Actually, the name came from this goddess:
Äostre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They are hundred of names for the goddess.
Aostre, Isis, Ishtar, hathor, ashoreth, astarte, aphrodite, venus, tiamat, gaia, eve, innanna, ixchel, hera, diana, mayr, maya, mary, demeter, yashoda, bithia.
The name "A'ostra", is closely, related to ashoreth, pheoneticly.
the name Isis, or "IS" can be spelt "OS,YS,IS,AS,US,ES,OSH,YSH,ISH,ASH,USH,ESH,AOS"
The goddess as two roles, one The Consort, and two the God bearer or both.
For example, jesus is often called being one and the same as god.
but if Jesus is God, and Mary is his mother, and God is his father.
Then mary is Jesus's consort and mother at the same time.
This is the same concept is same as (Horus-Osiris-Isis)