Really? It seems to me that it can't possibly be.
Besides making it too much of a point that God
must literally exist (something that will always be a mistake by my perspective), it also makes God look like a simple magician interested in laying wards of no religious value just because.
Sure, the idea that the Quran is reliable and will always be so is valued by Muslims.
However, both in theory and in practice that turns out to be a bad thing, because it forces people who are very much at odds with each other to try and justify themselves with the Quran instead of directly with their own understandings and goals.
What other proof should God give other than His Own True Words?
Something actually meaningful, such as perhaps a continuous line of priests that actually manage to nurture and spread wisdom and understanding among their flock, perhaps.
Words are just ink on paper. They can't even conceivably ever be wiser than the living traditions and wisdom of actual religious people who exercice discernment with sincerity, skill and good will. That their worth and usefulness is limited is evidenced by the serious divisions among Muslims themselves... as well as by the insoluble dilemmas that end up being locked by reliance on scripture, as you have just illustrated by presenting the case for the Bab being validated in the Quran, just to have your claim denied.
Both the claim and its denial are arbitrary. As is only to be expected, since they rely on interpreting scripture.
I am well aware that both Christians and Muslims strongly disagree with what I just said. I can't really figure how they manage to, truth be told.
Miracles? No...To me it is none-sense the All-Powerful God has to put up with the request of people to do Miracles for them to make them believe. So the idea is God has created man, in such a way that if a man is sincere, He would readily recognize the Word of His creator, as a seer who can readily see and recognize the Sun.
That is actually a very strong argument against the existence of Abraham's God, you know.
But if that man is not sincere He would become blind by his own impurities that becomes as a veil, as a punishment that he deserves, until he purifies and cleans his heart from every bias, imitation and self desires. This is what those so called Holy Books teach IMO.
So exposure to the Holy Books is a litmus test of sorts, to tell the deserving from the undeserving?
I feel like I must have missed something. People can't very well believe in that exactly, now can they?