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Hi Everybody...I'm Seeking Biblical Knowledge...


Active Member
From what I have seen in your posts....it would appear as if you aren't interested in the answers that people have already given. In fact, it seems as if you aren't even reading peoples' posts. If you are, then it appears as if your reading comprehension skills are lacking. I suggest that you go back through the thread and read the posts that have answered your question already. Because as it appears, all you've done is skip over those posts and respond to the ones that you've felt like responding to. A debate also necessitates calmness and listening skills. If you are unwilling to listen to what others are proposing to answer your question then you are not debating, but preaching instead.
My reading astuteness are not in question. Yours have yet to be proven.

Find it on this thread where anyone corroborated their opinion with evidence supported by experts with the proper accreditations and accomplishments in the field of theology. Please!

Now here's what you're doing right now: you're judging someone's entire character just by their posts here. That is very dangerous, and hardly ever leads to an accurate conclusion. For example, judging by some of your posts, I'd assume that you're either in junior high or in high school. Is that right?
How else am I going to judge someone? By some other poster's reply!

Please, spare me the agony of contorting myself to your mental gymnastics. Its clear you all find it difficult to engage in an intellectual debate with someone of a higher caliber. I've thanked you for your "opinion" but my question didn't pertain for conjectures, my question was directed to the people in the know, and thus far, no-one on this Forum knows.

Having not received a satisfactory answer, I will ask this Forum again; "who wrote the Bible!"

One verse that authenticates authorship!
One verse that commands that author/prophet to write that book by GOD
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Guardian of Life
My reading astuteness are not in question. Yours are yet to be proven.

Find it on this thread where anyone corroborated their opinion with evidence supported by experts with the proper accreditations and accomplishments in the field of theology. Please!
You're looking for evidence that can't be provided on an internet forum. What you're looking for requires in-depth study and searching. I don't know why you would look for scholarly information on a religious-forums website. There are plenty of better places to get scholastic information (like an institution of higher learning). Why even look on the internet at all? Why not go to a library or something?

This forum stages debates based on people presenting their various opinions. This isn't exactly a place where a person is expected to give scholarly answers to every question posed. Your expectation exceeds the nature of this forum and thus you will never find what you are looking for here. I still can't understand what made you believe that you can find that level of information on the internet.


Guardian of Life
Having not received a satisfactory answer, I will ask this Forum again; "who wrote the Bible!"

One verse that authenticates authorship!
One verse that commands that author/prophet to write that book by GOD

Your question isn't valid until you answer why you need to know who wrote the Bible. Of what importance to you is that information?


Hostis humani generis
Its clear you all find it difficult to engage in an intellectual debate with someone of a higher caliber.


Having not received a satisfactory answer, I will ask this Forum again; "who wrote the Bible!"
Who Wrote The Bible?
Authors of the Bible - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Traditional belief is there are forty; authors - modern scholarship asserts more. Many of them chose to remain anonymous. Why? So they were not idolized.

One verse that authenticates authorship!
2 Timothy 3:16: All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. How's that? :D

One verse that commands that author/prophet to write that book by GOD
Considering the Bible is a collection of stories that would have been transmitted orally in a society where literacy would have been less widespread than at current (bit of an understatement? :D), with earliest accounts probably coming from around the Bronze Age, writing was something that many were not adept at.

But, how about something like this? (Since your demand is quite difficult to really understand :D)
Jeremiah 36: 1-2 (1 ) In the fourth year of Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah, this word came to Jeremiah from the LORD:
(2 ) "Take a scroll and write on it all the words I have spoken to you concerning Israel, Judah and all the other nations from the time I began speaking to you in the reign of Josiah till now.

(Numbers my addition)

Exodus 34:27 Then the LORD said to Moses, "Write down these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel."

1 John 2:1 My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.

Happy? :D
If this is not what you asked for, please, explain what you want in more detail.


Active Member
You're looking for evidence that can't be provided on an internet forum.
Please stop it with your ill-conceived remedial posts.

This forum stages debates based on people presenting their various opinions. This isn't exactly a place where a person is expected to give scholarly answers to every question posed.
Debate, puh! You mean insolent and obtuse arena that would make a high security prison seem civilised. For the most part you all belong in a zoo, or a circus (take your pick) either way, "Poor Performance!"


Guardian of Life
Debate, puh! You mean insolent and obtuse arena that would make a high security prison seem civilised. For the most part you all belong in a zoo, or a circus (take your pick) either way, "Poor Performance!"

No one is forcing you to be here.

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STAFF ADVISORY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *​

Please steer the conversation back to the questions raised in the OP and refrain from discussing other members. Some off-topic posts may be subject to removal.


