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Historical Accuracy in Scripture


Active Member
This makes no sense. The bible tells us nothing about the American continents, the majority of Asia, southern Africa, europe and all the history after the last passages of the bible. The Bible only tells us about a tiny tiny fraction of history at best.
Yeah, everything found to be true had fabrications attached to it. Like that Solimon was rich or the Anceint Hebrews even capable of making a great society. That was Egypt and Rome and Athens and Babylon and Akkad and such. All polytheist and open and progressive for their time.


As a Christian and a lover of truth, I would never take Scripture or even Jesus seriously if events were presented to me as real that are just made up stories.

The Bible speaks of the Flood as a historical fact, and presents Adam and Eve as real people; but not only that, but Jesus confirms both as historical truths.

If any "Christian" comes to tell me that Adam and Eve did not exist or that the Flood did not really happen... that is not a true Christian, but a phony ... probably one of those posers who are not what they say they are.

Psal. 26:4 I do not associate with deceitful men,
And I avoid those who hide what they are.
5 I hate the company of evil men,
And I refuse to associate with the wicked.
Jehovahs Witnesses arent lovers of truth though. You are lovers of what you believe to be true. You are even discouraged from looking into other religions in any meaningful way. Anything that opposes your leaders and groups doctrine cannot be explored in any meaningful way. The very fact that you guyd are against tertiery education shows that yoy dont care about truth.


Yeah, everything found to be true had fabrications attached to it. Like that Solimon was rich or the Anceint Hebrews even capable of making a great society. That was Egypt and Rome and Athens and Babylon and Akkad and such. All polytheist and open and progressive for their time.
Yeah, the bible has so many historical problems. And then for someone to say that it accounts for much of history is showing a lack of critical thinking.


Active Member
Yeah, the bible has so many historical problems. And then for someone to say that it accounts for much of history is showing a lack of critical thinking.
I wonder if it's both lack or critical thinking and... We'll put it lightly with a polite showing a verse... They love Jesus. And who wouldn't. :)

"And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell."

Cut your hand of if you have off. We might as well immolate ourselves. How wholesome.


I wonder if it's both lack or critical thinking and... We'll put it lightly with a polite showing a verse... They love Jesus. And who wouldn't. :)

"And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell."

Cut your hand of if you have off. We might as well immolate ourselves. How wholesome.
I think it has less to do with Jesus and more to do with loving their organisation and leaders, considering that all belief comes through them. Heck, a JWs beliefs will chance on a whim if their governing body says they must believe something differently. They arent even loyal to their own beliefs which has been proven many times in the past. They are loyal to men. Jehovah and Jesus are just the tools of indoctrination.

If the Governing Body had to say today that the bible has errors, each and every loyal jehovahs witness will be defending the innaccuracies of the scriptures tomorrow.


True Christians are educated by Christ (which is why they bear his name), not by the world.

Mark 8:38 For whoever becomes ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of man will also be ashamed of him when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”

Denying the Flood as a real event is denying Jesus in order to side with the world and the false knowledge of it.

Matt. 24:37 For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. 38 For as they were in those days before the Flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, 39 and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be.

That attitude is very common in Christendom: to negate Jesus and posing as Christians.
You are educated by your organisation though, not christs. You are only allowed to believe what the whims of the governing body believe. Proof of this is the concept of "new light". When new interpretations come out you must accept it and cant contradict them. Your beliefs are dictated to you by men.


Veteran Member
The pooh. How do you find it? Why Would you find something less popular? That's just not statistics.

It's also dead wrong about somethings. Like Erathly things as they call it. Pleasure is good and necessary for life. Too much pleasure is bad too, but too little is just as bad.

I'm not saying their perfect, I'm saying what is the actual path in practice, not theory.
I just said the advice, moral and
ethical guidance of the bible is
very difficult to sort out and very
That one would do better to look

I cannot figure out what you are
trying to say.


When the faith is based on true knowledge, it becomes something more than just credulity.

