB - a specific bone - it even says they took ONE of his ribs, meaning of course whatever it was, Adam had MANY - this simply cannot apply to your statement above,can it..?..No mention of a "half" anywhere - but mentioned two times SPECIFICALLY is the word rib - with context to tell us that whatever body part it actually was, Adam had MANY and they took only ONE - later context agrees still as Adam declares the woman is BONE of my bone flesh of my flesh etc etc..read it properly without the preconceptions...

It doesnt really matter how many times you repeat the same statement - it is still an error - obviously - as their own SANCTIONED VERSION - clearly carries the word RIB and has no mention at all of ANY such two faced hermaphrodite....Seems then you quote OPINION perhaps - but that opinion was NEVER accepted as "official scripture" was it..?..And as that first Jewish official scripture, will then go on to be twisted again into the new "christian scripture" with Genesis, then obviously we here are working from the original Jewish ACCEPTED scripture - hence the bible we have says rib and MEANS rib specifically as that IS what the original Jewish scripture also says...Obvious really..

Actually it says ONE half, not one rib. The Rabbis point out that the word is used as SIDE in a verse about the Temple.

Interestingly - of the 48 times this word is used, - only twice, - in the Genesis Adam and Eve story, - is it translated as rib. LOL! Because it actually means a SIDE/half.

Even some Christians understands this.

"Was the first human being male?
In Genesis 2 we have the creation account of the very first human being. In many English translations of Genesis 2, the first human is simply called “man”. This “man” is understood by most people as referring to a male human rather than to a generic human. However, in the Hebrew text, the first “man” is not specifically referred to as a male human (ish) until after the “operation” mentioned in Genesis 2:21-22 when a part, or side, is taken out of him."

"[1] An integral part of the first woman was literally taken out of the first human. The Hebrew word traditionally translated as “rib” typically means “side”. In the Septuagint (the Greek Old Testament), the Greek word pleura means “side”, particularly the side of the body. The translation from the Septuagint is that God “took one of his sides . . . and he built the side into a woman” (Gen. 2:21-22)."


"Genesis 2:22 states that God, “fashioned into a woman the rib which he had taken from man”. This formation of woman was the culmination of all creation. Yet again we find that the English word “rib” used here doesn’t adequately depict what was taken from man. The Hebrew word used is “zela” which often means “a component, or more often, a side-wall” (alternatively, a chamber), indicating that more than simply a rib was taken [2]. Many scholars believe that the entire female essence was removed from man and fashioned into a woman. This would mean that the “mankind” in chapter 1 could have been an undifferentiated or androgynous person, with the blessing of male and female being a declaration in anticipation of the separation of the sexes in Genesis 2." - http://christianity.stackexchange.c...ons-hold-the-belief-that-adam-was-androgynous

Here is a Chadbad article on this. http://www.chabad.org/kabbalah/article_cdo/aid/380616/jewish/The-Female-Aspect-of-Adam.htm

But as said - hinted at - all this "genesis" - is the JEWISH truth - and its only a retelling of a MUCH MUCH earlier and FAR MORE DETAILED ACCOUNT that is found in the Sumer records...And again, there too - original source - the narrative says clearly created as BOTH male and female - no mention of any two faced hermaphrodites here either - though there is actually THREE attempts made before man is finally finished....For sure - these Elohim in the bible - ARE the same as the Sumerians call Annunaki - no doubt whatsoever - same names same places same narratives - only THOUSANDS of years before any Jewish nation at all...

Elohiim ARE Anunaki and they ARE a race of CREATURES - a SPECIES of flesh and blood living entities exactly like You and I...NOT GODS AT ALL...Not in the true sense at least...NONE of this bible truth - is CHRISTS truth - for He will come among us and explain it all - this whole entire universe is seperated and isolated from another and much greater realm of creation - the ones here we call "gods" are not gods at all - not the SOURCE of creation at all - just using the process and claiming a superiority they have no rights to claim....Only HE knew the truth for He said no mortal nor even gods or Angels HERE had ever encountered that other greater realm at all - only HE came direct from there , the realm of the TRUE Divine and SOURCE of creation itself....

Indeed - before Christ - the world had NO DIVINE TRUTH AT ALL - all we had - was manipulation at the hands of these others who created us directly - lies they told to keep us dominated and subserviant TO them so they could rule over us unchallenged..

Again - ALL religion is a mix, including elements from other religions.

