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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I'm an intelligent human being who knows right from wrong. And I advise whoever I want.
Your unsolicited advice is unheeded. Why should someone like me even consider someone who's "righteous"? It would have no benefit but cause needless stress to both.


Active Member
no one is saying anything about your religion just the hate you are spreading in its name
You shouldn't differentiate between my values and my religion. They go together, automatically.

First of all, even if you don't speak directly about Islam, you are commenting on very basic Islamic beliefs, so you are talking also about the religion. There's no need to deny that.

Secondly, I didn't say anyone did speak about it. However, judging my words, values or opinions in a manner that seems like mere personal criticism doesn't work well with me (if one were to assume that was the intent behind them anyway). I'm much more into logical arguments, even scientific, over "I find your views offensive" type of thing, because, like said, I take great pride in my values and my religion. I'm not apologetic.
There are some "benefits" to trying heroin too.
You're running some kind of social experiment here, aren't you? No one beyond 1950 actually thinks that way anymore, so you have to be playing a practical joke on us, or something.
Basic Islamic views. Muslims are 1,9 billion now.
YOU brought up contraceptives in a thread about homosexuality and specifically the statement that anal sex does not lead to pregnancy.

Yet you do not understand my question?
No. I suspect you may have made a mistake.
But are you proud of how you're living it?
Judge not, as yea shall be judged.
Love your neighbor as God loves you.
He without sin shall cast the first stone.
Yes, I am.

I am not a Christian. I am a Muslim.

Still I have to say, none of my words are opposed to the Bible either.
We are called to love our fellow man as God made them. It is not up to us to second guess or judge God's decisions on whether we are born with blue eyes or brown eyes, dark skin or light skin, short or tall, male or female, heterosexual or homosexual, or any combination HE created, for God makes all things possible. And God does not make mistakes. Everything God created is very good. Believe!
All good. I would never judge a person for simply being a homosexual. I wouldn't know even — why on earth would they tell me? They shouldn't. But if I accidentally found out, I'd never judge them for their feelings. It's the actions I judge.
It is up to us to live by the spirit He placed in our hearts and not by the guidelines of this world whether those guidelines were pronounced 2,000 years ago, or yesterday. LOVE does not age nor change.
Even you don't know how to live, if this is the case.

What does that even mean?


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't differentiate between my values and my religion. They go together, automatically.

First of all, even if you don't speak directly about Islam, you are commenting on very basic Islamic beliefs, so you are talking also about the religion. There's no need to deny that.

Secondly, I didn't say anyone did speak about it.

You actually did speak about it in post #80
There are some "benefits" to trying heroin too.
multiple times you have made vague claims about harmful effects and you have been asked many many times to state these effects but you consistently refuse to do so.

Are we to assume that your claims are just lies and you know they are?

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I am not a Christian. I am a Muslim.
I almost wrote that you sounded Muslim the way you refer to "women who don't know how to cover their bodies," but chose not to. Instead, I wrote, "You and they will have to coexist with that unless you relocate a place like Iran or Saudi Arabia, where they share your values on modesty and chastity."
no one is saying anything about your religion just the hate you are spreading in its name
You might not have mentioned his/her religion, but it's obviously the source of his/her values on how people should behave, and why she answered you with, "You shouldn't differentiate between my values and my religion. They go together, automatically."
multiple times you have made vague claims about harmful effects and you have been asked many many times to state these effects but you consistently refuse to do so. Are we to assume that your claims are just lies and you know they are?
I think that you can assume that she has reasons for not trying to defend her claims. Knowing that she is lying seems unlikely to me. Most of the time, such people are mindlessly regurgitating dogma accepted uncritically and therefore have no reason to believe it (but do anyway) and no argument in its defense.


Veteran Member
You tried your best to make the word bigotry stronger but the anti-religious attitudes on this forum are also the dictionary definition of bigotry, so it's +-0.
There's an easy solution to that: Don't practice bigotry.
I am not offended. I am proud of my religion.

Other species eat the corpses of their own — shall we?

"it's natural."
You just claimed it's unnatural.

