It's not like you actually care about the homosexuals in question, or you'd be talking about ways to reduce those numbers in a practical way, not a 'homosexuality is icky, I don't like it and it should stop' way. Which even your lauded CDC doesn't do, and instead proposes real ways to help (and also reaches out to other minorities with higher mortality, violence, lower life spans and higher HIV cases like blacks and Hispanics, showing a conclusive and undeniable truth that minority status can and does effect these numbers.
Stigma and Discrimination | Gay and Bisexual Men's Health | CDC Latinos | Race/Ethnicity | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC)
In the discussion of concussions, reduced lifespans and higher amounts of cognitive disability due to injuries in football, you'd be that guy saying 'I don't like football, football is risky so we should just ban it to protect players.'
And while you're at it, you're treating HIV/AIDS as this big bad boogeymonster to try and scare or shame gays away from homosexuality when in actual fact, the CDC is doing no such thing. It highly encourages prevention through testing and correct application of barrier methods, but also works to destigmatize people living with HIV, as the majority of people living with HIV in first world countries will, in fact, are not significantly lower than national average
Gay life expectancy revisited (showing outdated data predicts a much larger gap than currently exists)
HIV, the basics - How long will I live? Longer life expectancy for HIV-positive people in North America
By these numbers you should care more about people living with obesity than people living with HIV, and care more about recklessly lacking exercise and proper diet than people engaging in risky sexual behavior. And I wonder if your arguments will change at all on the inevitable day where we find a retroviral fighting agent that makes HIV pretty much inconsequential. I wouldn't be surprise if the answer is: Try to find some other way to stigmatize homosexuality, because your reasons for disliking it have no connection to their physical or emotional health and wellbeing.