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Hamas must be eradicated


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Is it really surprising that you find yourself surrounded by enemies when you invade them, steal their land, kill their people, deny their basic rights and continually colonise the areas you have forced them into?
Well I strongly disagree with these assumptions, but I'll see if I can respond anyway...

I mean, it's not like these regions weren't already very, very anti-Semitic anyway, which hardly helps.
These regions are very anti-a-lot-of-things: coptics, Kurds, Yazidis, Syrians, Yemens, and on and on. And yes anti-semitic to be sure. And also anti-sunni or anti-shia depending on what town you happen to live in.

At the risk of what-about-ism, we don't see the same kind of protests and concerns for the Kurds or the Yazidis or the Syrians or the Yemens as we do for the Palestinians, even those they've all fared far, far worse.

It strikes me that this is anti-semitism first and foremost.
Your take on these events leaves no room open for any options other than Israel allowing itself to be destroyed by the animosity of its neighbours, or Israel totally and completely obliterating its neighbours.

If Israel took over the WB and treated its non-terrorist inhabitants the same way it treats the Arabs already living peacefully throughout Israel, I don't think "completely obliterating" is a reasonable summary.


Well-Known Member
There are extremist and violent groups everywhere, and yet not everywhere do those extremist groups hold significant power. Why do you think they hold power in Gaza? Is there some inherent, material moral failing that people who live in that region all seem to possess that allows them to be more favourable to extremist voices, or do you take the position that the material conditions of those people can be a significant influence on ideology and outcomes?
I don't know that I've ever heard the phrase 'material moral failing.' Is there a political theory where that is mentioned specifically? Does it mean something like a failure to use material conditions that are otherwise sufficient? And in your statement that you contrast against this, I assume you mean a paucity in material conditions, as being something that then influences ideology or outcomes.

I don't totally know, but I think it is true that material conditions everywhere can be hard to manage, no matter how good they are in a place. In that area though, I assume it is kind of naturally rough, and that the abstracted carrying capacity of that land might be kind of naturally low. How much of the land is really arable, or good for long-term housing? How many imports are needed, and how fast is the population growing? Then again, maybe it's better than I assume it is.

I'm not really sure, that's why I was asking what humans 'bring to the table' outside of material conditions, if that makes any sense. Because at least then, they can bring some ingenuity to the table, of some sort

Like I said, I think it makes perfect sense for the people of Palestine to be much more motivated by a sentiment that promises retribution against their oppressors than a sentiment that says "we need more infrastructure for tourism", and I think it's pretty obvious why this isn't simply a result of a moral failings of millions of people.
Well, people can have moral failings on a group level, though it's not to say it can't be corrected. The whole human endeavor appears to be an experiment in different moral positions, set in the group level generally, and maybe not all of them can be 'right' all of the time
They get to then attack that neighbour and seize their land. I mean, what was it that Nazi Germany got out of scapegoating Jews and socialists? Turns out they got a lot. They used it as a pretext to attack their ideological enemies, consolidate state power and annex neighbouring territory in the name of the fatherland.

Israel has the backing of the USA and one of the most heavily funded and effective armies in the world. They get a lot out of antagonising a significantly weaker neighbour while losing very little. If Israel had nothing to gain from Palestine, they simply would not be engaging in the wide-ranging settler-colonialism that we see today on the west bank. They definitely want the land, and they want to consolidate power in the region. It's a self-perpetuating cycle. Israel steals land and kills Palestinians, which leads to more Palestinian extremists, which leads to more terrorist attacks again Israeli civilians (with very little reaching the political class), which leads to more stealing of land.
I really would have to learn more about what the value of the land exactly is over there. What kind of land is it? Maybe it would be better if they had a united states of the middle-east or something, where is was a just a federal holding, I suppose. Then anyone could just move anywhere. I should read a book on the gaza strip. I guess I'll just pick a random one, but it looks there are actually a ton of them.


Veteran Member
It strikes me that this is anti-semitism first and foremost..
Well, what is anti-semitism?
Both Jews and Muslims have a similar religion, and share the same worship of the One G-d.
Why would Jews be picked on, and not Muslims, in this particular conflict?
Surely, it has something to do with Zionism, no?


No religious beliefs
Well the nazi's came into existence, and probably had those same kinds of feelings, but no one today would say they were justified in having them. But if your economy stinks because of lost wars and inflation, then that is where a population is probably is at risk for contracting general extremism. But today, we simply say the nazi's were straight up anti-semites / anti-outgroup, and they were, simply because they needed a scapegoat. All populations that failed at prosperity need one, because simply blaming circumstances that you (sometimes) can't control is ineffective, because an abstract concept can't feel your pain
Yes. It doesn't justify it but to some extent explains it. The seeds of WW2 were sown soon after WW1 ended.
So I am skeptical that the oppression can be tied to other people. That is the direction that always evades personal responsibility

But I am optimistic in that I think that people can always turn things around. The Gazans, if their leaders didn't hijack their economy to build tunnels or mortar tubes or whatever, could have set up a giant mediterranean resort / shipping-route trade town. But you need people in power who care about that kind of thing, and it might take a few generations to turn it around

That's a lovely dream (I'm being serious). I heard an Israeli spokesman say something similar, though he used Hong Kong as a comparison.

