Of course that is the main point of social darwinism that it confuses ought with is, that it asserts as pseudoscientific fact what is good and evil.
It is interpreting natural selection theory as saying that organisms in fact like to live. Good and evil are derived from what is identified as loving and hateful. So as that if you love icecream, then by this love it is good to eat icecream, and bad to have it taken away and such. Which means that if the existence of love is regarded as fact, then good and evil automatically become a pseudoscientific fact also.
That is why the hitleryouth schoolbook starts out with the title "a factual outlook on life", and then begins to lay all sorts of judgements on diverse groups of people as if they were scientific facts.
And so it was that the universities where chockfull of these racist evolution scientists, who identified themselves as being organisms in a struggle for survival, who then promulgated all sorts of social darwinist ideology far and wide. To Italy, Germany and Japan.
That is of course the ideological mechanism through which conscience is sabotaged, that by making it an issue of fact, emotions simply become irrellevant. Which means emotions are neglected, so the emotion turn sour, and then these sour emotions are the basis for making the pseudoscientific ideas about racial health through genocide and war.