Would someone tell me which are the three primary gods of the Rig Veda? Aren't half of the hymns about Indra (the creator god) and Agni (the fire god)? And who is the god of order in the Rig Veda?
In case you're wondering, there was originally only
one Veda, as is stated in the Pūrvabhāgaprārambhaḥ of the Brahmāṇḍa-mahāpurāṇam:
आद्यो वेदश्चतुष्पादः शतसाहस्रसंमितः।
पुनर्दशगुणः कृष्णो यज्ञो वै सर्वकामधुक्॥१.३४.७॥
ādyo vedaścatuṣpādaḥ śatasāhasrasaṃmitaḥ।
punardaśaguṇaḥ kṛṣṇo yajño vai sarvakāmadhuk॥1.34.7॥
"The first [i.e. original] (ādyo) Veda (vedas) [had] four feet (catuṣpādaḥ
[and] was equally (saṃ
measured-out (mitaḥ
[to] a hundred-thousand (śatasāhasra). Once again (punar), the Kṛṣṇayajurveda (kṛṣṇo) was divided ten-fold (daśaguṇa); truly (vai), the yajña (yajño) is the granter (dhuk) of all (sarva) desires (kāma)."
एवमुक्तस्तथेत्युक्त्वा मनुर्लौकहिते रतः।
वेदमेकं चतुष्पादं चतुर्द्धा व्यभजत्प्रभुः॥१.३४.८॥
evamuktastathetyuktvā manurlaukahite rataḥ।
vedamekaṃ catuṣpādaṃ caturddhā vyabhajatprabhuḥ॥1.34.8॥
"Thus (evam) [it] was said (ukta) to [Svāyambhuva] Manu (manur), who, devoted to (rataḥ
the welfare of the world (laukahite), said (uktvā
"so be it" (tatheti).
The single (ekaṃ
Veda (vedam)
of four feet (catuṣpādaṃ
was [then] divided by (vyabhajat)
the Lord (prabhuḥ
[into] four parts (caturddhā
I tended to gloss over that comment, recalling the time Lord Vishnu offered one of His Lotus Eyes to our Lord - I just don't say these things...oops.
Could you please provide some form of itihāsa-vacana
from the Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇam to back up your claim that Śrī Rāma worshpped Śrī Sadāśiva/Umāpati-śambhū?
Note: I'm referring explicitly to the
Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇam and
not the Adhyātma-Rāmāyaṇam, Kamba Rāmāyaṇam, Rāmacaritamānasa, Padmapurāṇam, or the folk legends of Rāmeśvaram.
'Civilisation' or rather 'civilised people' must have started somewhere in the middle east, (because it says so in the scripture) . It is impossible for any other group to have had any kind of advanced civilisation on their own ...
Well, apart from the fact that the first verifiable neolithic sites were located in sub-Saharan Africa, a considerable distance away from the so-called "Fertile-Crescent" (making your view of the diffusion of agriculture from the Middle East incorrect from a historical perspective), I'm wondering whether there is any śāstra-pramāṇa for such a view (from what I've read in Hindu scriptures, it seems that Indian civilization spread from the South to the North). In any case, your claim that "it says so in the scripture" is purely hearsay unless you can provide any quotations to back it up.
therefore we must have invaded them.
that logic, it seems
I must have
invaded Karl Benz and Henry Ford, as I drive a car daily.