We have no real control in life; control is an illusion. Free will is non existent in the grand scheme of things. I think about this and realize that If we were destined to die off as a species, then there is nothing we can do about it. Even so, one of our strongest instincts is self preservation. The problem is that we are usually only looking out for self, and neglect others in our attempt to survive.
I honestly think the world would be better off without mankind (As we are today). We are prone to selfishness and most of us rarely considers the well being of others. If we did then there would be much less violence, poverty would be at a minimum, and hunger would be practically non- existent, etc. In the end (Live or die) we have no choice when it comes to the fate of mankind.
It's kinda like what Forrest Gump said: "Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get. Unless our desires change, we are on the fast rack to the grave. The question is, "What will it take to change our desires"? Are we even capable of change? Religion has been attempting to change man for ages after all.
It doesn't look very promising for our kind. I sometimes question whether or not humanism is the answer? Religion is pretty much a mixed bag, so I don't place much faith in religion. Besides, the religious fanatics often add to our division (Atheists too).
Humanists have to place their hope in mankind, which has got to be trying at best. Then again, if there is a God, do you really think He created us to destroy ourselves? I don't, which is one reason I believe that mankind will one day prevail, and grow past our destructive natures. Even though it doesn't look promising for mankind, I remain hopeful.
In the end, all we can do is live as we desire. When we desire change we will change. Until then, it's the same old song and dance, knowing that free will is not so free.