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Homosexual adoption - Abomination or not?

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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
A heterosexual couple who could conceive but wanted to adopt would be dealt with case by case - but if both partners health were fine then why would they want to adopt anyway? - that would need to be considered.
But public policy here is such that their reasons for adopting are personal, & not the concern of government.

How does the expense or hassle of conceiving come into the equation?
That is a matter for the couple to address.


Admiral Obvious
If gay couples are allowed to adopt children then where does that leave the role of marriage?
WTF does marriage have to do with adoption?

Marriage is meant to be one of the cornerstones of society, the family unit and all associated with it. This applies whether you are relgious or not.
Says you.
But since you refuse to support your claims.....

Viker: Liberofascism is the term used to describe the indoctrination of the masses to abide by liberal values. Anything is tolerated if it is deemed politically correct. To oppose any such liberal nonsense labels you a fascist , redneck, troll , nazi etc.. quite ridiculous really.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
A heterosexual couple who could conceive but wanted to adopt would be dealt with case by case - but if both partners health were fine then why would they want to adopt anyway? - that would need to be considered.

How does the expense or hassle of conceiving come into the equation?

To start off as the base form of the argument I would say that a young gay couple that were healthy should be told that they cannot adopt as they do not need to.

As for any exceptional circumstances then please ask and I will see how it fits into the plan.

My gosh, you act as if there was a shortage of children or something.


Admiral Obvious
Can't , won't or plan to is highly relevant.

If they are capable of having a child and want one then they are only stopping themselves by not doing so.

If I felt like not working that is up to me but I couldn't expect to get welfare/benefits for too long. It is really the same thing with a homosexual refusing to procreate because they don't want to.

Perhaps adoption could be allowed for gay couples that are naturally unable to conceive though.
WTF does your not wanting to work have to do with the reasons couples want to adopt?

So much for "reasoning"...


Well-Known Member
But public policy here is such that their reasons for adopting are personal, & not the concern of government.

That is a matter for the couple to address.

That policy will have to be changed forthwith.

If it is too much hassle for a homosexual couple for one of them to make the sacrifice of having sex with someone of the opposite gender in order to have a child then how much effort will they be willing to put into its upbringing?
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Admiral Obvious
A heterosexual couple who could conceive but wanted to adopt would be dealt with case by case - but if both partners health were fine then why would they want to adopt anyway? - that would need to be considered.
Seems to me that if they want to adopt, pass all the tests, put up all the money....

How does the expense or hassle of conceiving come into the equation?
So you know little to nothing about the process of having children?

To start off as the base form of the argument I would say that a young gay couple that were healthy should be told that they cannot adopt as they do not need to.
To hell with the kids in foster care then?

As for any exceptional circumstances then please ask and I will see how it fits into the plan.


Admiral Obvious
That policy will have to be changed forthwith.

If it is too much hassle for a couple for one of them to make the sacrifice of having sex with someone of the opposite gender in order to have a child then how much effort will they be willing to put into its upbringing?
PLease be so kind as to let us in on how a male can get pregnant.

This ought to be interesting....


Well-Known Member
For the same reasons that heterosexual couples adopt?

:facepalm:Naw, that couldn't be it.:facepalm:

Give me some of the reasons and I will deal with them one by one.

I have already dealt with the health issue - I said it may be possible for gay couples to adopt it there are concerns here.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
That policy will have to be changed forthwith.

If it is too much hassle for a homosexual couple for one of them to make the sacrifice of having sex with someone of the opposite gender in order to have a child then how much effort will they be willing to put into its upbringing?
I don't think that wanting to adopt instead of bearing one's own children shows lack of commitment.
Couples get knocked up without intention regularly.
But no one adopts by accident.
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Admiral Obvious
Give me some of the reasons and I will deal with them one by one.

I have already dealt with the health issue - I said it may be possible for gay couples to adopt it there are concerns here.
You haven't "dealt with" any of the reasons so far....

How about you actually deal with the one already presented before we cloud the issue with more things for you to arbitrarily dismiss...


