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Holy Land and the Jews

Aabraham ben Azar

Active Member
Can any one helps me to provide an evidence or verses from the Holy Book ( OT ) or HaTorah that God says the land is for the Jews ?
Thanks in advance.


This topic has the potential of getting charged rather quickly. Please keep it civil.
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Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what kind of answer you are looking for.

In the other thread, I said this:
Is this a trick question?

The Torah says, in many places, that the Children of Israel will inherit the land of Canaan. In Numbers and Deuteronomy, it delineates how what would become the Land of Israel was to be distributed amongst the Tribes of Israel.

The Children of Israel are not called Jews in Tanach, except for Mordechai in the Book of Esther. However, in the First Book of Kings, Ten of the Tribes are separated into the Ki.dom of Israel, and the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin, and the resident Cohanim and Levi'im were the Kingdom of Judea.

However, in common parlance, people from all twelve Tribes are Jews. That is because when the brothers took Benjamin to Egypt when Joseph was the viceroy to the pharaoh, Jacob was reluctant to let Benjamin go. That was until Judah took complete responsibility for Benjamin. Since then, we have a saying: all Jews are responsible for one another.

You said that I didn't answer the question. I'm not sure what else you are looking for.

Aabraham ben Azar

Active Member
I'm not sure what kind of answer you are looking for.

In the other thread, I said this:

You said that I didn't answer the question. I'm not sure what else you are looking for.
It's very clear and straightforward question for example when I ask the Christians : can you provide me with an evidence or verses from the Old Testament that God has three personalities ( trinity ) they immediately say that God called / described Himself in plural ( Elohim and not Eloh ) so I need a clear answer or verse from the Torah that God says the Holy Land is for the Jews ?


Can any one helps me to provide an evidence or verses from the Holy Book ( OT ) or HaTorah that God says the land is for the Jews ?
Thanks in advance.


This topic has the potential of getting charged rather quickly, so we ask to be mindful of the rules and if you can't play nice or find yourself to be civil, step back for a second and come back. Please keep it civil.

This should not be too difficult?


Well-Known Member
It's very clear and straightforward question for example when I ask the Christians : can you provide me with an evidence or verses from the Old Testament that God has three personalities ( trinity ) they immediately say that God called / described Himself in plural ( Elohim and not Eloh ) so I need a clear answer or verse from the Torah that God says the Holy Land is for the Jews ?

Are you asking for a simple formulation of your sentence? If you are, that doesn't exist.

I explained that God promised the land of Israel to the Children of Israel. I can show you many verses that describe this.

Are you asking how we know that the Children of Israel are who are now known as Jews? That would be harder to answer.

So while, on the surface, it seems like your question is simple, the answer is not as simple.

Please refine your question.


How about we use the Quran instead? 5:20. It is "Written" for the "people of Moses".

Now as for the difference between Jews and "descendents of Abraham", Abrahams' promise through his lineage is said to be through Isaac.

Genesis 21:12 But God said to him, "Do not be so distressed about the boy and your maidservant. Listen to whatever Sarah tells you, because it is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.
So the promises for the land only apply to Isaac.
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Well-Known Member
Thank you Odion but my question was about the Jews and not Children of Israel ( Bnei Yesrael ) or Descendants of Abraham !!

Aabraham, Jews ARE the Children of Israel. My previous posts gave an explanation of how this came to be.

If you are disputing this without addressing my post where I outlined it for you, there is nothing left to talk about.
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Hostis humani generis
Thank you Odion but my question was about the Jews and not Children of Israel ( Bnei Yesrael ) or Descendants of Abraham !!

Are the Jews not the Children of Israel, or Descendants of Abraham?
Are you looking for the word 'Jews'?

I don't think you'll find it.

That, however, does not mean it is not theirs, does it?


Higher and Higher
What it looks like is that you're trying to find a usage of the term "Jew" in the Torah. But that was a name that we took much later. At the time of the Torah, the names that we used for ourselves were primarily 'Ivrim ("Hebrews," which is what Abraham was called), and B'nai Yisrael or Am Yisrael ("Children of Israel" or "People Israel"). All of these are names we still use for ourselves today, in addition to "Jews."

