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Has GOP/US right gone as mad as it seems?

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
If you don’t understand what I was saying then that’s ok by me, nothing will change anyway. By your replies you aren’t comprehending what I was saying thanks for the conversation.

Well, I want to understand so I can check out what you are saying? You may be right, but if you won't clarify and provide evidence I can't make that assessment.


Veteran Member
That's the big lie. Massive fraud in 2020 election. No question. I saw it with my own eyes.

Rather than engage in personal attacks, the best thing religious people could do is look at what Trump has done for RELIGIOUS LIBERTY. More than anyone since the demi-god Founding Father's via 1A.
I haven't seen a single piece of credible evidence that the election wasn't fair.

The only information you are seeing is one sided because of the biased media and censorship. Citizens of the US are not getting the Truth. Any information contrary to the lies and propaganda of the left is censored. When you have to go to the lengths they’ve gone to completely remove Trump, Obsession to Impeach, threaten witnesses to election fraud, they demanded mail in voting while it was unnecessary, very few people ever quarantined themselves, people continued to go to stores and shopping. The actions after the election are proof of the massive fraud. When you have Truth you never have to threaten and censor people.
Here's how it looks:

Rather than accept a) Trump was a terrible mistake, and b) Trump lost the election, the loyalists have stewed themselves into conspiratorial mindset that can't accept anything that contradicts the narrative of Trump-the-saviour.


Ask And You Will Receive
I haven't seen a single piece of credible evidence that the election wasn't fair.

I see. You too have seen MOUNTAINS OF EVIDENCE but dismiss it as ‘not credible.’

Again, I thought Anita Hill and the Brett Kavanaugh hearings taught us evidence is not even required, “Believe Her”, guilt by accusation and all that. Then Trump’s Press Secretary, GOP Chairwoman and Sydney Powell detail MOUNTAINS OF EVIDENCE and you be like, ‘not credible.’

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I see. You too have seen MOUNTAINS OF EVIDENCE but dismiss it as ‘not credible.’

Again, I thought Anita Hill and the Brett Kavanaugh hearings taught us evidence is not even required, “Believe Her”, guilt by accusation and all that. Then Trump’s Press Secretary, GOP Chairwoman and Sydney Powell detail MOUNTAINS OF EVIDENCE and you be like, ‘not credible.’
We do have reliable sources that support us. You, not so much. And for one that supposedly understands logical fallacies you should know a Tu Quoque fallacy when you use one.

By the way, I did not buy into the hype against Kavanaugh, or find Anita Hill particularly credible either.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
By the way, I did not buy into the hype against Kavanaugh, or find Anita Hill particularly credible either.
The way he conducted himself was embarrassing for someone being interviewed for such a high position. That alone should have disqualified breaking to such an extent being under pressure.


Ask And You Will Receive
We do have reliable sources that support us.

Another Appeal to Authority. This is why the Left’s statement for unity run empty. When Republicans win, it does fist in the air, RESIST.

When you say unity, it is actually code for surrender. Reliable sources are against me. My lying eyes and ears cannot be trusted as much as the authority of those against me.

And where was all this devotion to credible and reliable authority during the 24/7 x 4 years of ‘Russia Collusion? D’at different.


The wonder and awe of "all things".
From the outside it looks really bad.

Is it as bad as it looks? Maybe it's just the news media and the social media making it look much worse than it actually is?

What kind of stuff is happening on the right that is good/promising but I'm just not seeing? I'm thinking there must be some positive campaigns/groups with agendas that are benevolent.

There is very significant rational republican resistance to Trump, and not just the 10 House members or the 5 or more Senators who have openly supported the impeachment of Trump, but also probably at least 1/4th to 1/3rd of the registered Republican voters also (though it may be more by now).

But Trump is an important phenomena, not merely a populist. He's a very consummate deceiver it seems. Or...perhaps he actually believes the things he claims.

Basically Trump creates a world, a created world, for people to live in, an imaginary one, but they think it is real. He's also good at weaving in/repeating the standard old saws that Republicans like such as stuff about freedom for businesses and growing the economy and such. He weaves in things people understand as good into his created imaginary cloth, bits of attractive real things to go with all of the imaginary things, the woven fabric of the fantasy world he creates, day by day.

It was a big deal when twitter banned him (for inciting violence), since the tweets were the main conduit for the fantasy world, and attracting new believers in the Trump-as-Savior fantasy.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Another Appeal to Authority. This is why the Left’s statement for unity run empty. When Republicans win, it does fist in the air, RESIST.

When you say unity, it is actually code for surrender. Reliable sources are against me. My lying eyes and ears cannot be trusted as much as the authority of those against me.

And where was all this devotion to credible and reliable authority during the 24/7 x 4 years of ‘Russia Collusion? D’at different.
LOL, you do not know how to properly use the appeal to authority fallacy.

Try again.

