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Well-Known Member
And speaking of hate sites....

If you look at the studies being cited you find they are saying something a little different than what Focus on the Family is reporting
Example: The Causal Effects of Father Absence by Sara McLanahan Laura Tach, and Daniel Schneider. fids the positive effects of fathers is not limited to biological father and includes father figures. It also finds that it is the amount and quality of interactions with a father figure that produces the positive effects and has nothing to do with being married to the child's mother or even residing in the same household.

and then one needs to look at research of children raised by same sex parents and that research shows on just about every measure that kids raised by gay/lesbian parents fair no differently than kids raised by heterosexuals and in some cases have slightly better outcomes.

Ref: Sexual‐ and Gender‐Minority Families: A 2010 to 2020 Decade in Review by Corinne Reczek
Academic Achievement of Children in Same- and Different-Sex-Parented Families by Jan Kabátek; Francisco Perales
A meta-analysis examining the relationship between parents’ sexual orientation and children's developmental outcomes by Mario I. Suárez

The same way objecting to drug addictions, alcoholism and consumption of pornography does.
I was asking how your homophobia does anything but cause harm.

I don't feel hatred.
You sure express it
My dislike of homosexuality is not so much emotional as it is logical. Whatever the case — I take it you do care what I think.
Bigotry is never logical.

You just tried to compare LGBT people with drug addicts. that isn't logical is just evil.


Veteran Member
That's what "Focus on the Family" claims anyway.

Here is their mission statement:

"To be led by the Holy Spirit in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible by nurturing and affirming the God-ordained institution of the family and proclaiming biblical truths worldwide."

They have a very obvious agenda.
The same way objecting to drug addictions, alcoholism and consumption of pornography does.
You keep saying this but you don't say how.
I don't feel hatred. My dislike of homosexuality is not so much emotional as it is logical. Whatever the case — I take it you do care what I think.
Why is it that every argument you've presented against it is about your icky feelings about it then?
I've not seen any logical argument from you on this one.
I agree. I've made them blatantly clear. It's hard to understand why some still don't get it. I think they just refuse to. The same way you refuse to look at the evidence that I post and insist on pretending I didn't post it.
We get it. We just vehemently disagree and have no problem saying so.


Active Member
I don't know. Probably for the same reason that you think a god cares who has sex with whom and under what conditions. Probably for the same reason that Muslims and Christians oppose abortion even in unbelievers.
According to the Bible God told Adam (a believer) and Eve (a believer) to multiply. How could he command the disbelievers? There is no command for them to multiply. They do what they do.
I don't know what you mean by burdensome, but I don't see why you want to make that point. They're living their lives as they choose, or at least within the constraints circumstances impose on them.
Burdensome as in that they cause problems in the society; more mental health problems, physical health problems, addictions, crimes etc.
You seem to think that the choices that others make are your business even though you are powerless to influence them
That's not true. LGBT fanatics have got their tag in just about every other kid's book, grocery bags, notebooks, phone covers and pencil cases, and the list is endless.
I have no reason to change my opinion because you gave no reason to do that
I gave you no reason to form such an opinion to begin with. It's rude to invent stuff out of thin air and then demand your claims are verbally refuted or else you'll assume they're true. That kind of behavior is considered abusive in many situations.
In the US 36% of women have done it and 44% of men have done it. That is a pretty substantial percentage.
It is, but what @ChristineM was talking about was women having anal sexual intercourse every month. Big difference.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
According to the Bible God told Adam (a believer) and Eve (a believer) to multiply. How could he command the disbelievers? There is no command for them to multiply. They do what they do.
That doesn't address my comment. You asked, "Why would I think God specifically wanted disbelievers having kids?" and I gave you a couple plausible reasons. Can we agree that you'd rather deflect than address them?

And you seem to be saying that your god's commandments only apply to believers. The god of Abraham is an equal opportunity in indiscriminate punisher. I refer you to the Garden story and the flood story, each of which led to punishing most or all of the human race.
LGBT fanatics
What are those? People who support equality and dignity for LGBTQ+ individuals. I call those humanists.
I gave you no reason to form such an opinion to begin with.
Correct. My opinion didn't come from you. I expressed it, and you failed to address it, so it remains unchanged.
It's rude to invent stuff out of thin air and then demand your claims are verbally refuted or else you'll assume they're true.
Invent stuff? I speculated on what your values were and why based on your words and those of other Muslims who came before you, and you didn't rebut me. You just dismissed it all away.

Of course I assume that they're correct when I list them, and you don't make any effort to explain otherwise. You say that I don't understand you and make no effort to correct the understanding I described to you.

Why do you think that that would make me think that you are right and I am wrong? I still think I'm right about your values regarding non-procreational sexual activity. I might be wrong, but if I were, I would expect you to have said where and why.


Active Member
I purposely left out "of the same sex" because once you ignore the similar reproduction organs, secondary sexual characteristics, and genetics, you really just have two humans developing romantic and sexual relationships.
Uh-huh. And if you ignored everything that Hitler did at his "job" he was really just your average family man.

So are atomic bombs natural, since humans naturally manipulate their environment?
No, they're not natural.:rolleyes: any more dumb questions?

an anarchist

Your local anarchist.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
So what makes anal sex connected to love isn't that it happens within marriages, but that it's consensual?

Or is it?

A considerable proportion of women (25%) told of having been forced, without their consent, into having anal intercourse on at least one occasion.
No, that actually makes it even worse for vaginal sex. Think about it. That statistic only applies to women that have anal sex. I cannot remember the exact figure, but it was around a third. A third of 25% is 8%. Eight and a third, and since I could be a little low (I could be a little high too) lets round that up to 9%. It is estimated (and this is considered a low estimate) that worldwide 30% of married woman have been forced in to having vaginal sex at some time. By your reasoning that makes vaginal sex three times worse than anal:


Father Heathen

Veteran Member

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
So what makes anal sex connected to love isn't that it happens within marriages, but that it's consensual?

Or is it?

A considerable proportion of women (25%) told of having been forced, without their consent, into having anal intercourse on at least one occasion.
Yeah, no and hell no. That's called rape, around the percentage of women who have been raped, and forgets women get forced into vaginal sex as well.
Now, to use your own words:
any more dumb questions?


Active Member
If there is rape within a marriage it shows there is no love there.
Do you deem anal sex the very symbol of a love in marriage then? I don't see much of a difference. Especially considering how many women are either forced to participate or pressured to do so.

"Researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, found heterosexual men were increasingly watching anal porn online.

Top searches on PornHub and other pornographic websites often feature the terms associated with this type of intercourse.

Researchers found that more and more women being pressured into having painful anal sex because it has been normalised online.

Worryingly, teenagers have internalised terms like ‘accidental’ penetration of the anal area. Teen girls are increasingly likely to accept these so-called ‘slips’." Source
Kids needs loving providers and a stable, nurturing environment. The gender of the care providers is irrelevant.
Not at all. Children need something from both parents (male and female) because they have different things to give. Men don't give children what women do and vice versa.