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God is not a man

To understand Righteousness and sin one has to study the Bible. When one understands that God is 100 percent righteous without sin one knows that he could not be a man. God can have no contact with sin. God had to Send his Son in the likeness of sinful man to take the fall. Romans 8:1 For God is a Spirit and those who worship God must worship him in Spirit. John 4:24


ALL in all
Premium Member
To understand Righteousness and sin one has to study the Bible. When one understands that God is 100 percent righteous without sin one knows that he could not be a man. God can have no contact with sin. God had to Send his Son in the likeness of sinful man to take the fall. Romans 8:1 For God is a Spirit and those who worship God must worship him in Spirit. John 4:24

love is an action not an object.

the love and beloved are one and the same

only love is good.

bouncer! bouncer! hey bouncer!!!

bounce, bounce, bounce


Veteran Member
One can certainly understand righteousness and sin without a Bible. Just as one can recognize both God and the revelation and promise of Christ without one. But religions and their scriptures can make doing so much easier. Though they can sometimes make it harder, too.
One can certainly understand righteousness and sin without a Bible. Just as one can recognize both God and the revelation and promise of Christ without one. But religions and their scriptures can make doing so much easier. Though they can sometimes make it harder, too.
You cannot understand what righteousness is if you do not know what righteousness means. Majority of the world falls from righteousness because they do not understand it. If you do not know the guidelines God sets for us to follow in righteousness then you truly are lost in this world of sin. The Bible is our guide to showing us how to live in true righteousness and truth. When we follow Gods guides that will lead us to salvation we will live happier lives among the pagans.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
To understand Righteousness and sin one has to study the Bible

What a lovely marriage of obnoxious Christian proselytism and egregious condescension. And the ...
  • 1.19 billion secular/nonreligious/agnostic/atheist,
  • 1.15 billion Hindus
  • 0.51 billion Buddhists
  • 0.39 billion Chinese traditionalists
  • 0.30 billion ethnic religionists
  • 0.10 billion African traditionalists
These 3.64 Billion * ignorant clods can simply go to hell.

* source


Veteran Member
To understand Righteousness and sin one has to study the Bible. When one understands that God is 100 percent righteous without sin one knows that he could not be a man. God can have no contact with sin. God had to Send his Son in the likeness of sinful man to take the fall. Romans 8:1 For God is a Spirit and those who worship God must worship him in Spirit. John 4:24

So its righteous to send a henchman to
kill a child in every home because someone
wont change his mind- because you wont let
him change his mind.


Veteran Member
One can certainly understand righteousness and sin without a Bible. Just as one can recognize both God and the revelation and promise of Christ without one. But religions and their scriptures can make doing so much easier. Though they can sometimes make it harder, too.
Cosmic hypocrisy does make it
a tad confusing

So its righteous to send a henchman to
kill a child in every home because someone
wont change his mind- because you wont let
him change his mind.
If someone kills someone that is a SIN. If someone has not killed someone but is on the verge to killing someone their thoughts are in a sin to kill and needs to be stopped so the child is safe. Their actions of wanting to kill someone will not be right with God. God will take care of them even if they go to jail.


Veteran Member
If someone kills someone that is a SIN. If someone has not killed someone but is on the verge to killing someone their thoughts are in a sin to kill and needs to be stopped so the child is safe. Their actions of wanting to kill someone will not be right with God. God will take care of them even if they go to jail.

Its a " sin" if i do it.
But its just perfect righteousness for "god" to
do what i described. ( you did read exodus, right?)

Did read / understand my post? Your " answer" is
totally irrelevant.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
My religion doesn't care about (or have a concept of) righteousness and/or sin. But that doesn't really matter when it comes to assessing whether or not human males are gods. I'm not a fan of that kind of patriarchal sexism. Or that kind of hubris.


Veteran Member
You cannot understand what righteousness is if you do not know what righteousness means.
I feel sure that every culture has a concept of righteousness. Just as every culture has a concept of love, or hate, or vengeance, or forgiveness.
Majority of the world falls from righteousness because they do not understand it.
You are stuck on your own religious concept of righteousness. And probably your own concept of God. But in reality, these are universal concepts with lesser variations according to historical timeline and relative culture.
If you do not know the guidelines God sets for us to follow in righteousness then you truly are lost in this world of sin.
"God's righteousness" is written into creation. "God's will" is being expressed and fulfilled all around us. No religions are required. But many are helpful
The Bible is our guide to showing us how to live in true righteousness and truth.
The Bible is YOUR guide. But you are not the prototype for all humanity.
When we follow Gods guides that will lead us to salvation we will live happier lives among the pagans.
Yes, but going that does not require a Bible or any particular religious proscriptions. God's will is not being hidden from us. We can all recognize it if we are willing to look with our hearts instead of our ego.
Its a " sin" if i do it.
But its just perfect righteousness for "god" to
do what i described. ( you did read exodus, right?)

Did read / understand my post? Your " answer" is
totally irrelevant.
It is a sin if you do it and it is a sin if your mind thinks about doing it. In order for the mind to clear themselves from sinning, they have to Repent of their sins to God and follow his commandments. When one has shown God that they are Faithful and follow him, they will be freed from the law because their mind is no longer is controlled by sin. The law was created for the unrighteous not the righteous. when you become righteous with God your free from the law. Obeying the commandments and having Faith in God is the key to salvation.