Active Member
Welcome. :)

Now, what about what I sent you? Is that the sort of answer you were looking for? If not, please let me know in a little more detail and I'll see what I can find. ;)
Thanks, but it seems as though I'm writing in German.

I asked who wrote the Bible with verses authenticating authorship and that GOD commanded that author/prophet to write it down.

You answered with the following verses:

2 Timothy 3:16: All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.

Who wrote 2 Timothy?

Where is the supporting verse?

Jeremiah 36: 1-2 (1 ) In the fourth year of Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah, this word came to Jeremiah from the LORD:

Exodus 34:27 Then the LORD said to Moses, "Write down these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel."

These two verses are written in the third person, not the Prophets, but some anonymous author. Unless you can provide further evidence.

1 John 2:1 My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.

This last verse makes no mention that GOD commanded this author to authenticate this message.

I'm sorry, these verses (your reply) will not suffice.

There is no shame in saying, "I don't know!"

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
To make a serious effort to honestly respond to a dishonest, petty, and contempt laced question is senseless and affords the OP qualitatively more respect than it deserves.


Active Member
Ha,Ha,Ha, "you're trying too hard!"

You're lacing up your words and got your tongue tied in a knot. Should have kept your mouth shut, or taken a real shot at the OP, find out how ignorant you really are.


Agnostic Pantheist
Who wrote the Bible?

Can someone produce just 'ONE' verse from the Bible that mentions who wrote the Bible???

I searched and searched (Google) I can't find anything!!!!
Are you looking for the names of the ancient authors and scribes of Judea and Israel? or are you talking about the New Testament?

One verse that authenticates authorship!
One verse that commands that author/prophet to write that book by GOD

Thanks in advance, will read enlightened answers later....
Why would the Bible be written by God? to what is this question relevant?

"How do ye say, We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us? Lo, certainly in vain made he it; the pen of the scribes is in vain."

~Jeremiah 8:8


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
How else am I going to judge someone? By some other poster's reply!

How about not judging them at all?

Please, spare me the agony of contorting myself to your mental gymnastics. Its clear you all find it difficult to engage in an intellectual debate with someone of a higher caliber. I've thanked you for your "opinion" but my question didn't pertain for conjectures, my question was directed to the people in the know, and thus far, no-one on this Forum knows.

And I suppose you do?

Let me give you some names I've recently started reading. (And by the way, Jayhawker Soule directed me to these names.)

Robert Alter
Everett Fox
Richard Elliot Friedman

Having not received a satisfactory answer, I will ask this Forum again; "who wrote the Bible!"

One verse that authenticates authorship!
One verse that commands that author/prophet to write that book by GOD

I gave you a verse that many Christians believe is confirmation, and told you the problems with it.

I also corrected your obvious and incorrect assertion that the Bible is a single massive work.

I would think the implications would be clear, but it appears they are not. So let me tell you plainly. THERE IS NO SUCH VERSE!!


Hostis humani generis
Thanks, but it seems as though I'm writing in German.
Perhaps if you're a bit clearer, then. :D

I asked who wrote the Bible with verses authenticating authorship and that GOD commanded that author/prophet to write it down.

You answered with the following verses:
I know which verses I responded with. However, as I said: the prophets chose to remain annonymous. How can you find more information on people who chose to remain annonymous who lived for the best part of two millenia ago?

Who wrote 2 Timothy?
Traditionally, Paul. However, many modern scholars now believe it was a follower of Paul, who also wrote 1 Timothy and Titus, and probably wrote them after Paul's death.

Where is the supporting verse?
Define "supporting verse"?

These two verses are written in the third person, not the Prophets, but some anonymous author. Unless you can provide further evidence.
These would have been transmitted orally, as I mentioned earlier.

This last verse makes no mention that GOD commanded this author to authenticate this message.
No, but it does explain why it was written.

I'm sorry, these verses (your reply) will not suffice.
Honestly, I don't think anything will for you.

There is no shame in saying, "I don't know!"
Nobody said there is. I believe others have said that. However, "chose to remain annonymous" means we don't know anything about the authors. Therefore, if you read through the replies instead of cherry picking, perhaps you would have received answers long ago.

There isn't one author of the bible. It's a compilation of many writers. Most of the writers of the bible remain anonymous. But there isn't a "who" when you ask the question.
There are multiple authors.
"I searched and searched (Google) I can't find anything!!!! "

Authors of the Bible - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Bible has multiple authors, and, for that matter, multiple books.

The first problem you seem to have is, you're thinking of the Bible as a single book, when it is, in fact, a small library of different books. I can help give you a beginner's rundown of the various books and collections.
Fred did it.

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