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Homosexual adoption - Abomination or not?

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You wouldn't find one single case of homosexual adoption by two same sex mates anywhere. In fact, you wouldn't find homosexuality in nature either. If someone would bring up cases of hermaphrodite creatures you would see that that came from genetic mutations, and not from choice.


Admiral Obvious
I know your reading comprehension is far superior then your everyday theist so you are either willfully being ignorant or your looking for validation of your preconceived notions. I don't know which, but I'll consider this my last attempt.

The question asked was:

To which I answered:

In short, I'm saying......"no it's not because I don't find it emotionally palatable". He could have come back and asked "Then why?"......but he didn't. The fact he chose to phrase the question as something to do with emotion is typical regurgitating babble thrown at theist (dare I say Abrahamaic faiths?).

I'm only going to take it as far as your preconceived notions don't take you. Hence, the lack of further explanation. Even though the question didn't necessarily demand one.
Fact is you did not actually answer the question.
You left it up to the reader to make assumptions based on what you did reply with.

Why you would rather make more assumptions to ratify your assumption of some underlying motive you seem to want me to have is anybodies guess.


I've never discussed this issue so thought I would see what the general views were.

I am talking about homosexual adoption , ie: Two men or Two women as a couple legally adopting a young child.

As a general feeling I believe this to be wrong and should be banned for the good of the child.

Perhaps under certain scenarios it might be possible to a lesbian couple to adopt as women have naturally maternal instincts but I don't think two men would be appropriate.

I am not homophobic by the way.

any views or questions - please go ahead.

You really are HOMOPHOBIC.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
You wouldn't find one single case of homosexual adoption by two same sex mates anywhere. In fact, you wouldn't find homosexuality in nature either. If someone would bring up cases of hermaphrodite creatures you would see that that came from genetic mutations, and not from choice.

Lots of evidence against those statements.


Well-Known Member
do you have any evidence to support that claim?

I am sure that evidence could be had, and presented. However, the unmitigated gall you present by asking for evidence after declaiming that YOU are not required to either present any, nor will you accept any from others is pretty overwhelming. I posit that evidence is not needed, and indeed your OP, and indeed yourself are full of FAIL.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
You wouldn't find one single case of homosexual adoption by two same sex mates anywhere. In fact, you wouldn't find homosexuality in nature either. If someone would bring up cases of hermaphrodite creatures you would see that that came from genetic mutations, and not from choice.
Yeah, you will.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Thats not what I asked you. I have no doubt that lgbt couples can be good parents. Im concerned about whether the children growing up in such setups are going to develop normally and be healthy.

And I am concerned about whether children growing up in setups such as the families of Fred Phelps (Westboro Baptist), Don Black (of Stormfront) and Thom Robb (KKK) are going to develop normally and be healthy.

lol likewise. Our society has a lot of problems.

Children face many challenges growing up, no matter the sexual orientation of their parents.
The only concern I have for the children of same sex couples is the same concern many have for the children of mixed race couples.

The discriminatory attitudes of the ignorant.
You know, I think I am going to run with this idea.

Let's put a ban on adoption by bigoted, racist, and socially ignorant couples. Heck, let's sterilize them.

That should fix any underlying problems.


You wouldn't find one single case of homosexual adoption by two same sex mates anywhere. In fact, you wouldn't find homosexuality in nature either. If someone would bring up cases of hermaphrodite creatures you would see that that came from genetic mutations, and not from choice.



De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
It is not homophobic in the least to have a sensible discussion over the issues of homosexual adoption or marriage.

Homosexual adoption and marriage shouldn't even be issues. This is, after all, the 21st Century.


Think of all the reasons why children go into adoption...

Now, your saying that for most of those reasons that homosexual couples should not be allowed to help fix the problems that heterosexual couples created in the first place?


Active Member
I've never discussed this issue so thought I would see what the general views were.

I am talking about homosexual adoption , ie: Two men or Two women as a couple legally adopting a young child.

As a general feeling I believe this to be wrong and should be banned for the good of the child.

Perhaps under certain scenarios it might be possible to a lesbian couple to adopt as women have naturally maternal instincts but I don't think two men would be appropriate.

I am not homophobic by the way.

any views or questions - please go ahead.

If given the choice between what is defined as a fit heterosexual couple and a fit homosexual couple, I would adopt a child out to the heterosexual couple every time hands down. It is healthier, extremely important, not to mention within the realm of the natural order of things, for there to be both a female and male perspective when raising a child.
WTF does marriage have to do with adoption?

Says you.
But since you refuse to support your claims.....

Originally Posted by nnmartin
Marriage is meant to be one of the cornerstones of society, the family unit and all associated with it. This applies whether you are relgious or not.

"Says you.
But since you refuse to support your claims....."

Excuse me but name one society where his claim is false!

Name one society that accepted gay couples not counting the last 20 years. So what has happened in the past 20 years that makes homosexuality acceptable/normal? Absolutely nothing but liberalism's false claim to "Gay Rights". Gays have every right that everyone else has. Even indigenous peoples do not accept homosexuality so we can rule out religion as a source.

The argument that research that is not politically correct doesn't get published is true. Just look at "Global Warming", "Darwinism", and all teaching research in the past 50 years.


If given the choice between what is defined as a fit heterosexual couple and a fit homosexual couple, I would adopt a child out to the heterosexual couple every time hands down. It is healthier, extremely important, not to mention within the realm of the natural order of things, for there to be both a female and male perspective when raising a child.
Research indicates that there's no difference between children raised by gay parents and children raised by straight parents.

Oh wait, actually there was, lesbian couples are actually better than straight ones.
It's ok though, it wasn't that big of a difference.


Active Member
Research indicates that there's no difference between children raised by gay parents and children raised by straight parents.

Oh wait, actually there was, lesbian couples are actually better than straight ones.
It's ok though, it wasn't that big of a difference.

No amount of so-called "research" is going to make me believe that it is ideal for a child to be raised by parents of the same gender. Anyone that denies the obvious benefits of having a fit heterosexual couple raise a child is being dishonest. There are things about women that men cannot relate to and/or understand and there are things about men that women cannot relate to and/or understand. It is very important that a child sees things from both a man's and woman's perspective; therefore, it is important whenever possible for there to be both under one roof. Though some people that were raised by a homosexual couple felt loved and provided for, there are still some that say they still wish they had had the experience of having both a female and male as voices of reasoning within the home. There have been people raised by homosexual couples that say that it felt weird and that they sometimes desired a more traditional male/female upbringing; that they would have to turn to others outside of their parents for advice because they could only get one gender's point of view about certain issues in life; that though they felt awkward, they did not say it out of fear of hurting their homosexual parents who already suffered daily persecution from society.

It is simply better and natural for there to be both a man and woman raising a child, period. All you have to do is look at kids that don't have a father in the home or a mother in the home and ask them, "If you could have both under one roof would you want to?" and see what their response would be. Ask a girl if she'd rather have to dads as parents or a dad and a mom; ask a boy if he'd rather have two moms as parents or a mom and a dad and see what they'd say.


No amount of so-called "research" is going to make me believe that it is ideal for a child to be raised by parents of the same gender. Anyone that denies the obvious benefits of having a fit heterosexual couple raise a child is being dishonest. There are things about women that men cannot relate to and/or understand and there are things about men that women cannot relate to and/or understand. It is very important that a child sees things from both a man's and woman's perspective; therefore, it is important whenever possible for there to be both under one roof. Though some people that were raised by a homosexual couple felt loved and provided for, there are still some that say they still wish they had had the experience of having both a female and male as voices of reasoning within the home. There have been people raised by homosexual couples that say that it felt weird and that they sometimes desired a more traditional male/female upbringing; that they would have to turn to others outside of their parents for advice because they could only get one gender's point of view about certain issues in life; that though they felt awkward, they did not say it out of fear of hurting their homosexual parents who already suffered daily persecution from society.

It is simply better and natural for there to be both a man and woman raising a child, period. All you have to do is look at kids that don't have a father in the home or a mother in the home and ask them, "If you could have both under one roof would you want to?" and see what their response would be. Ask a girl if she'd rather have to dads as parents or a dad and a mom; ask a boy if he'd rather have two moms as parents or a mom and a dad and see what they'd say.
So your answer is to stick your fingers in your ears and say "LA LA LA LA LA LA I DO NOT BELIEVE YOU LA LA LA LA LA"
It's not worth actually discussing your complaints if you have no interest in listening.
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Active Member
So your answer is to stick your fingers in your ears and say "LA LA LA LA LA LA I DO NOT BELIEVE YOU LA LA LA LA LA"

Really? (smile) You're kidding me right? That's a pretty immature interpretation of what I wrote, don't you think? In any case... no, quite the opposite. I simply choose not to ignore the obvious, whereas, you refuse to see the truth because it goes against what you want to believe is the truth. Anyone without blindfolds can see as clear as day that it's better for a child to have both genders under one roof. That's just common sense. You don't have to accept that for it to be true.


Really? (smile) You're kidding me right? That's a pretty immature interpretation of what I wrote, don't you think? In any case... no, quite the opposite. I simply choose not to ignore the obvious, whereas, you refuse to see the truth because it goes against what you want to believe is the truth. Anyone without blindfolds can see as clear as day that it's better for a child to have both genders under one roof. That's just common sense. You don't have to accept that for it to be true.
A research study tested your theory and found you wrong. And your response was "I don't care"

That's the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and not listening to anyone else.
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