Hi Thief. Good afternoon. Sodom and Gomorrah was an evil place. You know that, I know that. It doesn't matter what angle you look at the Kingdom of Yahweh from, it will be glorious. I many times meditate on the beauty of the New Jerusalem and how glorious that heavenly city will look when it is upon the earth. I wonder with excitement at how the saints will be beautified with Yahweh's salvation and what we as spirit beings will look like. I wonder what the atmosphere of that Kingdom will be like, when children will be playing out on the streets without fear of deadly things or predatory people. Without murders, or stealing, or people committing adultery, or profanely using the Name. I wonder what some of those songs will be like in the Kingdom, praising Yahweh for His grace and mercy and for His wonderful plan of salvation. I wonder of the glories that will be bestowed upon Yahshua, the Messiah, when He comes to take rulership of this world and bring it in subjection to what this planet was originally intended.