Well-Known Member
Seems to me that if they want to adopt, pass all the tests, put up all the money....

Money is not the issue.

It is better for the child and society at large to have a natural mother and father, a single biological parent or some other standard system than a bizarre hybrid version of mom and dad.

So you know little to nothing about the process of having children?

I know that conceiving does not cost anything unless you use a prostitute.

To hell with the kids in foster care then?

It is unfortunate for those poor souls.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
It is better for the child and society at large to have a natural mother and father, a single biological parent or some other standard system than a bizarre hybrid version of mom and dad.

Having one mum or one dad is better than having two? Not sure what your logic is here.

What do you think about gay couples where one of them is the biological parent and the other isn't?


Give me some of the reasons and I will deal with them one by one.

I have already dealt with the health issue - I said it may be possible for gay couples to adopt it there are concerns here.

There are many unloved, unwanted children in foster care and orphanages.

They ALREADY exist.
They need families.
Adults who will invest their lives, their resources and their love in them- and their future.

Foster care and orphanages will never provide these things for them.

I can't think of a better reason to adopt.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
If gay couples are allowed to adopt children then where does that leave the role of marriage?

Marriage is meant to be one of the cornerstones of society, the family unit and all associated with it. This applies whether you are relgious or not.

Viker: Liberofascism is the term used to describe the indoctrination of the masses to abide by liberal values. Anything is tolerated if it is deemed politically correct. To oppose any such liberal nonsense labels you a fascist , redneck, troll , nazi etc.. quite ridiculous really.

I really feel you on the marriage thing. I believe all and any consenting adults interested should be allowed to marry and even to adopt if they feel the desire to do so.

I don't abide in any partisan "values". I'm a redneck and I know it. lol

A child's home should have a stable caring head for children to be raised under. That head can be one or a partnership but it must contain the affection and nurturing necessary for a child's development. I've already seen too many husband and wife "teams" not fit for each other let alone fit enough to raise a kid.


Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.
I believe in heterosexual marriages. They have potential for significantly less confusion - as far as sexuality, gender characteristics, etc.

Children usually need both male and female parents. Especially in these societies where sexual promiscuity is being promoted more and more.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
I believe in heterosexual marriages. They have potential for significantly less confusion - as far as sexuality, gender characteristics, etc.

Children usually need both male and female parents. Especially in these societies where sexual promiscuity is being promoted more and more.

And I believe that you are entirely incorrect. Good thing we are both allowed to believe as we wish isn't it?


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
I believe in heterosexual marriages. They have potential for significantly less confusion - as far as sexuality, gender characteristics, etc.

Children usually need both male and female parents. Especially in these societies where sexual promiscuity is being promoted more and more.

So a married gay couple would not be able to keep dirty lyrics away or teach a kid to keep it to them selves? I think they could and probably would.


Wonder Woman
Adoption fills more than just the desire to have and raise children. It does so in a way that fulfills the need for certain children which have no families to be raised by those who actually want them. The desire to adopt may have nothing to do with whether or not a couple can produce their own children, or even if they already have children or not. Many people adopt because they feel a desire to help a child. To give a child a loving home. One they know they can provide. This is true for heterosexuals and homosexuals. It is not an orientation related decision, it is a human being related decision.

Furthermore, as to having a mom and a dad to fill some supposed need for certain gender role models, that's absurd. As single parents have been raising children by themselves forever. Role models, ideas about gender, and so forth can and are supplied by various people in the life of a child. Just because a little girl has two daddies doesn't mean that there won't be women in her life to help her through certain female related things as she grows. Families include aunts, uncles, grandparents, brothers, sisters, best friends of the parent/s, and on and on and on. Even within heterosexual couples one parent may not be available often or even comfortable with handling certain things and may defer to someone else. OR, one parent may simply not be a good role model or person to have in their life period. Just because a couple is heterosexual does not mean that they are automatically a better choice for a child to be with. People should be judged for who they are and how they care for and love a child, not for which way their orientation happens to go.
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