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HALLOWEEN : Pat Robertson vs. (anyone, someone, just debate ;) )


Deviled Hen
how about you google the word halloween, and see what is accociated with it.

I should depend on the *Internet* when I can use actual reliable historical works as sources?

Hm. Maybe I should judge the worth of evangelical Christianity by Googling that as well. We can see what's "associated" with it.

Here are the first few hits:

Wiki article (no surprise there)
HALLOWEEN: FROM AN EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE )<- too funny points out evangelical erroneous beliefs about Halloween. Oh, the irony!)
'Evangelical Christianity Has Been Hijacked': An Interview with Tony Campolo--politics faith Democracts gay rights women Falwell -- Beliefnet.com
Evangelical Christianity - religious cults and sects
BBC NEWS | Americas | Evangelical Christians plead for Israel
Evangelical Christianity & Homosexuality: Understanding the Relationship

Well, now...after my "exhaustive" research, I can now firmly conclude that evangelical Christians have gone astray since the time of Luther and ended up caring only about what everyone else is doing with their naughty bits, think nearly everyone else is a "cult", mindlessly back the state of Israel, and and have no concept about doing valid historical research on the historical and current basis of Halloween.

Now personally, I think that's beyond one-sided.

But hey, it's what y'all are "associated" with, so it must be true!



Deviled Hen


Obstructor of justice
I don't suppose anyone (or, rather any Christians who believe Halloween is evil..) would actually be interested in any information on Oíche Shamhna/Samhainn?


Brother Rock
Ðanisty;929501 said:
Okay, hold on. Halloween is not Satanic. In fact, the most important religious holiday in Satanism is your own birthday.

but you do use that day as a day of celebration right? why?


Brother Rock
There isn't anything "holy" about that. That's why those things are all part of the commercialized aspects, and it's really only the Pagan community that treats it as a "holy" day (and, there aren't very many of us).

well , then i am agaist the " commercialized aspects " of it then.:yes:


Brother Rock
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
When the average person thinks of Halloween, there are visions of jack-o-lanterns with candles inside to make the jeering faces look even more eerie. There are thoughts of skeletons and ghosts, goblins and devils. Black is a favorite color of Halloween and rooms are made to be dark and scary.
Consider for a moment the symbolism of Halloween. What has that symbolism to do with the true God or Christianity? The symbols of Halloween are blackness and darkness. These are symbols of Satan. God is light and there is no darkness in Him (I John 1:5). Does the symbolism surrounding this holiday reflect what God would appreciate? Does this holiday, with it&#8217;s dark symbolism, seem like something God would accept from us? Would Jesus Christ celebrate Halloween, considering its symbolism and images?
What about the whole concept of "trick or treat"? In principle, this is no less than simple extortion. Halloween encourages wrong by suggesting that if you don&#8217;t get what you demand, you are justified in causing harm or damage. Such a belief goes totally contrary to the scriptures.
Halloween is the very antithesis of Christianity. Jesus Christ tells us in John 8:12, "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." God further tells us, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20).
There is nothing connected to Halloween that is even remotely Christian. Its images are of death, demons, the spirit world, ghosts, goblins and mysticism. All this is totally contrary to God&#8217;s word. Halloween is pagan in origin and it's symbols and practices are not of God. Halloween is about the dead. God is the God of the living.
Furthermore, we need to understand that Halloween is not just an ancient pagan festival of the past. It is still celebrated by the occult in our land today.

of course these are the " commercialized aspects" that i believe christians should stay away from.


Brother Rock
I should depend on the *Internet* when I can use actual reliable historical works as sources?

Hm. Maybe I should judge the worth of evangelical Christianity by Googling that as well. We can see what's "associated" with it.

Here are the first few hits:

Wiki article (no surprise there)
HALLOWEEN: FROM AN EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE )<- too funny points out evangelical erroneous beliefs about Halloween. Oh, the irony!)
'Evangelical Christianity Has Been Hijacked': An Interview with Tony Campolo--politics faith Democracts gay rights women Falwell -- Beliefnet.com
Evangelical Christianity - religious cults and sects
BBC NEWS | Americas | Evangelical Christians plead for Israel
Evangelical Christianity & Homosexuality: Understanding the Relationship

Well, now...after my "exhaustive" research, I can now firmly conclude that evangelical Christians have gone astray since the time of Luther and ended up caring only about what everyone else is doing with their naughty bits, think nearly everyone else is a "cult", mindlessly back the state of Israel, and and have no concept about doing valid historical research on the historical and current basis of Halloween.

Now personally, I think that's beyond one-sided.

But hey, it's what y'all are "associated" with, so it must be true!


wow, how weak.

OK, i sorry for saying google search it!

it still is " ASSOCIATED" with darkness. No?


