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God/Yahweh/Allah I BELIEVE started as volcanic activity

The Fog Horn

Active Member
I believe god/yahweh/allah started out as volcanic activity. Please discuss this with me. Anything I say will be in my own words unless clearly stated with links to the original source. Please ask anything you want.


Volcanoes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, and that happy feeling you get that doesn't have a name, all bundled into one.

The Fog Horn

Active Member
Upon what peer reviewed scholarship do you base this?

Freud tried to convince people of it in the 70s but no-one spent any time investigating it because it was such a hot potato. I am a human being and not a scholar. However some things can be worked out by children and not adults due to those things actually requiring an ability to see things in simplistic forms. This is one of those things. I am not a child but I am able to see through the fanciness to the bare bones.

Thanks for your question :D

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Freud tried to convince people of it in the 70s but no-one spent any time investigating it because it was such a hot potato. I am a human being and not a scholar. However some things can be worked out by children and not adults due to those things actually requiring an ability to see things in simplistic forms. This is one of those things. I am not a child but I am able to see through the fanciness to the bare bones.

Thanks for your question :D

<ignore list>

The Fog Horn

Active Member
Volcanoes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, and that happy feeling you get that doesn't have a name, all bundled into one.

Yes, volcanic activity....something prevelant around the Jordan Rift Valley and going down the Great Rift Vallley into Saudi Arabia, the North West of which was at the time called Midian, as mentioned in the Bible.

Thanks for your contribution. :p

The Fog Horn

Active Member
<ignore list>

Not a problem with me. I understand not many people, especially Jews, will want to hear any more. It would rock your world to know you are not one of god's chosen people after all and that you are just another human being. I, however, would be happy for you as I do not believe it is a good and healthy thing to tell any person they are inherently better than anyone else.

'There is nothing in the world more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.' Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

Sorry you will not find out any more.
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Hostis humani generis
Not a problem with me. I understand not many people, especially Jews, will want to hear any more.
If you can drop a few names and maybe even quotations from literature (with credit given). That would be better, would it not?

So far, this is another hypothesis without basis other than, as you claim, "little kids can see it". Well, little kids also have imaginary friends. Without any evidence to back it up, it's just a rudimentary idea without a lot of evidence. Admittedly, you said "Freud said it in the 70s". When, where? To whom? Did he now?

Also, it may be worth re-reading the rules, especially Rules 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8. Here is a link to the rules.

The Fog Horn

Active Member
If you can drop a few names and maybe even quotations from literature (with credit given). That would be better, would it not?

So far, this is another hypothesis without basis other than, as you claim, "little kids can see it". Well, little kids also have imaginary friends. Without any evidence to back it up, it's just a rudimentary idea without a lot of evidence. Admittedly, you said "Freud said it in the 70s". When, where? To whom? Did he now?

Also, it may be worth re-reading the rules, especially Rules 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8.`

I will post many Bible verses to start us off if that is permitted on this forum. Please advise.

This is only a childish hypothesis so far in this thread. I want to take this one step at a time. Please don't judge my hypothesis until you've heard me out. I don't know it all but the pieces I have found suggest a picture that makes a lot of sense to me and others. Please ask me questions and the puzzle may also become clear to you.

The Google search phrase below will take you to the Wikipedia page for Freud's book 'Moses and Monotheism', which discussed the theory that Abrahamic monotheism started out in Saudi Arabia as volcanic activity.

'Wikipedia.....Moses and Monotheism by Sigmund Freud'...

I have read those rules and do not know where I have broken them in this or past threads. Can you please be specific with each rule so that I can ensure I do not break them? Thank you.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
It is too easy to say any/all religions stem from human observances of natural phenomena such as volcanoes and weather. You're right but who cares? We know that primitive man saw all this stuff and struggled to put it into perspective giving birth to religion. But what is the point of this revelation? Are you saying that because primitive man was fooled into believing a volcano was a god that no god exist? Does the fact that these primitive people's beliefs influenced the evolution of modern religions that those religions are no long valid and have no hidden truths in them? Tell us what you're trying to say here.


Hostis humani generis
I will post many Bible verses to start us off if that is permitted on this forum. Please advise.
No, it'd be spammy.
Only one or two at a time, if they're really needed.

'Wikipedia.....Moses and Monotheism by Sigmund Freud'...
Seen it, lol.

I have read those rules and do not know where I have broken them in this or past threads. Can you please be specific with each rule so that I can ensure I do not break them? Thank you.
Earlier threads you made. I'm sure the mods will explain later on.

The Fog Horn

Active Member
It is too easy to say any/all religions stem from human observances of natural phenomena such as volcanoes and weather. You're right but who cares? We know that primitive man saw all this stuff and struggled to put it into perspective giving birth to religion. But what is the point of this revelation? Are you saying that because primitive man was fooled into believing a volcano was a god that no god exist? Does the fact that these primitive people's beliefs influenced the evolution of modern religions that those religions are no long valid and have no hidden truths in them? Tell us what you're trying to say here.

How can something be 'too easy'? It is an entirely plausible suggestion that deserves consideration and simplicisty is not a good enough reason for rejection. Small things can, over thousands of years, become something entirely different and bare no relation to the origins.

What do you mean 'who cares'? I cannot think of anything more profound than the possibility that for thousands of years the human race of Earth has been, on the whole, conditioned to believe in something that did not deserve our attention. Shouldn't all people care about this?

If I am right, and if Yahweh started off as volcanic activity then of course everything that followed was based on a misconception and our only logical conclusion should then be that there is no genuine Arabamic god. An empty box wrapped up beautifully is an empty gift, albeit pretty.

Isaiah 66:15 See, the LORD is coming with fire, and his chariots are like a whirlwind; he will bring down his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire.

Jeremiah 4:4 Circumcise yourselves to the LORD, circumcise your hearts, you men of Judah and people of Jerusalem, or my wrath will break out and burn like fire because of the evil you have done--burn with no one to quench it.
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The Fog Horn

Active Member
No, it'd be spammy.
Only one or two at a time, if they're really needed.

Seen it, lol.

Earlier threads you made. I'm sure the mods will explain later on.

Thanks for letting me know about the verse posting. I will post two verses at the end of each of my posts from now on. I hope that does not infringe any rules. Please assume they are all from the Bible.

Have you read Freud's book?

You asked me to check the specific rules but didn't know which I'd breached? The text in my original thread was all my own work.

Isaiah 30:27 See, the Name of the LORD comes from afar, with burning anger and dense clouds of smoke; his lips are full of wrath, and his tongue is a consuming fire.

Deuteronomy 4:24 For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.
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Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
If I am right, and if Yahweh started off as volcanic activity then of course everything that followed was based on a misconception and our only logical conclusion should then be that there is no genuine Arabamic god. An empty box wrapped up beautifully is an empty gift, albeit pretty.

Why is it a logical conclusion that the entire Abrahamic faith is false because it takes some of its source material from primitive peoples who believed in volcano gods? How does one negate the other? This is what I meant by "its too easy". You're picking out one aspect of a complex system, identifying it as false, then declaring the entire system as false. Sorry, its not that simple. You might as well say that the entire Abrahamic faith is false because you noticed that the Christmas celebration actually originated in the Norse tradition of Yule.