The Annunaki-species idea is your opinion, - with nothing to back it up. Do you play the game Annunaki Genesis?

I must say I find that last, - "none of the bible truth - is Christ's truth," - quite funny.

You tell us this - then apparently believe in one of the characters from that Bible = Jesus Christ. Whom by the way supposedly says he is the awaited Jewish Messiah from Tanakh.

"Joh 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

Joh 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

It is odd that you don't believe the Bible - but you believe in one of its characters, and then make him connected to another Religious mythology.


Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
Somebody's mad already.

We know that God is Creator, yes? The One who brings forth life. Woman is the only species who can bring forth life, therefore woman is God. Men cannot bring forth life, so God cannot be male.

Somebody's really mad now.

And it's probably a dude.

Well, historically, it was angry men who flipped the whole creation story and made God male, hence the answer to the popular question, "Did God create man or did man create God?" is "BOTH" because the men who changed history into mystery wanted control. They wanted to control women, children what they were taught, grew to believe and pass on to generations until the people of today think these false teachings are fact.

"Woman" is not a species, it is a sex.
It takes both sexes to procreate.
Giving birth is not synonymous with creating life from the inanimate.

Why would a god need either balls or a vagina??? Who is this god going to be having sex with???
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Active Member
Hi Folks..

Ingkedsva; First, please dont give me orders,commands or dictate how I can post on this thread - Thanks..but I will reply to you as I reply to everyone else here..

Ok - so whilst you are correct on the use of the word we translate as "rib" - still - that does not support your position
that Adam was hermaphrodite - I still cant even see why you would think that..You are actually totally ignoring the logic of your own statements - they just dont make any sense at all..

So, lets follow your example - Adam is put into a deep sleep, SOMETHING is taken from his SIDE and the flesh is closed up there - and this removed body part will then go on to form the material for the womans body...So - they removed some "bits" - but OBVIOUSLY NOTHING CRUCIAL or Adam would have died - so DEFINATELY NOT A WHOLE SIDE of HIS BODY....lol...absolutely RIDICULOUS !! And look - it tells us clearly as I said - whatever this body part was, Adam had PLENTY of them and could spare one no worries at all..

Next logic you are ignoring - comes even before the operation to create woman...Remeber here - its all about REPRODUCTION - animals created MAN created - but not Eve yet...God commands all - GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY....Let it sink in.....

Adam - IS ALREADY CAPABLE OF REPRODUCTION the god commanded him to do it along with all other lifeforms - only problem Adam has NO MATE !! Again - no mention of any hermaphrodite status at all - Adam exists at first as a purely MALE creature...The god wants all his creatures to REPRODUCE...It brings the animals to ADAM and tells him SEE OF ANY ARE COMPATABLE....When none are found, then and only then is woman created...Get it yet..??..

Adam was fully capable of reproduction already - obviously or how can the god command him to reproduce..???...THINK ABOUT IT !! There is nothing mentioned to make us think Adam is hermaphrodite or asexual or anything other than a MALE human..Yet he had no female counterpart...And YES Folks - the "god" did indeed offer him ffirst ANIMALS to be his sexual reproductive mate...Read it PROPERLY without any religious bias or preconceptions...Adam - a purely male human animal - is commanded first to reproduce with OTHER NONE HUMAN animal forms..Only when the dumb god finally realises this aint happening at all then and only then is a female human created...

Just as I keep telling you (all) - these gods in the religions are NOT gods at all - not the SOURCE of the creation process itself - and here for instance - barely seem to even know what they are doing..lol...clearly this god thinks man and animal are compatable to sexually reproduce - even though it claims to have designed and directly created all life forms herel - still it doesnt even know which species even mates with which it seems......lol..not a god at all - a "scientist" doing experiments on PRE EXISTANT LIFE FORMS !!

Elohiym being a "species" and related to the Anunaki, is your OPINION. Also, ALL of these groups have religious and philosophical transference.

Oh no NO NO - not "opinion" at all - absolutely beyond any academic dispute whatsoever...HARD EVIDENCE that cannot be altered or tampered with at all - CLAY TABLETS - dating back thousands of years BEFORE any Jewish nation at all...And yet, they contain the ENTIRE JEWISH LORE - same stories same characters same events same names and places even......There is no doubt whatsoever - the "gods" of ancient Sumer ARE the same gods of the bible narratives and the whole narrative is very easily traced - they kept meticulous records of their "gods and kings" as to THEM these are LIVING FLESH AND BLOOD BEINGS - CREATURES - just like You and I....THOUSANDS of these UNALTERABLE clay tablets still exist and they give us so much detail that it becomes obviosu and clear where the Jewish story began...Only a complete fool could deny it given all we now know..I remind you - NOBODY altered those clay tablet ORIGINAL truths - but all that written paper truth you rely on, can be altered and changed as we see fit, cant it..?...ORIGINAL TRUTH - what cant even speak cant even tell any lies - as my dear old mum would say - HARD EVIDENCE proves beyond any dispute - Elohim ARE Anunaki of Sumerian fame..