Wait, better not. You clearly do not understand how to apply logical fallacies properly.

And yes, reliable sources are against you. That is because you are wrong. Can you promise to at least attempt to reason rationally? Lastly remember, you are highly biased. That makes it easy to fool people that are rather ignorant about the processes that they are observing.

Once again, please, please try to reason rationally.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
I see. You too have seen MOUNTAINS OF EVIDENCE but dismiss it as ‘not credible.’
The most amazing thing in years is just how OFTEN some people state "you have seen MOUNTAINS OF EVIDENCE" and then go on to produce, um, well....nothing, actually. :oops:

Just like in 61 court cases, tried before mostly Trump-appointed judiciary.

(Hint, for those who don't get it...if you think you have evidence for a massively fraudulent election, BRING IT ON. We're mature enough here to deal with it.)


Veteran Member
I see. You too have seen MOUNTAINS OF EVIDENCE but dismiss it as ‘not credible.’

Again, I thought Anita Hill and the Brett Kavanaugh hearings taught us evidence is not even required, “Believe Her”, guilt by accusation and all that. Then Trump’s Press Secretary, GOP Chairwoman and Sydney Powell detail MOUNTAINS OF EVIDENCE and you be like, ‘not credible.’
Maybe you could start a thread where you present the mountains of evidence.


Veteran Member
If Biden won so easily, why try another impeachment to get rid of Trump, censor any opposition, why threaten and fire people. Because the Capitol? That’s funny. I know a lot of people that were in DC on the 6th and it was nothing like what was reported on the news.
First off, I see you could not refute the facts that Biden won and that Trump's 60 lawsuits amounted to nothing.

Second, yes, because of the Capitol insurrection. Are you going to pretend that the inside of the Capitol was not breached? Are you going to pretend that five people did not die? Are you going to pretend that the people doing it were not egged on by Trump?

Are you going to pretend that the hours and hours of footage shown in the media was faked?
First off, I see you could not refute the facts that Biden won and that Trump's 60 lawsuits amounted to nothing.

Second, yes, because of the Capitol insurrection. Are you going to pretend that the inside of the Capitol was not breached? Are you going to pretend that five people did not die? Are you going to pretend that the people doing it were not egged on by Trump?

Are you going to pretend that the hours and hours of footage shown in the media was faked?
Thanks for your interest in this subject, if you look into all the facts and not the skewed view of propagandist and our censorship, cancel culture media you can find the truth. I’ve already said all I wanted on this subject and moved on. I hope Biden does the US right and fulfills his job according to the Constitution. Do you know what the President’s job is according to the Constitution?


Veteran Member
Our differences are only in degrees, emphasis and priority.
Yeah. We leftist progressives believe in rationalism and evidence.
The rightists believe in Q and conspiracy theories.

Among the Q believers' beliefs...
  • There is a global elite wanting to control all governments and running a worldwide pedophile ring.
  • These elites are Satanists who drink the blood of sacrificed children.
  • Donald Trump is was going to expose and eliminate this group.
  • Donald Trump is an alien...
QAnon and UFO Conspiracies Are Merging
Earlier this month, popular conspiracy YouTuber Jordan Sather referenced two specific Q posts: “This is confirming that information about UFO's and cosmic life is known at the highest levels (by Q and Trump), and that this group is working to disclose these things. MASSIVE implications.”
If you think these are differences only in "degrees, emphasis and priority", then you either don't understand anything about Q inspired rightists and rational progressives. Either that or you are a Q apologist trying to make it sound like there are only minor differences.


Veteran Member
Thanks for your interest in this subject, if you look into all the facts and not the skewed view of propagandist and our censorship, cancel culture media you can find the truth. I’ve already said all I wanted on this subject and moved on.
You've moved on because you cannot defend your ridiculous assertions.

You are not alone among the Sheeples who try to use this same tactic- post nonsense and then walk away when asked for verification.
You've moved on because you cannot defend your ridiculous assertions.

You are not alone among the Sheeples who try to use this same tactic- post nonsense and then walk away when asked for verification.
You shouldn’t try to judge the motives of people and that’s another problem with you all on the left and in the media.


Not Religious
You shouldn’t try to judge the motives of people and that’s another problem with you all on the left and in the media.
Nah, that's a bigger motive on the right. Take immigration for example.
Rightwingers think the motives of immigrants are to vote democratic, live on freebies, murder and rape, take er jerbs and spread deadly diseases.

Some of us try to verify the motives. Not being a dittohead taking the word of grifters.

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
Nah, that's a bigger motive on the right. Take immigration for example.
Rightwingers think the motives of immigrants are to vote democratic, live on freebies, murder and rape, take er jerbs and spread deadly diseases.

Some of us try to verify the motives. Not being a dittohead taking the word of grifters.

Right wingers seem to forget that Hispanic immigrants are generally social conservatives.