Well, the ^ above^ is different because many associate angels with just playing harps in heaven.God is in charge the angels carry swords and you will show up at the gate.....expecting freedom?
Plus, Not everyone is called to be resurrected to heaven. Heaven is for people like those of Luke 22:28-30; Revelation 2:10
They have two (2)heavenly jobs to do according to Revelation 5:9-10.
* They are to serve mankind living on Earth as governmental kings along with Jesus.
* They are to serve mankind living on Earth as to take care of spiritual responsibilities towards people living on Earth.
Remember: Jesus promised Earth at Matthew 5:5 in reference to Psalms 37:9-11 that humble meek people will inherit the Earth.
Earth or the earthly realm of God's kingdom of Daniel 2:44.
Jesus will have earthly subjects according to Psalms 72:8; Psalms 72:12-14.
In other words, more people can gain 'everlasting life on Earth' as was originally offered to Adam before his downfall, while only some are resurrected to heavenly life.