Christ and the bible..??........Hmmm - I doubt you have a clue really - but I will tell you - assure you - prove to you if I must - that the god of the bible Jewish heritage and all those that came before - absolutely NOTHING to do with Christ and Our Father that HE ALONE taught us about...He makes it very very clear - said specifically - AN ENTIRELY SEPERATE REALM EXISTS He said - that NO SOUL HERE had EVER encountered before.....Not even this "god" Yahweh or its Angels He said know MY Father...he explained it all of course - inthe ORIGINAL gosples written DIRECTLY by the disciples themselves - but you will find now that the religon have PURPOSEFULLY DECEIVED you - just as He warned they would do - and have twisted His truth now to suit their own agenda of dominating you (all)...

He DID say clearly - that the Jewish god is not a god at all - but only an Angel He termed it - a CREATURE as I say, exactly like You and I..He then proved His own legitimate Divine authority by doing MIRACLES of course thus proving His claim and status - miracles that NO PRIEST OF YAHWEH COULD PERFORM - and He told them straight, you all cannot do the things that I Christ do, because your god is a fraud, a trickster - lesser god claiming authority it has no rights to.......Very obvious really - He was clearly their ENEMY - AGAINST them - a THREAT to them - so as we know - they MURDERED HIM to silence His truth and keep their own power and status secure..NOT MY FATHER He said - you god is an angel not a god at all and here I prove it with these miracles that none of you can even match as your god is fraud deceiving you all..I paraphrase here of course, but that is pretty much the way it went down..

Wrong god - Christ comes He said from an entirely unknown, seperate and PURPOSEFULLY ISOLATED realm that no Soul here had EVER encountered before...I can show you it clearly if you like - SCRIPTURE - but not that twisted bible half truth - but the ORIGINAL truth recorded by those who ACTUALLY walked and talked with my mate directly...


Hi Folks..

Ingledsva; First, please dont give me orders,commands or dictate how I can post on this thread - Thanks..but I will reply to you as I reply to everyone else here..

I'm back from Seattle.

Orders? LOL! The REPLY button - is how we know you have replied to us, - so we can answer you. If you don't use the REPLY button - which notifies me of your post to me, - then I have to assume you are afraid to be rebutted.

Ok - so whilst you are correct on the use of the word we translate as "rib"

Of course I am correct on that "SIDE!" I used the Hebrew, and showed you both Hebrew and Christian sources showing that use.

- still - that does not support your position
that Adam was hermaphrodite - I still cant even see why you would think that..You are actually totally ignoring the logic of your own statements - they just dont make any sense at all..

So, lets follow your example - Adam is put into a deep sleep, SOMETHING is taken from his SIDE and the flesh is closed up there - and this removed body part will then go on to form the material for the womans body...So - they removed some "bits" - but OBVIOUSLY NOTHING CRUCIAL or Adam would have died - so DEFINATELY NOT A WHOLE SIDE of HIS BODY....lol...absolutely RIDICULOUS !! And look - it tells us clearly as I said - whatever this body part was, Adam had PLENTY of them and could spare one no worries at all..

Not from his side, - A SIDE - from the first male-female human. In the image of the ELOHIYM = male AND Female.

-Next logic you are ignoring - comes even before the operation to create woman...Remeber here - its all about REPRODUCTION - animals created MAN created - but not Eve yet...God commands all - GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY....Let it sink in.....

Adam - IS ALREADY CAPABLE OF REPRODUCTION the god commanded him to do it along with all other lifeforms - only problem Adam has NO MATE !! Again - no mention of any hermaphrodite status at all - Adam exists at first as a purely MALE creature...The god wants all his creatures to REPRODUCE...It brings the animals to ADAM and tells him SEE OF ANY ARE COMPATABLE....When none are found, then and only then is woman created...Get it yet..??..

