Which is telling me that you think I'm lying, so I will return to this at the end of this post.
I have given you several chances to back it up. As I said unless you can do so it doesn't exist. However, I must now question why you are unwilling or unable to backup what you say.
I find it very hard to believe that Peres said that Obama is the most cooperative with Israel, than any other president. Either Peres would be drunk, on cocaine, or he never said it. My guess is the latter.
You said that Netanyahu was unpopular in Israel.
Since he has won prime minister for the last six years apparently he has been rather popular Israelis.
The "joke", and a very sad one at that, is that you seemingly are unaware of the circumstances for our withdrawal, plus apparently unconcerned about so many of our soldiers were coming back in body-bags and many having a half a dozen tours of duty or more there and/or in Afghanistan. Apparently the "cause" is more important than our own people, which is similar to your position of being opposed to having health-care insurance provided to 11+ million more Americans.
I am aware of the circumstances of the withdrawal. The circumstances is that we have a weak, incompetent, narcissistic, moron in the White House. The only country he will lean on is Israel.
And the moron squandered all the gains that the US achieved in Iraq. He could have left a residual force, but instead he withdrew, causing a vacuum, and lettering ISIS and other terror groups backed by Iran, to take over.
How many tens of thousands of civilian Christians have been tortured and beheaded because of President Moron's incompetence, I ask again?
There's always going to be discussion and some disagreement, and I have heard Panetta talk and I do respect him. But every action has a reaction, and people and money don't grow on trees. How much longer were we willing to keep troops there and at what expense? And why is it that we supposedly have to carry the brunt of the opposition to ISIS while the countries there free-load?
Panetta was the head of the DNC, and Obama's CIA director, and sec. of defense. To me it's amazing that he has come out and stated the obvious truth, which happens to be exactly what I've been saying concerning the vacuum Obama created in Iraq.
What is the cost of not keep the troops in Iraq? How much ground will have to recover because Obama gave it away?
Why have to carry the brunt for ISIS?
1) Because allowing tens of thousands of innocent civilians to be butchered and doing nothing is wrong
2) Because ISIS has vowed to put their flag on the White House.
We can fight them there or fight them here.
Private vacations are paid for by private funds (minus the protection that they need whereas the S.S. always has to be around), and what she buys is also private and I would suggest none of your damn business. And the same holds true with Obama's golf outings. My guess is that you're actually being hypocritical and you probably said nothing negative when Bush took his vacations. The last time I saw the stats, Obama was on vacation less than Bush over the same period of time.
It is my business when it cost the taxpayers millions of dollars because Empress Michelle has to take her entire entourage on her world wide vacations and take entire floors in hotels to house them all.
Globetrotting Michelle Obama announces luxurious China trip | The Daily Caller
Fresh off the first family’s sixth annual winter vacation to the Hawaiian island of Oahu — billed to American taxpayers at a cost of $4 million — Michelle Obama and the first daughters Malia and Sasha will now jet off to China for over a week of much-needed sightseeing.
President Barack Obama won’t be making the trip.
But don’t worry, America: The first lady’s mother, Marian Robinson, will be tagging along on the federal dime.
Obama's Family Vacations to Cost Taxpayers More Than $20 Million
President Barack Obama’s four vacations to Hawaii since becoming president may cost taxpayers “in excess of $20 million, and possibly much, much more,’’ the White House Dossier reports.
A breakdown by the Hawaii Reporter shows his trips in 2009, 2010, and 2011 cost about $4 million, much of it for Air Force One. But that doesn’t include costs like flying in advance teams and separate flights Michelle Obama twice took.
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com
Obama's Family Vacations to Cost Taxpayers More Than $20 Million
Michelle Obama's Spain vacation cost taxpayers nearly $470G, watchdog group claims | Fox News
michelle obama vacation taxpayers - Yahoo Search Results
Netanyahu is A relative expert, clearly not THE expert.
Netanyahu is
THE expert on Iran and it's nukes.
BTW, Israel simply cannot bomb Iran unilaterally without US suypport. Very few Israeli planes, even the fighter-bombers, have that long a range, so they would have to be refueled by us in the area near the Persian Gulf. Also, they would have to have our friend/foe code from the U.S., otherwise they might get accidentally shot down by us.
Oh...you would be surprised what Israel can do. They managed to bomb the Iraqi and relatively recently the Syrian nuclear facility.
It's so pathetic that you want to go to war so bad that you're unwilling to even give the negotiations a chance. It's pathetic that you care so little about our servicemen and women that you couldn't care less about how many come home to grieving parents and love ones. It's pathetic that you couldn't care less about the fact that we haven't allowed any congress to bring in a foreign leader to discuss foreign relations without even the president being notified. It's pathetic that you call people names, apparently disregarding that this is a violation of halacha itself. It's pathetic that you actually do harm to us as a people with your pit-bull, highly-bigoted approach. And it's pathetic that you think I'm lying, so with all of these "pathetics", I am now done dealing with you-- period.
What is absurd since you are personally attacking is that your allegiance to Obama no matter what he does comes before common sense and caring about the existence of Israel and even America.
What happens when the psycho leadership of Iran get nukes, and decide to give it to ISIS or Hezbollah, and the other terror groups that they support? Many of them are willing to die to achieve their aim. In other words there wouldn't be a nuclear deterrent.
The congress doesn't need Obama's approval. He is not the emperor despite what you may think. Congress is a completely seperate branch of government. As I stated neither Boehner nor Netanyahu need Obama's approval. Obama, as a courtesy actually was notified, even though there was no other reason to do so.
We already know what Obama's negotiations are. They are a free pass for Iran to continue it's nuclear program.
I think Israel will just have to go at it alone...and destroy it. It has already done so twice before to the condemnation of the world.
If you want to be intellectually honest, you need to chose your worship of Obama or allegiance to the US and even Israel. You can't have both.