Then, when someone pointed out that it is natural, now you've turned around and claimed that just because it's natural doesn't make it okay.

LOL What are you trying to argue, exactly? It's clear as mud.
No, it's always unhealthy. Not to mention disgusting.
You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but it's not true just because you believe it.

Also, you've failed to demonstrate anywhere here that it's "always unhealthy" outside of your personal tastes and opinions.
You're supporting the practice of sodomy and calling that reason? Just checking.
I've not see you reason anything out on this thread yet. You're just asserting your opinions as facts.
Compassion is to tell a person who's sick that he's sick and to tell a person who does wrong that he does wrong.
Sorry, who's sick here?


Active Member
You are making your personal views into a universal rule -- and the rest of the world cares no more for your sexual preferences than your food preferences. Don't like turnips, don't eat 'em, but don't tell everybody else they can't because it's "disgusting."
Like said, I advise whoever I please.

More than 30 different bacteria, viruses and parasites are known to be transmitted through sexual contact, including vaginal, anal and oral sex. Some STIs can also be transmitted from mother-to-child during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Eight pathogens are linked to the greatest incidence of STIs.
The problem regarding this with anal intercourse is that the anus isn't meant to receive that and is therefore prone to tearing, which makes the changes if bacteria and viruses transferring bigger.

So get over yourself: sex can be unhealthy, childbirth can be unhealthy. Eating can be unhealthy. Everything can be unhealthy, if you're going to be stupid about what you're doing.
Anal sexual intercourse is always unhealthy — that's the difference.


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
You're running some kind of social experiment here, aren't you? No one beyond 1950 actually thinks that way anymore, so you have to be playing a practical joke on us, or something.

What was abnormal in what was said?


That's not a bad idea necessarily but that's not what was said.
That's the way I read it. And being she's Islamic, I believe that's what she meant. She countered most of my responses, but not that one.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
That's the way I read it. And being she's Islamic, I believe that's what she meant. She countered most of my responses, but not that one.
I wouldn't know. I'm not very familiar with the Islamic faith.


Active Member
That if you loose a spouse, but have children, it's your responsibility to find another spouse so your children will have two parents. Do you actually agree?
I didn't say that. A child has two parents and they can't be replaced in the sense that someone else became their father or mother. That is not an Islamic thing at all, rather it's contrary to Islamic law. However, there's nothing wrong with a woman marrying after her husband dies, obviously, and it may be for the best — especially if her children are small because they do need both a father and a mother.


Active Member
They are obviously the judge.
They will love who pleases them.
Being self-righteous and a self-appointed arbiter over others behavior, they certainly will cast stones at their own discretion.
I judge when I see wrongdoing. That's a virtue, you know.
I love whom Allah loves.
I believe the biblical reference refers to a story about an actual stoning to death. (Why it's being used as though it meant "don't judge" is beyond me. Maybe I'm missing something.) As for me. I follow Islam and in Islam stonings are ordered by a judge not the common people.
None of your business.
Did you know?
Married men (ages 18-55) in America are about twice as likely to be very happy, compared to their unmarried peers.

Men and women who have the benefit of a spouse and children are the most likely to report being “very happy” with their lives, according to the most recent GSS.

The 2022 GSS shows that a combination of marriage and parenthood is linked to the biggest happiness dividends for women. Who Is Happiest? Married Mothers and Fathers, Per the Latest General Social Survey

Bigotry is irrational hatred of every member of a law-abiding demographic simply for belonging to it, such ss the Christian attitude toward atheists and LGBTQ+.

Calling an individual out for bigotry is not bigotry or irrational.
I don't mean that. I mean lots you are bigots toward Muslims. Over all, there's just an air of arrogance.
You think that what you consider disgusting should matter to others, but it doesn't.
Not really. I don't. Although the reactions are so strong that apparently it does.
I thought that you didn't approve of non-vaginal intercourse? It's more effective contraception than either condoms, birth control pills, or abstinence only advice. Just ask Sarah Palin and her daughter.
I don't see the need for any contraception for the majority of the married people, and as for those who aren't married, they should keep themselves clean.