And if you can't find verses in the Torah that describe God promising the land of Canaan, the land He showed to Abraham, to the descendants of Abraham, through Isaac, which are the children of Israel...then you're not looking very hard.


Well-Known Member
I think saying that Israel should only be for Jewish is racist?
Yes indeed the ''Followers of Moses(p) were supposed to live in Israel'' they were freed of the Pharaoh.
I don't see those people as ''Jews'' though maybe Hebrews but since being a Hebrew is a identity and not a follower of a certain religion i don't see how the Religion has anything to do with it.

Saying that Abraham(p) was a Hebrew is saying that Arabs are Hebrew's what makes no sense, anyway lets stay on topic.

I would rather ask if God told the Jews to dwell peacefully in the land of Israel why did they ''conquer'' it and rule it? I mean the 60year war and the conquering of Palestine was justified by the ''idea'' that Jews alone should have the land for themselves and are ''the chosen people''.

The bigger problem here is that after the secularist state have attacked Jews in great numbers they invaded a country that had nothing to do with it and clearly done the same to innocent people what has done against them, i mean its like releasing your anger on a innocent country while other ''Islamic'' countries opened the borders to save the same Jews who would then kill Muslims later on its like the idea of Judah in Christianity.

I don't hope someone got upset of what i have said.. i am just confused that not more Jews stand up against this crime that there ''fore-fathers'' have done..


I will be what I will be
F0uad said:
I think saying that Israel should only be for Jewish is racist?

The OP asks where in the Bible does it say the land is for the Jews, and several Jewish members have given answers. And the reality is that the Torah says the Land is for the descendants of Abraham through Isaac. God makes an eternal covenant with Abraham, and promises to eternally give him and his descendants the Land.

-Genesis 17:7-8 “I will maintain my covenant between me and you and your offspring to come as an everlasting covenant throughout the ages, to be God to you and your offspring to come. I assign the land you sojourn in to you and your offspring to come, all the land of Canaan, as an everlasting holding. I will be their God."

And then in the following scripture, God specifically says He will maintain the covenant with Isaac, rather than Ishmael. He does indeed bless Ishmael, but He specifically says that the covenant shall be maintained through Isaac:

-Genesis 17: "And Abraham said to God, 'O that Ishmael might live by your favor!' God said, 'Nevertheless, Sarah your wife shall bear you a son and you shall name him Isaac, and I will maintain My covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his offspring to come. As for Ishmael, I have heeded you. I hearby bless him. I will make him fertile and exceedingly numerous. He shall be a father of twelve chieftains, and I will make of him a great nation. BUT My covenant I will maintain with Isaac'"

He answers Abraham's wish to bless Ishmael BUT says the covenant will be maintained with Isaac. And Jews are descendants of Isaac. I also think its worth noting the fact that today Israel isnt a place for ONLY Jews, rather Christians, Muslims, and other religious people live there as well.
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Well-Known Member
The OP asks where in the Bible does it say the land is for the Jews, and several Jewish members have given answers. And the reality is that the Torah says the Land is for the descendants of Abraham through Isaac. God makes an eternal covenant with Abraham, and promises to eternally give him and his descendants the Land.

-Genesis 17:7-8 “I will maintain my covenant between me and you and your offspring to come as an everlasting covenant throughout the ages, to be God to you and your offspring to come. I assign the land you sojourn in to you and your offspring to come, all the land of Canaan, as an everlasting holding. I will be their God."

And then in the following scripture, God specifically says He will maintain the covenant with Isaac, rather than Ishmael. He does indeed bless Ishmael, but He specifically says that the covenant shall be maintained through Isaac:

-Genesis 17: "And Abraham said to God, 'O that Ishmael might live by your favor!' God said, 'Nevertheless, Sarah your wife shall bear you a son and you shall name him Isaac, and I will maintain My covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his offspring to come. As for Ishmael, I have heeded you. I hearby bless him. I will make him fertile and exceedingly numerous. He shall be a father of twelve chieftains, and I will make of him a great nation. BUT My covenant I will maintain with Isaac'"

He answers Abraham's wish to bless Ishmael BUT says the covenant will be maintained with Isaac.