Well-Known Member
You cannot understand what righteousness is if you do not know what righteousness means. Majority of the world falls from righteousness because they do not understand it. If you do not know the guidelines God sets for us to follow in righteousness then you truly are lost in this world of sin. The Bible is our guide to showing us how to live in true righteousness and truth. When we follow Gods guides that will lead us to salvation we will live happier lives among the pagans.
Sin come from law and as long as your are under law you are also under sin. When God became man, as Jesus, he did not sin, because he was not under law. He had sort of divine Diplomatic immunity. Where there is no law there is no sin and punishment.

As an example, if the USA, many laws connected to victimless crimes, are different in each state. For example, law connected to buying fireworks can be different in two adjacent states. In one state, there is a law and it is a civil sin. But in the adjacent state where there is no law, there is no sin or guilt, all based on which state has the law and taboo against fireworks. If I like fireworks, I can only be civil sin free, in the state where there is no law. God never made a firework law. That come from humans taking away freedom from other humans.

In Genesis, God never wanted Adam and Eve to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil; fireworks are evil. Law is not from God, since he never condoned it Law but punished Adam and Eve for choosing law. Law came from Satan; knowledge of good and evil. As long as you are under law, you worship Satan, since God does not condone law. Satan makes and condones law.

President Trump, while in office, reduced regulations. By reducing these laws, he reduced the number of man made sins, that were being used to bully and extort businesses for campaign donations. If you pay you get more slack in the law and sin is forgiven.

The DNC makes fthe most laws and therefore creates the most artificial sins. The created the pronouns sin, and the all COVID regulatory sins; from masks to shut down, used to beat down on the citizens and small businesses, when it was not needed based on science. Science is more connected to the natural laws of God, which was more like the Republican position; freedom from regulatory burdens of man made law. These laws are from Satan; the master of lies and illusions. This is why Liberals tend to target God and make too many laws and sins. In terms of fireworks they are more often a sin in Democrat run states.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
If someone kills someone that is a SIN. If someone has not killed someone but is on the verge to killing someone their thoughts are in a sin to kill and needs to be stopped so the child is safe. Their actions of wanting to kill someone will not be right with God. God will take care of them even if they go to jail.
You seem to be unfamiliar with the negative conduct of God reported in the Bible. God originally demanded that the firstborn male of every family be sacrificed to [him], but softened on the point later. God ordered invasive wars, the massacre of surrendered populations (sparing the virgins for distribution among the troops). God did a deal with Jephthah, the sacrifice of Jephthah's daughter in return for military victory, which Jephthah paid and God made him Judge (boss man) of Israel. God demanded that descendants of Saul be killed by impalement before [he] would agree to lift a great famine. Christianity teaches that God sacrificed [his] own son to [him]self as a precondition of [his]forgiving sins, a proposition that I've never understood. God condoned slavery, not repenting until the late 18th century, and thereafter unevenly around the globe. God was on occasion murderously intolerant of other religions. God brought the Christians into being, resulting in murderous and larcenous persecution of [his] chosen people by Christians across two thousand years. God was vehemently opposed to divorce until it starting losing [him] [his] congregations in the richer countries. God is still in two minds about homosexuality but again the congregation point is likely to persuade [him].

And so on. (If you want textual references to any of those that are biblically based, just ask.)


Veteran Member
It is a sin if you do it and it is a sin if your mind thinks about doing it. In order for the mind to clear themselves from sinning, they have to Repent of their sins to God and follow his commandments. When one has shown God that they are Faithful and follow him, they will be freed from the law because their mind is no longer is controlled by sin. The law was created for the unrighteous not the righteous. when you become righteous with God your free from the law. Obeying the commandments and having Faith in God is the key to salvation.
You are evading my question in a very
dishonest way.
When God destroys someone that is because they are not following his will. God who is the Creator of life has the right to destroy who is not obeying him and follow his will. Majority of them in the bible also did not follow in God's will. God destroyed the earth 3 times in the bible. God will destroy it again for the last time with those who also do not obey him. When you create something and it does not work the way you want it you will destroy it you are the one who created it.


Veteran Member
When God destroys someone that is because they are not following his will. God who is the Creator of life has the right to destroy who is not obeying him and follow his will. Majority of them in the bible also did not follow in God's will. God destroyed the earth 3 times in the bible. God will destroy it again for the last time with those who also do not obey him. When you create something and it does not work the way you want it you will destroy it you are the one who created it.
More evasion.

The children were not disobeying.

You are just chanting- like a machine,
no thought, no understanding.
You are evading my question in a very
dishonest way.
It is a sin if you send someone else to kill someone. The person that is going to kill someone is also sinning. Both have it in their minds to hurt someone. That is all the world thinks of is hurting others for their own glory. Obeying God means giving up sin, giving up the worlds way and only following in Gods will to live for him and be happy among the pagans that refuse to obey God.


Veteran Member
It is a sin if you send someone else to kill someone. The person that is going to kill someone is also sinning. Both have it in their minds to hurt someone. That is all the world thinks of is hurting others for their own glory. Obeying God means giving up sin, giving up the worlds way and only following in Gods will to live for him and be happy among the pagans that refuse to obey God.
More dishonest evasion. Ig city for you.