Adam was fully capable of reproduction already - obviously or how can the god command him to reproduce..???...THINK ABOUT IT !! There is nothing mentioned to make us think Adam is hermaphrodite or asexual or anything other than a MALE human..Yet he had no female counterpart...And YES Folks - the "god" did indeed offer him ffirst ANIMALS to be his sexual reproductive mate...Read it PROPERLY without any religious bias or preconceptions...Adam - a purely male human animal - is commanded first to reproduce with OTHER NONE HUMAN animal forms..Only when the dumb god finally realises this aint happening at all then and only then is a female human created...

Gen 1 is an overview. It tells us animals are different from humans. It says humankind was created in the image of the Elohiym male and female. It tells us everything is to procreate. It does not tell how, or how long, before this duel-being could procreate.

Gen 2 goes into detail and tells us the first being was both male and female and had to be separated to fulfill the commandment to procreate.

And by the way - we are talking beginning MYTHS here, not reality.

Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Just as I keep telling you (all) - these gods in the religions are NOT gods at all - not the SOURCE of the creation process itself - and here for instance - barely seem to even know what they are doing..lol...clearly this god thinks man and animal are compatable to sexually reproduce - even though it claims to have designed and directly created all life forms herel - still it doesnt even know which species even mates with which it seems......lol..not a god at all - a "scientist" doing experiments on PRE EXISTANT LIFE FORMS !!

Of course they aren't Gods, - we are talking religious beginnings MYTH! And again - we have one story just general, - and a second giving details on how the Elohiym Male and Female image came to be able to procreate. In reality males will sc**w anything. This teaching story tells us man cannot reproduce with animals. There are Hebrew sources saying this first human tried to mate with all the animals - before being separated.

Oh no NO NO - not "opinion" at all - absolutely beyond any academic dispute whatsoever...HARD EVIDENCE that cannot be altered or tampered with at all - CLAY TABLETS - dating back thousands of years BEFORE any Jewish nation at all...And yet, they contain the ENTIRE JEWISH LORE - same stories same characters same events same names and places even......There is no doubt whatsoever - the "gods" of ancient Sumer ARE the same gods of the bible narratives and the whole narrative is very easily traced - they kept meticulous records of their "gods and kings" as to THEM these are LIVING FLESH AND BLOOD BEINGS - CREATURES - just like You and I....THOUSANDS of these UNALTERABLE clay tablets still exist and they give us so much detail that it becomes obviosu and clear where the Jewish story began...Only a complete fool could deny it given all we now know..I remind you - NOBODY altered those clay tablet ORIGINAL truths - but all that written paper truth you rely on, can be altered and changed as we see fit, cant it..?...ORIGINAL TRUTH - what cant even speak cant even tell any lies - as my dear old mum would say - HARD EVIDENCE proves beyond any dispute - Elohim ARE Anunaki of Sumerian fame..

As I have already said, - ALL - religions have other religious myth within them. Some tablets are history, - others are MYTH. And you seem to forget you are reading translations.

Christ and the bible..??........Hmmm - I doubt you have a clue really - but I will tell you - assure you - prove to you if I must - that the god of the bible Jewish heritage and all those that came before - absolutely NOTHING to do with Christ and Our Father that HE ALONE taught us about...

You don't seem to recognize that even if Jesus was real, the story around him is ancient myth. He was not born of a virgin. He followed a known story-line. Why do you think his symbol is a cross? A symbol of the SUN = Sun God. YHVH is a Sun God.

You also forget he said he came to fulfill the Jewish law.

He makes it very very clear - said specifically - AN ENTIRELY SEPERATE REALM EXISTS He said - that NO SOUL HERE had EVER encountered before.....Not even this "god" Yahweh or its Angels He said know MY Father...he explained it all of course - inthe ORIGINAL gosples written DIRECTLY by the disciples themselves -

Where does it say any such thing???

but you will find now that the religon have PURPOSEFULLY DECEIVED you - just as He warned they would do - and have twisted His truth now to suit their own agenda of dominating you (all)...

Of course there is deception; - a myth is being touted as truth. The Jesus "story" is also myth.

It is interesting that you call the story which produces the Messiah Jesus story - myth, - while believing the Jesus story is not myth.

You also miss that it says Jesus claimed to be the awaited JEWISH MESSIAH, - meaning he bought the Jewish YHVH story.

(MOSES) Deu 18:15 The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken;

(YHVH) Deu 18:18 I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.

Act 7:37 This is that Moses, which said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear.