I know that already and the Quran confirms on some points, but with all respect are you saying what happened after 45 is justified by these two verses? For example the Quran says ''Dwell peacefully'' not conquer/control or stay in power forever nor does Genesis. I know the Jewish ''Identity'' comes from יִצְחָק إسحاق‎(p) that doesn't mean ''Judaism or its religion'' does. I also do not see how a ''promise'' of a covenant has anything to do with the land.


I will be what I will be
F0uad said:
I also do not see how a ''promise'' of a covenant has anything to do with the land.

Re-read the scripture I gave you.. When God DEFINES the covenant with Abraham, He says 1)He will eternally be our God, 2) the entire land of Canaan will be an everlasting holding for us. Then God says He will "maintain" this covenant through Isaac - hence the promise of the land to Isaac.

F0uad said:
..but with all respect are you saying what happened after 45 is justified by these two verses? For example the Quran says ''Dwell peacefully'' not conquer/control or stay in power forever nor does Genesis.

This is a good question. Honestly, I know very little about the History of Israel from 1945 to the present day. Right now my main focus of study, besides school, is Torah, Talmud, Jewish Law, and other philosophical stuff. Sadly my knowledge of Israel in the past 70 years isn't that great, but it is definitely something I intend to learn more about. So as of right now, I can't really answer your question as to whether or not I think the Jews were justified in what they did in fighting for Israel, because honestly I dont really know exactly why/how/what happened.


Higher and Higher
I think saying that Israel should only be for Jewish is racist?

I don't see how having a single Jewish State is racist, but having dozens of countries in the world that identify themselves as Muslim states is somehow not racist. Or are you proposing that all such characterizations be eliminated from all states?

Jews are currently forbidden from entering settling in Saudi Arabia, or living outside of "foreign national" zones where non-Muslim aliens are relegated. Is that also not racist?

After the war of Israeli independence in 1948, virtually every Arab country in the Middle East drove out its Jewish population, whether they had been Zionists or not, whether they had even heard of Zionism or not. Was that also not racist?

Throwing base accusations is not particularly useful in discussions about Israel. We can all pull out occasions when the other side acted unfairly. Are we going to harp on them or move on?

Yes indeed the ''Followers of Moses(p) were supposed to live in Israel'' they were freed of the Pharaoh. I don't see those people as ''Jews'' though maybe Hebrews but since being a Hebrew is a identity and not a follower of a certain religion i don't see how the Religion has anything to do with it.

"Hebrew" is an identity: it is the identity of being a Jew. Jews are Hebrews. No one else are Hebrews. The identity is at one with the religion. Abraham was the original Hebrew. Everything that God promised him, the covenant that they made together, the blessing of inheriting the land of Canaan-- all those things were passed from Abraham to his son Isaac, and by Isaac to Jacob, and by Jacob to his twelve sons, from whose households the Jewish People descend.

Saying that Abraham(p) was a Hebrew is saying that Arabs are Hebrew's what makes no sense, anyway lets stay on topic.

No. Ishmael was disinherited. God agreed, for Abraham's sake, to bless Ishmael with prosperity, and to make of him a great nation. But the covenant went to Isaac, as did the name of Hebrew.

I would rather ask if God told the Jews to dwell peacefully in the land of Israel why did they ''conquer'' it and rule it? I mean the 60year war and the conquering of Palestine was justified by the ''idea'' that Jews alone should have the land for themselves and are ''the chosen people''.

The Jewish People never gave up their claim to the land. They were driven into exile, and were mostly unable to return until the European emancipations of the 19th century. But there was always a Jewish presence in the Land of Israel, even if small, and Jews worldwide prayed daily for over 1500 years that the day would come when we would be free to go back to our ancestral land.