As for the "it's a contraceptive method" — what a joke. The homosexuals do it the most, and the heterosexuals are extremely unlikely to do just that. Your argument is a joke.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
As for the "it's a contraceptive method" — what a joke. The homosexuals do it the most, and the heterosexuals are extremely unlikely to do just that. Your argument is a joke.

Many heterosexuals engage in anal intercourse about 1 week in 4 as a contraceptive method. No joke.

Particularly those sects and faiths that have a downer on unnatural contraception methods.


Well-Known Member
I judge when I see wrongdoing. That's a virtue, you know.
Maybe you should look in a mirror
I don't mean that. I mean lots you are bigots toward Muslims. Over all, there's just an air of arrogance.
And you are bigoted towards LGBT individuals and that failing of yours is independent of your religion.
Not really. I don't. Although the reactions are so strong that apparently it does.

I don't see the need for any contraception for the majority of the married people, and as for those who aren't married, they should keep themselves clean.

As for the "it's a contraceptive method" — what a joke. The homosexuals do it the most, and the heterosexuals are extremely unlikely to do just that. Your argument is a joke.
Lesbians do it most? really?


I didn't say that. A child has two parents and they can't be replaced in the sense that someone else became their father or mother. That is not an Islamic thing at all, rather it's contrary to Islamic law. However, there's nothing wrong with a woman marrying after her husband dies, obviously, and it may be for the best — especially if her children are small because they do need both a father and a mother.
And you're contradicting yourself in this response. I've made no distinction between natural parent and step-parent. Your words "especially if her children are small because they do need both a father and a mother."

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Did you know? Married men (ages 18-55) in America are about twice as likely to be very happy, compared to their unmarried peers. Men and women who have the benefit of a spouse and children are the most likely to report being “very happy” with their lives, according to the most recent GSS.
OK, but that still doesn't make how others choose to live your business.

I found your source:

"The institute added similar statistics were found for men: “Specifically, 35% of married men ages 18-55 who have children report being ‘very happy,’ followed by 30% of married men who do not have children. By contrast unmarried childless men, and especially unmarried fathers are the least happy — with less than 15% of these men saying they are ‘very happy.’ In other words, married men (ages 18-55) in America are about twice as likely to be very happy, compared to their unmarried peers."

I guess having kids doesn't increase happiness.

Nevertheless, these people's happiness or pursuit thereof is simply none of your or my business.

Nor do I believe that their happiness is what motivates you to advocate for marriage. You're a zealous Abrahamist, and you believe that you god wants these people married and having children regardless of how that makes them feel or impacts their lives.

Incidentally, I am happily married, but it's not for everybody, and if I preferred being single, it would still be none of your concern. Why do you think it is? Who taught you that it is? Who taught you to be so free about offering such opinions? Humanists don't do that. I haven't told you how you should live.
I mean lots you are bigots toward Muslims
Maybe. What's your point?

Incidentally, I don't think any more or less of you since I learned that you were Muslim. I assumed that you were Christian, but I would write the same words to you were you an atheist that seemed to think that how other law-abiding citizens lived was their business, although I've never encountered such a beast. In every case, they've been zealous Abrahamists.
I don't see the need for any contraception for the majority of the married people
It doesn't matter what you see except with regard to how you live YOUR life.
as for those who aren't married, they should keep themselves clean.
There you go again giving unsolicited judgment and advice. Others aren't really interested in what you consider clean. Your values come out of a book.
As for the "it's a contraceptive method" — what a joke. The homosexuals do it the most, and the heterosexuals are extremely unlikely to do just that. Your argument is a joke.
If you think so, try to rebut it. Sodomy does not lead to reproduction.

It's clear what your values actually are, and they're not the ones you claim. You talk about contraception, but if you cared about that, you'd accept sodomy as a form of that, as is oral sex and masturbation. But you likely disapprove of all of that, and I imagine you don't like birth control pills much. What you want is for people to conform to an arbitrary and ancient religious code that YOU chose for yourself and would like to choose for others: Sex is between a married man and a woman, should be limited to vaginal intercourse, and probably never for pleasure.

People have other ideas, and don't care that you disapprove.