You and I should have one on one debate about hell and vengeance.
You are missing the point of the OP which is to present a theodicy, and see if any holes in it.
Hell does not exist. The idea of Hell is a creation of mankind. Mankind uses Hell to intimidate people and coerce people to follow.
Think about it. Any Being who would create Hell, a fiery pit for eternity without the possibility of redemption, knowing anyone would actually go, there would be a Monster.
God is no Monster. There are better ways than mankind ways.
Vengeance is one of the petty things mankind holds so dear. It will never be an intelligent act. God is at a Higher Level. God is too Intelligent to choose Vengeance of any kind.
As for theodicy, All I can say is Swiss Cheese.
How little you really Understand God and what God is doing? God is High Intelligence. Widen your view and Expand your thinking. Everything about God stares us all in the face. God hides nothing and it isn't in holy books.
I will leave you with something to Think about. To even have a clue of understanding you must let go of all the petty things mankind and your religion holds so dear.
With God, It has never ever been about Good verses Evil!!
Your we against they is just a way to justify Hate and all those petty things mankind holds so dear. It is the road away from God and a heavenly state. Do you really think these petty things will lead to the best results?
Choose and Discover for yourself.
That's what I see. It's very clear!!
If you want to debate, reply and I will answer. Even taking baby steps, one can walk across the world.
While we might get replies from others, I welcome free speech from anyone. Be who you must and come as you are. That is always the best way for all to learn and grow.
You will get Truth from me. I will never Hate anyone.
You have all my Love and Kindness!!