Done here.
Halloween is the best of all holidays. It takes place at the best time of year. The air is crisp, cider is being pressed, crispy brown leaves are on the ground. You don't have to gather your extended family as at Thanksgiving. There are no obligatory gifts and parties as at Christmas. Nobody is expected to go to church as on Easter and Christmas, and nobody is expected to indulge their worst instincts as during Carnival. Nobody gets up and makes patriotic speeches, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars don't parade down Main Street. It's the one holiday that's just for fun, whatever kind of fun you prefer, whether it's an event for the kiddies or a barn dance or a raucous party. The one holiday on which all you're expected to do is celebrate however you please.

Those who don't want to participate because they're bothered by anything that isn't explicitly Christian, or because they're disturbed by the way other people celebrate, should stay home and say their prayers. They don't sound like a lot of fun, anyway.


Obstructor of justice

There is nothing connected to Halloween that is even remotely Christian.

Does something have to have basis or similarity to Christianity in order for it to be OK? What about birthdays are remotely Christian? How about Memorial day, or the 4th of July?

Besides, Halloween is about making children happy. Do Christians not want to make children happy?

Furthermore, I don't know how many time I have to say this: Halloween is not a "satanic" holiday. It is a Pagan one. If you're going to condemn something as evil, you might as well do it for the correct reasons.


Deviled Hen
it still is " ASSOCIATED" with darkness. No?

No. It's "associated" with kids dressing up in cute harmless costumes and going about asking for candy. It's also associated with harvest celebrations having nothing to do with pagan anything.


Deviled Hen
Halloween is the best of all holidays. It takes place at the best time of year. The air is crisp, cider is being pressed, crispy brown leaves are on the ground. You don't have to gather your extended family as at Thanksgiving. There are no obligatory gifts and parties as at Christmas. Nobody is expected to go to church as on Easter and Christmas, and nobody is expected to indulge their worst instincts as during Carnival. Nobody gets up and makes patriotic speeches, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars don't parade down Main Street. It's the one holiday that's just for fun, whatever kind of fun you prefer, whether it's an event for the kiddies or a barn dance or a raucous party. The one holiday on which all you're expected to do is celebrate however you please.

:clap :clap :clap

Those who don't want to participate because they're bothered by anything that isn't explicitly Christian, or because they're disturbed by the way other people celebrate, should stay home and say their prayers. They don't sound like a lot of fun, anyway.

Yes, the killjoys should just stay home and leave their front light off since they're too ungenerous to hand out candy to small kids in princess and Spiderman costumes, and leave the rest of us the alone.


Through the Looking Glass
So, do any Christians here believe Halloween is actually 'evil' and 'satanic'?

What's the harm in dressing up for a holiday and getting candy? How is this evil?
In my Evangelical days I remember attending a long presentation on the evils of Halloween by "Christian comedian" Mike Warnke. As a dutiful Christian soldier I tentatively bought into that view for a few years. In retrospect my views from those days (including the Halloween fears) seem monumentally silly. :areyoucra


Deviled Hen

There is nothing connected to Halloween that is even remotely Christian.

Apparenently Catholics are not Christian enough for you:

It was a day of religious festivities in various northern European Pagan traditions[citation needed], until Popes Gregory III and Gregory IV moved the old Christian feast of All Saints' Day from May 13 to November 1. In the ninth century, the Church measured the day as starting at sunset, in accordance with the Florentine calendar. Although we now consider All Saints' (or Hallows') Day to occur one day after Halloween, the two holidays were, at that time, celebrated on the same day. Liturgically, the Church traditionally celebrated that day as the Vigil of All Saints, and, until 1970, a day of fasting as well. Like other vigils, it was celebrated on the previous day if it fell on a Sunday, although secular celebrations of the holiday remained on the 31st. The Vigil was suppressed in 1955, but was later restored in the post-Vatican II calendar.

From Wiki article on Halloween.

Really, Rocka, it's not like it requires a lot of research to read a WIki article.


Brother Rock
Does something have to have basis or similarity to Christianity in order for it to be OK?

no , but it can't be similar to devils, deamons, and ghost either.

Besides, Halloween is about making children happy. Do Christians not want to make children happy?

so my child is not happy ? can't you skip that day and still have a happy childhood?

Furthermore, I don't know how many time I have to say this: Halloween is not a "satanic" holiday. It is a Pagan one. If you're going to condemn something as evil, you might as well do it for the correct reasons.

it just has elements that satan is cool with. ok then. we will leave it at that.


Obstructor of justice
no , but it can't be similar to devils, deamons, and ghost either.

Do those things have to be part of Halloween when you celebrate it? You don't have to go to a haunted house, watch scary movies, decorate the house like a graveyard, and wear scary costumes. If you take those types of things out of the equation, what makes it evil then?


Brother Rock
Apparenently Catholics are not Christian enough for you:

From Wiki article on Halloween.

Really, Rocka, it's not like it requires a lot of research to read a WIki article.

I not talking about what it is BASED on , i talking what it is TODAY.

God did not give us the Spirit of FEAR......

i don't care what you or catholics do,,,,,,,, its just not for me, OK?