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God's conditional love


Believer in God
Premium Member
Why is God's love for us conditional on us believing in him and doing what he says?

If a person didn't believe in me and didn't do what I told them to then I wouldn't not love them because of that

It wouldn't even bother me yet God would send such people to Hell because of this

So why is it that way with God? Why is his love so conditional?


Well-Known Member
Why is God's love for us conditional on us believing in him and doing what he says?

It isn't. In my opinion at least.

Two of my favorite verses speak of this, first from Solomon:

"For you [God] love all things that exist, and detest none of the things that you have made, for you would not have made anything if you had hated it. How would anything have endured if you had not willed it? Or how would anything not called forth by you have been preserved? You spare all things, for they are yours, O Lord, you who love the living."

And from St. Paul: "If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful—he cannot deny himself."

But one must be really specific about how they define love, for it has many definitions and not all are using the same ones at the same time.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
It's not totally conditional but not totally unconditional. God is trying to find a way to redeem us through his compassion and wants us to enter paradise out of his grace, but if we become hateful towards God and his light and don't respond to the call of God and his Messengers, we've really wasted our lives and belittled God's sanctity in this case, the proper response is his wrath and anger.

If we seek intercession of God and his chosen guides, we will, be responded to through his grace. It's not that we earn paradise through his justice nor that we enter hell solely through his justice, but rather we enter paradise due to his grace and would enter hell despite his compassion and grace outreach in this world.

If we choose to not even give the sent ones from God a chance, we have ourselves to blame truly.

God has the right to be worshiped and no other being does.


Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
Why is God's love for us conditional on us believing in him and doing what he says?

If a person didn't believe in me and didn't do what I told them to then I wouldn't not love them because of that

It wouldn't even bother me yet God would send such people to Hell because of this

So why is it that way with God? Why is his love so conditional?

I don't believe it is. And I don't believe God will send me, or anyone else to Hell.

I believe God is just waiting for us to 'contact' him/her/it in a way that makes sense to us, and when we do, he/she/it will come to us, in a way that makes sense to us, and in a capacity that we can handle.


Veteran Member
So why is it that way with God? Why is his love so conditional?
I do not believe that God's love is conditional.

God nurtures each person, no matter to what religion he belongs, and including atheists or materialists

"How ignorant therefore the thought that God who created man, educated and nurtured him, surrounded him with all blessings, made the sun and all phenomenal existence for his benefit, bestowed upon him tenderness and kindness, and then did not love him. This is palpable ignorance, for no matter to what religion a man belongs even though he be an atheist or materialist nevertheless God nurtures him, bestows His kindness and sheds upon him His light."

('Abdu'l-Baha, Star of the West, Vol. 8, issue 7, p. 78)

Matthew 5:45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.


Well-Known Member
If a parent tells his child not to play with fire and the child plays with fire and the parent punishes the child, that does not mean the parent does not love the child. Playing with fire could cause serious injury to the child and the punishment is to teach the child not to do something that can be harmful. God also makes rules and may punish people who break the rules. But the rules are to prevent the person from doing something that may be harmful.


Veteran Member
Why is God's love for us conditional on us believing in him and doing what he says?
If a person didn't believe in me and didn't do what I told them to then I wouldn't not love them because of that
It wouldn't even bother me yet God would send such people to Hell because of this
So why is it that way with God? Why is his love so conditional?

First of all, in the Bible, biblical hell is just mankind's temporary stone-cold grave for the sleeping dead.
Notice I said sleeping. Sleeping because both Jesus and the OT teach sleep, Not pain, in death.
( John 11:11-14; Psalms 115:17; Isaiah 38:18; Ecclesiastes 9:5 )
Does anyone righteous go to hell __________
I find at Acts 2:27 the day righteous Jesus died Jesus went to hell/grave.
If biblical hell was a permanent place then Jesus would still be in hell/grave.

God's love is conditional because 'God "IS" love'.
God 'has' power', God 'has' wisdom, God 'has' mercy' God 'has' justice but only God "IS" love.
So, actions outside of love are harmful to others.
Bad actions, bad behavior is outside the boundary of love of God and love of neighbor.


Veteran Member
I do not believe that God's love is conditional.....................
Matthew 5:45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

To me Matthew 5:45 is teaching us that ' God is Not partial ', but God had conditions (aka requirements) for both the evil and the good. The good, aka righteous ones, to remain righteous, and the evil to repent as as Not to perish (be destroyed) - 2 Peter 3:9


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Why is God's love for us conditional on us believing in him and doing what he says?

If a person didn't believe in me and didn't do what I told them to then I wouldn't not love them because of that

It wouldn't even bother me yet God would send such people to Hell because of this

So why is it that way with God? Why is his love so conditional?
God's love is unconditional...

Receiving the benefits of a relationship requires... a relationship. Benefits also comes with responsibilities.

I LOVE my son, but when he misused my car, the privilege was conditional even as my love remained unconditional.


Veteran Member
....... And I don't believe God will send me, or anyone else to Hell.
I believe God is just waiting for us to 'contact' him/her/it in a way that makes sense to us, and when we do, he/she/it will come to us, in a way that makes sense to us, and in a capacity that we can handle.

