I think you should chew on it yourself, because you have to build a bridge of understanding on how subjectivity works from where your understanding is now, to where you think your understanding should be as shown by your investigations of the issue, so it seems only you yourself can do it.
I am only interested in facts about how things are chosen.
It is to my understanding that human beings are just another animal that happened to be smarter than the rest.
It is my understanding that there is nothing individually special about a single one of us.
It is my understanding that emotions are driven by evolved instinctual traits e.g. love - mating.
It is my understanding that every single one of us, including yourself, is going to die without getting a say.
It is my understanding that we all are just completely pointless in every sense of the word.
It is my understanding that people create things such as religion to cope with that ^ knowledge.
It is my understanding that subjectivity is a "nothing" inside of the objective universes "something".
As you can see I attempt to "understand" quite a lot of things, that ^ isn't hardly even the start.
My investigations have made me quite pessimistic, not to say I wasn't already.
So my decided purpose in life is "fun" and lucky for some people I find facts fun.
That's where my subjectivity works from, those are my behind the scenes thoughts.
What is your purpose? Your understanding of the world? What is your meaning?
Why do you exist?
I say it's coincidence, all random chance.
You obviously think otherwise.
Invite me into your head for a bit, show me how you work.
Fair is fair my friend.