(Jesus) Joh 5:46 For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me.

He DID say clearly - that the Jewish god is not a god at all - but only an Angel He termed it - a CREATURE as I say, exactly like You and I..

Again where? Quote the verses.

Exo 3:15 And Elohiym said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, YHVH Elohiym of your fathers, the Elohiym of Abraham, the Elohiym of Isaac, and the Elohiym of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.

See the MOSES verses above - Deu and John, - which have Jesus claiming to be that ONE - that Jewish Messiah.

He then proved His own legitimate Divine authority by doing MIRACLES of course thus proving His claim and status - miracles that NO PRIEST OF YAHWEH COULD PERFORM - and He told them straight, you all cannot do the things that I Christ do, because your god is a fraud, a trickster - lesser god claiming authority it has no rights to.......Very obvious really - He was clearly their ENEMY - AGAINST them - a THREAT to them - so as we know - they MURDERED HIM to silence His truth and keep their own power and status secure..NOT MY FATHER He said - you god is an angel not a god at all and here I prove it with these miracles that none of you can even match as your god is fraud deceiving you all..I paraphrase here of course, but that is pretty much the way it went down..

You are misreading verses. Try the Hebrew and Greek. And by the way - these are NOT my Gods.

The Bible tells us that all kinds of people practiced magic, prophets, Priests, Pharaoh's priests, Jesus, his disciples, and people that were NOT his disciples - whom he said to leave alone.
We also know from archaeology, that both Jews and Christians practiced magic.

Of course Jesus would be a threat. He says they are teaching and following the letter of the law, without understanding the true meaning behind the law. He is a rabble-rouser challenging the Priests whom are keeping order under the Romans. He is also possibly a guerrilla-fighter against the Roman occupation, as a couple of his "disciples" have titles meaning such. Thus he was a threat to both Priestly authority, and the Roman authority.

Wrong god - Christ comes He said from an entirely unknown, seperate and PURPOSEFULLY ISOLATED realm that no Soul here had EVER encountered before...I can show you it clearly if you like - SCRIPTURE - but not that twisted bible half truth - but the ORIGINAL truth recorded by those who ACTUALLY walked and talked with my mate directly...

Always show the scripture so we can read it in the original language, and in context.

Again - it has him claiming to be the Jewish Messiah, - so no unknown realm.

Bringing in myth from other religions wont make it truth.
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On what basis do you say that Yahweh is a sun god?

The Bible itself, other Jewish sources, and research on the subject.

We obviously have Egyptian, and other Pagan Sun myths in the Hebrew and Christian God stories.

"Several lines of evidence, both archaeological and biblical, bear witness to a close relationship between Yahweh and the sun. The nature of that association is such that often a 'solar' character was presumed for Yahweh. Indeed, at many points the sun actually represented Yahweh as a kind of 'icon.' Thus, in at least the vast majority of cases, biblical passages which refer to sun worship in Israel do not refer to a foreign phenomenon borrowed by idolatrous Israelites, but to a Yahwistic phenomenon which Deuteronomistic theology came to look upon as idolatrous.... an association between Yahweh and the sun was not limited to one or two obscure contexts, but was remarkably well integrated into the religion of ancient Israel." - Taylor, Glen, Yahweh and the Sun: Biblical and Archaeological Evidence for Sun Worship in Ancient Israel

Jer 8:1-2 "At that time, says the LORD, the bones of the kings of Judah, the bones of its princes, the bones of the priests, the bones of the prophets, and the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem shall be brought out of their tombs; And they shall spread them before the sun, and the moon, and all the host of heaven, whom they have loved, and whom they have served, and after whom they have walked, and whom they have sought, and whom they have worshipped: they shall not be gathered, nor be buried; they shall be for dung upon the face of the earth."

Psalms 84:11 For a Sun and Shield is YHVH Elohiym; beauty and splendor gives he YHVH, and does not withhold prosperity from those who walk in integrity.

THE PRACTICAL BIBLE DICTIONARY, SUN; The greater light, Gen. 1:15-18. WORSHIPPED by idolatrous HEBREWS, 2 Kgs 21:3,5; 23:5.

Unger's Bible Encyclopedia has an article on this Hebrew sun worship. Etc.

2 Kings 23:5:"
And he deposed the idolatrous priests whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places at the cities of Judah and round about Jerusalem; those also who burned incense to Ba'al, to the sun, and the moon, and the constellations, and all the host of the heavens."