The Zionists attempted to seek for Great Britain to divide the land between Jews and Arabs, as the British government had promised to do in the Balfour Declaration of 1917. The British dragged their heels. The Zionists went to the newly formed UN, and asked to establish both a Jewish State and an Arab state in the territory that had been British Palestine. This partition would have greatly favored the Arabs. The Arabs rejected it. All of the attempts to divide the land peacefully had failed, the British were not allowing in enough refugees from the aftermath of the Shoah. We couldn't wait any longer. The State of Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948. On May 15, 1948, all five of the surrounding Arab nations attacked, and sought to crush the new Jewish State from existence.

Israel should not have to apologize for its existence, or for defending itself. If the Arab nations had sought a peaceful solution at the start, this could have been avoided. If they had not kept attacking Israel-- in 1948, in 1952, in 1956, in 1959, in 1962, in 1967, in 1973-- this might have been solvable earlier. If they had not turned to terrorism in the 1970s and 1980s, and again at the start of the millennium, this might have been over and done with. If the Palestinians hadn't refused a peace deal in 1999 that offered them 98.5% of all their land demands, as well as monetary reparations and aid, and instead started another intifada, this could have been over and done with. If the nations of Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt had absorbed Palestinian refugees into their population, instead of forcing them to live in squalid refugee camps permanently, as an anti-Israel political and media showpiece, this could have been resolved with far less suffering.

Israel is here. It's not going anywhere. Jews have every right to live in their ancestral homeland. Arabs, who control the entire Middle East, surrounding Israel with far larger and richer Muslim nations, are going to end up carving off half of Israel to create yet another country. That's also a fait accompli. Now are we going to move forward, or stay stuck in a pointless grudge match?


Well-Known Member
I would rather ask if God told the Jews to dwell peacefully in the land of Israel why did they ''conquer'' it and rule it?

Exodus 23:31-33
31 And I will set thy border from the Red Sea even unto the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness unto the River; for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand; and thou shalt drive them out before thee.
32 Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods.
33 They shall not dwell in thy land--lest they make thee sin against Me, for thou wilt serve their gods--for they will be a snare unto thee.

I mean the 60year war and the conquering of Palestine was justified by the ''idea'' that Jews alone should have the land for themselves and are ''the chosen people''.

Ah and who told you that? During that time Israel was still rather socialist compared to today and religious ideas weren't that popular.

And as a addition to what Levite wrote. Before there even was a UN there was the Peel Commission which people seem to forget.
The area the jews would have gotten was rather small. But the arab leaders rejected it. As always.

Same story every day.

Aabraham ben Azar

Active Member
Exodus 23:31-33
31 And I will set thy border from the Red Sea even unto the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness unto the River; for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand; and thou shalt drive them out before thee.
32 Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods.
33 They shall not dwell in thy land--lest they make thee sin against Me, for thou wilt serve their gods--for they will be a snare unto thee.

Ah and who told you that? During that time Israel was still rather socialist compared to today and religious ideas weren't that popular.

And as a addition to what Levite wrote. Before there even was a UN there was the Peel Commission which people seem to forget.
The area the jews would have gotten was rather small. But the arab leaders rejected it. As always.

Same story every day.
It seems to be that you are mixing upside down History+Religion+Descendants of Abraham+Hebrews+Jews+Bnei Yesrael+Bnei Ysshaq+Bnei Yeshmael+Arabs+Converted Jews+Philistines+Palestinians....and so on "non stop" !!:facepalm:
Is God in Exodus talking about descendants of Abraham or Eber or Yeshmael "Arabs" or other nation ??
Exodus 23:31-33
31 And I will set thy border from the Red Sea even unto the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness unto the River; for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand; and thou shalt drive them out before thee.
32 Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods.
33 They shall not dwell in thy land--lest they make thee sin against Me, for thou wilt serve their gods--for they will be a snare unto thee.

Aabraham ben Azar

Active Member
Are the Jews not the Children of Israel, or Descendants of Abraham?
Are you looking for the word 'Jews'?

I don't think you'll find it.

That, however, does not mean it is not theirs, does it?
Please you answer my question : Are the present Jews descendants of Abraham and seed of Isaac ???