They could if God were all powerful. God can make humans out of dirt and virgin girls, but can't make a kid from two guys.
God made a man have sex with his twin sister to start up humanity.
I'm a virgin, so, yeah, I'm actually pretty good on that one.
Given the messed up sexual rules they had and how many siblings were married to each other and how often consent isn't even an issue, I doubt they knew anything about sexual perversion.
It's made harder with all the misogyny. If they only believe in two genders and the men don't like women, what other options are there?
There are species with lots of genders and they reproduce just fine. How come God can't make it so everyone can have kids?
Heteros die of it too and exposure can be through methods other than sex.
Not if God can do anything. If a virgin girl can have a kid, so can two guys.
And it took Adam going through all the nonhumans in the Garden before God figured out the same species was needed.
I'd like to see an example.
We can ask why His omnipotence seems to have curious limitations.
God is a hypocrite. He isn't exactly going out to a movie with Satan in Revelation.
God invented "an eye for an eye", though.
You should question more. Abraham could haggle with God over not nuking two cities. Gideon could make God jump through several hoops just to "prove" He's God. Nobody was killed for such things.
If we must treat others as we wish to be treated, loving consensual relationships between legally consenting adult humans should be valued regardless of the genders involved.
You just want to exempt God from being judged by His own standards, right?
And Greece had famous lesbian poets. And the rest of the world (because there is more to life than Europe) had gay and bi and trans people too.
I imagine Paul wasn't getting laid.
I know I'VE been told that I'm not really celibate. I am just bitter no one will have sex with me.
Considering being pro-LGBTQ would result in stoning ...