We, JWs, worship what we know. ;)

John 4:23 " (...) the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshippers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for indeed, the Father is looking for ones like these to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth.”
No. You worship what the anointed know. And what the governing body knows. Which is why you change your beliefs everytime new light comes out.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I don't know what you, enemies of the Bible, are up to... but the reality that you seem to ignore is the following:

Without the Bible, much of the human history we know today would have still remained a mystery to the whole world. ;)
Was that your way of admitting that creationism is unsupported except for the Bible?


Active Member
I think it has less to do with Jesus and more to do with loving their organisation and leaders, considering that all belief comes through them.
That makes startling sense.
Heck, a JWs beliefs will chance on a whim if their governing body says they must believe something differently. They arent even loyal to their own beliefs which has been proven many times in the past. They are loyal to men. Jehovah and Jesus are just the tools of indoctrination.

If the Governing Body had to say today that the bible has errors, each and every loyal jehovahs witness will be defending the innaccuracies of the scriptures tomorrow.
I see!


Veteran Member
Sorry, I don't see that to be true. The data clearly shows that the number of deaths has increased, while the number of vaccinated has also increased. I don't see how you can deny that clear fact.
You should, given that I supplied you with links to scientific studies where the data indicates exactly what I've said.
Judging from past conversations with you though, you don't seem too keen on taking in data that disagrees with what you already believe.

This one speaks directly to your claims about Finland:

"Thus, slow vaccination and booster administration was a major factor contributing to an order of magnitude higher excess mortality in “slower” European countries compared to more rapidly immunized countries."

Then we have a global analysis:

"Our results clearly show lower COVID-19 mortality rates per 1000 cases for countries with higher COVID-19 vaccination coverage. Deaths per cases decreased following vaccine implementation [1]. This trend was observed in unadjusted and adjusted analyses controlling for several pertinent country-level variables. Similarly, adjusted analyses of the percentage of individuals who had received a booster dose showed that an increase in the percentage of booster doses was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 deaths per 1000 cases. Significant inverse associations were found in most analyses in income groups. Another notable point is the contrast in effect estimates for countries of different income levels."

Sorry, but that data supports my claims.


Well-Known Member
"Thus, slow vaccination and booster administration was a major factor contributing to an order of magnitude higher excess mortality in “slower” European countries compared to more rapidly immunized countries."
It is fascinating that you don't seem to understand my point. I am sorry, if I am too difficult to understand.

How would you explain that the number of deaths is greater after vaccines than before them? Those who had not vaccines, should die at the same rate than before the vaccines. And if the vaccines really work, the number of deaths should be smaller, even if not all are vaccinated.


Veteran Member
Does it matter if if the stories in religious scripture actually took place?

What is more important in scripture, historical accuracy or the lessons that can be learned from it?

Only if you believe that the scriptures are the "infallible word of god" is it important.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
No good reason to believe you.
You see, others won't give you the time of day when you are rude either.

You should try to learn how to follow your own Commandments. Especially the Ninth. Many people think that that is a ban on spreading lies about others. It is more general than that. It is a ban on "bearing false witness". That means that even if you believe something negative about someone else, and you use it against that person, if it is true you broke the Ninth Commandment even if you did not mean to spread a lie.

Lincoln said it very well:

I believe it is an established maxim in morals that he who makes an assertion without knowing whether it is true or false, is guilty of falsehood; and the accidental truth of the assertion, does not justify or excuse him.


aged ecumenical anthropologist


Be your own guru
You're answering as you have definitive answers, which begs the question how do you know these to be true? As a scientist, I can't do that, and that carries over into my religious "drifts" as well.

IMO, certainty is the enemy of serious theology.
Replying to an old post of yours, my answer is not definative. It depends on what science finds in future. At the moment the best that science says is that at the time of 'inflation' of the universe, it was a ball of energy with high temperature and pressure - so that is my 'Brahman'. And everything that now exists i the universe arose from that only.