The Canaanite God Ba'al is a Sun God, and son of El - also a Sun God.

"The Hebrews used many names to worship their God, such as El Shaddai, El Elyon, Elohim, etc. Outside the Bible, El is known as the chief deity of the Canaanite religion. He was the father of the Canaanite god Baal and the husband of the mother goddess Ashera. Interestingly, the word "Baal" also means "lord" or "master." An indication that Baal and Yahweh were sometimes identified is evidenced in the words of the prophet Hosea, who says:
(Hosea 2:16) "In that day," declares the Lord, [YHWH] "you will call me 'my husband'; you will no longer call me 'my master [baal].'"
In fact, archaeologists and language experts indicate that it is difficult to distinguish Israelite and Canaanite culture until the early Early Iron Age, around the time of King David. We can imagine a situation in which some of the proto-Israelites worshiped a variety of gods, or worshiped God in a variety of forms using many names. Thus, Jeru-baal (Gideon)—was named for both Yahweh and Baal; while the Judge Shamgar ben Anath was named after the war goddess Anat. Saul, anointed by the Yahwist prophet Samuel as Israel's first king, nevertheless named two of his sons Ish-baal and Meri-baal. ..." http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Yahweh

"On the journey, we will learn not only that Yahweh did have a consort, but that at a very early period—the Taanach cult stand dates to the tenth century B.C.E.—Israel conceived of Yahweh abstractly and non-anthropomorphically. At this same time, Yahweh was also symbolically represented—at least occasionally—by the sun. All these strands of theological understanding of Yahweh and Yahweh worship existed simultaneously—a most elevated and abstract understanding within a pagan (though Yahwistic) context." http://members.bib-arch.org/publication.asp?PubID=BSBA&Volume=20&Issue=3&ArticleID=4

2Ki 23:1 And the king sent, and they gathered unto him all the elders of Judah and of Jerusalem.

2Ki 23:2 And the king went up into the house of YHVH, and all the men of Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem with him, and the priests, and the prophets, and all the people, both small and great: and he read in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant which was found in the house of YHVH.

2Ki 23:3 And the king stood by a pillar, and made a covenant before YHVH, to walk after YHVH, and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes with all their heart and all their soul, to perform the words of this covenant that were written in this book. And all the people stood to the covenant.

2Ki 23:4 And the king commanded Hilkiah the high priest, and the priests of the second order, and the keepers of the door,
to bring forth out of the temple of YHVH all the vessels that were made for Baal, and for the grove, and for all the host of heaven: and he burned them without Jerusalem in the fields of Kidron, and carried the ashes of them unto Bethel.

2Ki 23:5 And he put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven.

2Ki 23:6 And he brought out the grove from the house of the LORD, without Jerusalem, unto the brook Kidron, and burned it at the brook Kidron, and stamped it small to powder, and cast the powder thereof upon the graves of the children of the people.

2Ki 23:7 And he brake down the houses of the Qadesh (Sacred Prostitutes,) that were by the house of the LORD, where the women wove hangings for Asherah.

2Ki 23:8 And he brought all the priests out of the cities of Judah, and defiled the high places where the priests had burned incense, from Geba to Beersheba, and brake down the high places of the gates that were in the entering in of the gate of Joshua the governor of the city, which were on a man's left hand at the gate of the city.

2Ki 23:9 Nevertheless the priests of the high places came not up to the altar of YHVH in Jerusalem, but they did eat of the unleavened bread among their brethren.

2Ki 23:10 And he defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the children of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter to pass through the fire to Molech.

2Ki 23:11 And he took away the horses that the kings of Judah had given to the sun, at the entering in of the house of YHVH, by the chamber of Nathanmelech the chamberlain, which was in the suburbs, and burned the chariots of the sun with fire. (See the Jewish Mosaic floors below.)

These show that they LATER tried to hide and stamp out the Sun God, and the Goddess, they originally worshipped.

Even Jesus, - and the cross is a Sun symbol, as are the rays around his head.

Mal. 4:2 - But unto you who fear my name shall the "SUN" of Righteousness arise with healing in his rays;

Wings is 3671 kanaph - edge, extremity, pinnacle, to project down, corner (corner of altar-horn-ray) In other words the SUN's healing RAYS, not wings!

The Manichaeans supposed that Jesus is that sun.

YHVH The Sun God in his solar chariot, in the middle of a zodiac wheel, Beit Alfa, Israel.


Sepphoris Synagogue mosaic.
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