Rather, I find we send ourselves to hell. No, Not to some religious-myth hell teaching of burning forever.
Because we sin, we die, and the dead go to biblical hell aka mankind's temporary stone-cold grave for the sleeping dead.
Even righteous Jesus on the day he died went to hell/grave. Jesus slept for a few days before God resurrected Jesus.
Remember: Jesus and the OT both teach ' sleep ' in death, No pain in death, No bliss in death, just sleep (R.I.P.)
'Sleep in death' as taught at Psalms 6:5; Psalms 13:3; Psalms 115:17; Isaiah 38:18; Ecclesiastes 9:5; John 11:11-14.
Even the word cemetery means: sleeping place, Not torture place.
Also, biblical hell/grave comes to a final end according to Revelation 20:13-14.
After everyone in biblical hell/grave is ' delivered up ' ( resurrected back to life )then notice, that emptied-out biblical hell is cast empty into that symbolic ' second death' for emptied-out vacated biblical hell.

Yes, God is just waiting for us to 'contact Him' because God is just a prayer away. Our Father in Heaven......


Veteran Member
God's love is unconditional...
Receiving the benefits of a relationship requires... a relationship. Benefits also comes with responsibilities.
I LOVE my son, but when he misused my car, the privilege was conditional even as my love remained unconditional.

I find the Constitution of the Mosaic Law had conditional requirements (over 600).
I find Jesus' New commandment has conditions according to Jesus at John 13:34-35.
We are to have the same self-sacrificing love for others as Jesus has.
In other words, we are Now to love neighbor MORE than self, more than the Golden Rule of Leviticus 19:18
God loves all, and we are all free to act responsibly toward God.
However, the wicked will be ' destroyed forever ' - Psalms 92:7; Psalms 104:35; Proverbs 2:21-22; Psalms 37:9-11.


Veteran Member
It's not totally conditional but not totally unconditional. God is trying to find a way to redeem us through his compassion and wants us to enter paradise out of his grace, but if we become hateful towards God and his light and don't respond to the call of God and his Messengers, we've really wasted our lives and belittled God's sanctity in this case, the proper response is his wrath and anger.

God sent Jesus to redeem us.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I find the Constitution of the Mosaic Law had conditional requirements (over 600).
I find Jesus' New commandment has conditions according to Jesus at John 13:34-35.
We are to have the same self-sacrificing love for others as Jesus has.
In other words, we are Now to love neighbor MORE than self, more than the Golden Rule of Leviticus 19:18
God loves all, and we are all free to act responsibly toward God.
However, the wicked will be ' destroyed forever ' - Psalms 92:7; Psalms 104:35; Proverbs 2:21-22; Psalms 37:9-11.
I find no points of disagreement here.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Why is God's love for us conditional on us believing in him and doing what he says?

If a person didn't believe in me and didn't do what I told them to then I wouldn't not love them because of that

It wouldn't even bother me yet God would send such people to Hell because of this

So why is it that way with God? Why is his love so conditional?
Father our direct descendant as first spiritual human being had his natural life recorded in image voice in gods heavens.

Our true human father.

God the state to record takes one hundred years of our water oxygen life to own that recording.

Once we lived biologically for 200 years.

Respect live love honour father's memory in heaven our spiritual teacher. Human father advice the living being. As God states in creation don't love you.

Do no O harm which is a teaching scientist satanist brother don't ignore his natural human advice.


Why is God's love for us conditional on us believing in him and doing what he says?

If a person didn't believe in me and didn't do what I told them to then I wouldn't not love them because of that

It wouldn't even bother me yet God would send such people to Hell because of this

So why is it that way with God? Why is his love so conditional?
Probably because if someone does not love God their Creator and put Him first, then they are in actuality elevating themselves above God and following the devil.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Probably because if someone does not love God their Creator and put Him first, then they are in actuality elevating themselves above God and following the devil.
Science humans built machines with machine components to communicate to machines as mother science.

When I got attacked AI said I am looking for machine signals in the human life attacked sacrificed.

And I know my brother theist human means it.

As I am not a machine or machine components he is lying and is using his feelings against a human female is an evil human against real life conditions.

Claiming I hurt him when his science maths thesis had.

As he seems to forget human personality awareness conscious belief is first. Choices are second based on personality.

And irradiated humans have for a long time lied about science. Just a human chosen practice.

As I am not a machine you brother human are a living man designer. Of course machines mind controlled by your choices would physically affect my living body.

But never will I own machine signals in science. I am not a machine.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
The scientist.

After ice age. Spiritual father spiritual mother spiritual babies.

Baby becomes a man DNA developed environmentally changes in ice to gas cooling in water replacenent. Remember dinosaurs owned hot mass gas. Natural light in cooled atmosphere. Still cooling ancient atmosphere.

Hears old mans science. Told you he heard the recordings

Satanic cloud man image. Satan told him he said. Satan however holy cold clouds not reason image existed.

Stated holy gods angel Satan. Not man's.

Builds science.. Reacts technology based on encased pressurized stone pyramid face that earth God body stone no longer owned. Cooled by water pumped over outside walls.

Notice walls in the theory science.

Casement blew off. Nature had a Huge UFO nuclear reaction attack. Atmospheric. Began and ended. God state.

Not machine at all.

Reactions historic by earth by atmospheric inheritance. Not by man's science.

The teaching.

Spiritual innocent man baby gets sacrificed was karmic.

Reasoned. Spiritual baby man re heard chose to react science again. Was innocent owned no excuse to do evil.

Of course natural innocent baby man would get sacrificed as he did it to himself the teaching.

Reasoned by the self who did it. The theist of Phi. Men.


Be your own guru
Why is God's love for us conditional on us believing in him and doing what he says?
If a person didn't believe in me and didn't do what I told them to then I wouldn't not love them because of that.
It wouldn't even bother me yet God would send such people to Hell because of this.
So why is it that way with God? Why is his love so conditional?
God, if he exists, seems a self-besotted being, just like you. :)