Interesting. Is it ok for me to hate non-Christians then b/c they infect my government with their secular views, my kids school, my lifestyle, my world view, my friends, my family, my neighborhood.....
You do know Christianity is not the only view that effects other people. If you vote for an issue in the society we BOTH live in, then you are "infecting" my world too with your hatred, worldly ways, etc.
Just to make the record clear, I don't hate you or any non-Christian, despite how hard they try to mold the world I and my family live in to their world view. I was merely pointing out how this could go both ways, but is not a good reason to HATE others.
No hate. Just saying that I can turn on the TV and find at least a dozen Christian channels speaking much of the same message...
I can search the airwaves in my car and get a number of Christian
stations preaching or playing Christian music singing much of the same message...
I can drive my car and my kids will see church after church with signs and
billboards preaching much of the same message..
"Jesus is love. Repent or burn."
It's a free country. Go ahead and sing it out as much as you want. But the
minute any organized political movement seeks to tell me that I am not fit to hold a job based on my gender, my belief, or my orientation...I will push back.
And I do hope that message infects that particular Christian community's mindset....
"You can keep your Jesus. Just stay off my lawn."