Those who will not look beyond the vision of their own eyes
will remain forever in light blinded by the darkness.
'Omninescience' was the knowledge of the people of the Era of Pure Ignorance.
Myths and Superstitions
infiltrated that Vacuum of Knowledgelessness
and set up in their wake
Democracies of Totalitarian Falsehoods.
Misguided Ignorance
began its
Autocratic Reign
started to transform the Minds of the People into Faculties of Every Irrationality.
Those whose Minds
have been illuminated by Knowledge,
To Them the Darkness does not exist.
Truth has Arrived with the Sword of Reason to Slay Falsehood and to Establish its Dominion over Where it Rightfully Belongs.
. . .
If you have not followed this thread from the beginning until now then you would not understand a thing what is being explained. Go back to post one and make yourself familiar like the quoted Lady B above.
Remember the journey of deletion?
Until how you arrived and how you found
yourself at the apparent center of a surrounding world of absolute nothingness
in an infinite omnipresent world of darkness appearing as a solid sheet of blackness in all directions.
You saw Nothing;You saw No One.
No Matter; No Space; No Time.
Just a Matterless; Spaceless; Timeless Void.
Remember! Your wonderings and imaginations before that when you were in the world of non Deletion,
did He create and not leave the nothing?
in which He had created
there was nowhere that He was not?
from which He had created
there was nothing that was besides Him?"
Let us return to that world of the zero and infinite dimensional invisible
l and see with our minds how everything began.
Keep your minds ready!
Lo and behold!
began by His wish and command and then
and from them the whole invisible matter-less one-dimensional and infinite decimal number line represented by
LAAAMMM ( L - ל - ل)
came into being in the zero and infinite -dimensional LLLLLLLLLL( L-ל-ل )
Thousands and millions and billions of numbers one after the other without end.
LLLaaaMMM... in the LLLLLLLLLL...
LLLLLLLLLL... containing the LLLaaaMMM...
See! How after the following visual presentation, the
r (ruwh or spirit) arises from the
l (ALLAAH) to go forth to bring about the numbers and runs the first linear spatial dimension.