But would Israel (I mean the current government) allow it? Would they want such a potentially powerful (if only economically) entity so close to them? It would take so many changes to so many players. The inhabitants of Gaza of course, but also the Israelis, the surrounding Arab countries, the USA, and so on. But yes, let's dream.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
To be clear, I'm making a distinction between Palestinian civilians, and members of Hamas. All members of Hamas must be dealt with, for example by imprisoning them for life. This terrorist organization must be utterly destroyed, even the leaders sitting in cushy hotels a thousand miles away from the war.

The world has left it to Israel to perform this task, and much of the world complains about how Israel is going about it.

Fine, the world needs to step up and finish the job for Israel. Easy Peasy.
You said it much better than I have… but… I hope you have more success in helping people understand that I did.


Veteran Member
Well, in the UK, Tony Blair's govt. had a less military solution (with the IRA) .. and they succeeded,
relatively speaking.

A non-inclusive govt, can never get rid of plots to otherthrow, imo.
Yes indeed, though it was largely the work of John Major before Blair became PM. The important thing was a three pronged approach: stamping hard on the IRA and their sources of incomes (drugs, largely) so that they could see they were not going to achieve success through terrorism, addressing the grievances of the Nationalist community to reduce their popular support, and lastly developing back-channels by which the extreme Nationalists could be brought somehow into the political process and offered legitimacy in a format that did not threaten peace.

Smashing Hamas militarily will achieve nothing in the long term as they will just grow back again in some form, unless (i) the grievances of at least the more moderate Palestinians are addressed (settlers, Jerusalem etc) and (ii) some better form of autonomy as a state can be developed. Nobody pretends this would be easy, but until Israel reins in its own extremists and deals seriously with some of these issues there will never be any peace. Netanyahu is obviously the wrong man to do this, as he is just interested in staying out of jail (a bit like Trump in fact). It will require some proper statesmanship, from somebody less tainted.


Veteran Member
To be clear, I'm making a distinction between Palestinian civilians, and members of Hamas. All members of Hamas must be dealt with, for example by imprisoning them for life. This terrorist organization must be utterly destroyed, even the leaders sitting in cushy hotels a thousand miles away from the war.

The world has left it to Israel to perform this task, and much of the world complains about how Israel is going about it.

Fine, the world needs to step up and finish the job for Israel. Easy Peasy.
No, it is not easy peasy at all. This notion that you can eradicate a terrorist organisation by purely military means is hopelessly naïve and doomed to failure. They grow from an aggrieved and miserable community with nothing to lose. So long as that misery and grievance remains, there will always be more terrorists. We have seen this time and again, all over the world.


Veteran Member
To be clear, I'm making a distinction between Palestinian civilians, and members of Hamas. All members of Hamas must be dealt with, for example by imprisoning them for life. This terrorist organization must be utterly destroyed, even the leaders sitting in cushy hotels a thousand miles away from the war.

The world has left it to Israel to perform this task, and much of the world complains about how Israel is going about it.

Fine, the world needs to step up and finish the job for Israel. Easy Peasy.
I'd like to see a world without Hamas in it.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
To be clear, I'm making a distinction between Palestinian civilians, and members of Hamas. All members of Hamas must be dealt with, for example by imprisoning them for life. This terrorist organization must be utterly destroyed....
Would you apply that same standard to Israeli
leaders & soldiers who bomb, kill, & maim civilian
Palestinians, ie, imprison them for life?
Same for Israeli settlers who attack & kill Palestinians?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Perhaps read this wiki article?
The_Troubles - Wikipedia

From 1970 to 1972, an explosion of political violence occurred in Northern Ireland. The deadliest attack in the early 70s was the McGurk's Bar bombing by the UVF in 1971.[116] The violence peaked in 1972, when nearly 500 people, just over half of them civilians, were killed, the worst year in the entire conflict.[117]​

A death toll of roughly 36% of that inflicted on Israel. A death toll with "just over half of them civilians," while in Israel the strategic target was civilian, and the intent was to be a gruesome as possible in order to provoke an overreaction.

But thanks for sharing.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Surely, it has something to do with Zionism, no?
Wanna take a stab at comparing recent, violent Muslim conquests in the ME, with Israel's actions? I'd say Muslims conquests are several orders of magnitude bigger.


Veteran Member
The "Final Solution" approach to peace will fail.
Israel already killed more Palestinians in 2022,
than in prior decades. Look how that plays
out currently.
If Israel kills enuf civilians to include all of Hamas
in Gaza, they won't have even touched Hamas &
other foes of Israel in other countries.
I agree.

The "final solution" reference is a bit crass, though. Yes, Israel is behaving monstrously but who's government hasn't behaved monstrously? They're doing what they think will win them the greatest support and they think that means full-psycho.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I agree.

The "final solution" reference is a bit crass, though.
Or it points to hypocrisy of Israel's
policy of total extermination.
Yes, Israel is behaving monstrously but who's government hasn't behaved monstrously?
If one government is monstrous, does that green light others?
If so, than you just gave permission to Hamas to attack Israel.
They're doing what they think will win them the greatest support and they think that means full-psycho.
"Full-psycho" is doing the same thing over & over
for 70 years, & expecting a different result each time.
Israel should win peace, but they won't achieve it
by oppression & mass murder of Palestinians.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Israel can make a transparent news statement explaining that Palestine has been controlled by Terror for years , the people persecuted from within Palestine . They can explain that yes unfortunately some civilians may be accidently killed if they haven't moved out of the way like Israel explained to do . Freedom always comes with a cost of life unfortunately . In England many many years we overthrew our King at the times , think it was king James , that cost life but we became free .
I think you need to read this:
