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Homosexual adoption - Abomination or not?

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Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
I do not adhere to the ideology of needing evidence, sources or links.

I give opinion - if you want others' opinions then feel free to search the Web.

So you are an opinion columnist? You do know that this is a discussion and debate forum right? Discussion and debate generally require evidence, sources or links. While opinions are welcome, if unsupported they are generally disregarded.


Well-Known Member
Not much point of having a discussion if it is merely a collection of links, sources, cut and paste jobs, long winded academic findings trawled off the internet etc.. All these things are merely other peoples' opinions anyway.

How about just using your own ideas - no need to hide behind the text book.

That is for high school kids.

Anyway, back to the topic - arguments over semantics is a separate thread.

gillajhorn: quite an amusing picture you posted yet that just highlights my view on liberofascism.

ie: it is ok to bash a Christian but not an atheist (as that adheres to Liberal ideology).

*edited for slander*
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ThrUU the Looking Glass
Not much point of having a discussion if it is merely a collection of links, sources, cut and paste jobs, long winded academic findings trawled off the internet etc.. All these things are merely other peoples' opinions anyway.

How about just using your own ideas - no need to hind behind the text book.

That is for high school kids.
Blah blah bs blah blah....


Wonder Woman
Before I wade in here with anything pertaining to the OP, let me first figure this out. Even though this is in the debate section we are not supposed to actually debate with evidence of studies and statistics and quotes from experts in the field. We are only supposed to give our own personal opinions and leave it at that? No justification for why we have those opinions if those opinions happen to be based on the evidence we could provide because the OP doesn't actually want to hear the facts or see the evidence of how they are wrong?

I don't get it. Are we to even bother with presenting all the evidence against the stance of the OP because he isn't interested in links and exchanging of information? Could that be because he isn't interested in learning about anything that could change his mind?


OP has no evidence therefore OP is fail.

Gay parents are awesome and luckily they don't need the OP to give a damn.


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
I fail to see how we can have any conversation about this subject without having evidence. If you want to only give your opinion, nnmartin, write a blog. Be sure to disable comments though. :eek:


If you have one intelligent, financially able parent/guardian/mentor who loves you
that's great.
If you have two who love each other/genuinely care about one another
and work well together, then you have double.

If you have three? triple.

But there is nothing worse than living in a house where two adults do not get on well with one another.
This would be a dysfunctional house. It's not pleasant for anyone.

Neither is poverty pleasant.

I'm not really sure why what is simple
needs to become so convoluded.

This is just common sense.
Is common sense allowed?


Well-Known Member
I would not call having 3 moms and 3 dads common sense.

it's unnatural modern day political correctness gone wrong.


Wonder Woman
I would not call having 3 moms and 3 dads common sense.

it's unnatural modern day political correctness gone wrong.

What is unnatural about any of it? The number of parents, the genders of the parents or both? Because in many societies many adults would rear the children. There would be extended families all living together and contributing to raising the kids. Child rearing can easily be considered a group effort in many cultures. What makes a family is not the number, nor the gender of the participants, but their loving connection and willingness to take care of each other. Whether that be a mommy and daddy, two mommies, 2 daddies, three parents of mixed genders, aunts, uncles, grandparents, single parents regardless of gender, and so on and so forth. The most important thing about raising children is that it is done in a loving and supportive environment. The genders of the people involved in providing that environment do not matter. As long as that environment is provided, a child will flourish.


Wonder Woman
do you have any evidence to support that claim?

Why should she need evidence to make a claim? You don't seem to think you need any. If you expect your claims to be taken as truth without need for evidence, then should you not be expected to take anyone else's claims the same way?


Bring about world peace
One of the problems with pulling up statistical evidence about anything related to homosexuality and morality is that there is so much bias against conservative viewpoints that articles supporting their assertions are rarely published regardless of the physicians prestige. Those that are published are usually bashed into oblivion and the author is more or less lynched, figuratively speaking of course.


I would not call having 3 moms and 3 dads common sense.

it's unnatural modern day political correctness gone wrong.

The adults that raise you
are the adults that raise you.
Call them what you want.

The more (both quantity and quality) intelligent loving adults you have as a support system growing up
the better.

Calm happy enviornments and extra life opportunities are invaluable.


do you have any evidence to support that claim?

Aw you sweet thing, like everyone of your posts wasn't evidence enough. I thought opinion was enough for you.

It's ok though, I'm a secret librettolibrariansombrerofascist.
No one will ever know! But sleep well and tell all your stuffed animals that you showed us!


One of the problems with pulling up statistical evidence about anything related to homosexuality and morality is that there is so much bias against conservative viewpoints that articles supporting their assertions are rarely published regardless of the physicians prestige. Those that are published are usually bashed into oblivion and the author is more or less lynched, figuratively speaking of course.

Bull, if the data was verifiable it'd get supported by science. Provide an example if you want to argue details. Even the Prop 8 propnents couldn't provide evidence that gay parents were harmful on kids. And they had the money and the audience.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member

Well , single parenting may not be ideal but if it's the biological parent then it is just nature's work.

I think it is perfectly possible to separate the two issues here.

Having one mother or one father is probably easier for a child to understand than having the strange situation of two mothers or two fathers at the same time.

So you are against adoption in general?
Or you don't like anything that seems 'strange'? Because that can be cleared up by society not making such a fuss about it.


Well-Known Member
Why should she need evidence to make a claim? You don't seem to think you need any. If you expect your claims to be taken as truth without need for evidence, then should you not be expected to take anyone else's claims the same way?

I am fine with that.

Let's do away with evidence, sources and the like and just have a debate based on opinion and experience.

Feel free to add sources etc.. if you like but the need to rely on it every time you express an opinon or view turns the thread into nothing more than a college debating club exercise.
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