The purpose of my reference was not related to the value of marriage but to that a gay couple are not proper "parents" to anyone.
Your choice to hate LGBT people is a reflection of you and not of anyone's ability to parent
"In 2005, the American Psychological Association (APA) issued an official brief on lesbian and gay parenting, which included this assertion: “Not a single study has found children of lesbian and gay parents to be disadvantaged in any significant respect relative to children of heterosexual parents” (American Psychological Association 2005)
However, a 2012 research study of the APA Brief and its bibliography by L. Marks stated that this strong assertion made by the APA was not empirically warranted. Twenty-six of 59 APA studies on same-sex parenting had no heterosexual comparison groups. And in comparison studies, single mothers were often used as the heterosexual comparison group. In none of the 59 published studies were the definitive claims substantiated. The author recommended further research.
and in response to this criticism numerous studies were undertaken including:
Same-Sex and Different-Sex Parent Households and Child Health Outcomes Henny Bos 2016
School Outcomes of Children Raised by Same-Sex Parents: Evidence from Administrative Panel Data Deni Mazrekaj 2018
A Meta-Analysis of Developmental Outcomes for Children of Same-Sex and Heterosexual Parents
Alicia Crowl and Soyeon Ahn 2018
Behavioral Outcomes of Children with Same-Sex Parents Deni Mazrekaj, et all 2022
Parental positive affect and negative affect in same- and different-sex parent families: no associations with parental gender and caregiving role
Tamara L M Leteret al 2024
and literally dozens of others all showing that kids raised by LGBT parents are happy healthy and do well in school
Major flaws exist in the vast majority of studies published before 2012 on this subject (Marks 2012) including the fact that they relied upon small, nonrepresentative samples that are not representative of children in typical homosexual families in the United States.
Two major studies, published by Gartrell and Bos (2010) and Biblarz and Stacey (2010), are often cited by gay activists and extensively in the media. These studies claim that no psychological damage occurs to children who were deliberately deprived of the benefits of gender complementarity in a home with a father and a mother. The article by Gartrell and Bos relies solely on self-reports of the lesbian mothers who were aware of the political agenda behind the study.
Similarly, in the research done by Biblarz and Stacey, in 31 of the 33 studies of two-parent families, it was the parents who provided the data, which consisted of subjective judgments. As with the Gartrell and Bos study, this created a social desirability bias, because the lesbian parents knew full well why the study was being done."
It's a long article. You can read the rest on the page
Written by Richard P Fitzgibbons a member of the board of directors of National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality NARTH a well known hate group that advocates abusive "therapy" for children
“Hold therapy” is almost exclusively done with children. The child is physically restrained while the therapist screams at them and encourages the child’s parents to express their hatred and disgust for the child. There have been some reports of parents being encouraged to hit, slap or kick the child. This will continue until the child admits that they are hurting their family and that they hate themselves for being gay." Ref: Bright, C. "Deconstructing Reparative Therapy: An Examination of the Processes Involved When Attempting to Change Sexual Orientation. 2004
Of interest in Fitzgibbons piece here is the inclusion of he assessment of research done by Theodora Sirota who has sued Fitzgibbons for lying about her research
Its really sad that your source is a leading member of a hate group