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Homosexuality and religion


Homosexuality has been a very hot topic for religious and non-religious people, but here's the thing most of religions deny homosexual and some of them discriminate them for example Islam ! Islam teaches the believer to kill the homosexual. Nevertheless, Saudi Arabia and Iran are full of them and for sure their activities are hidden and what makes this thing even worse is that there's no freedom of speech. I did so many researches about religions and homosexuality in general. I found very interesting things some people try to make the religion compatible with homosexuality but that was not enough for me I looked deep inside to see the truth all the Abrahamic religions state that homosexuality is a sin and there's no doubt about it. I want to ask any homosexual of you here. Is it acceptable for you to discriminate the homosexual in the name of God?

Feel free to discuss anything you want weather if you're a homosexual or not this is an open discussion.


Homosexuality has been a very hot topic for religious and non-religious people, but here's the thing most of religions deny homosexual and some of them discriminate them for example Islam ! Islam teaches the believer to kill the homosexual. Nevertheless, Saudi Arabia and Iran are full of them and for sure their activities are hidden and what makes this thing even worse is that there's no freedom of speech. I did so many researches about religions and homosexuality in general. I found very interesting things some people try to make the religion compatible with homosexuality but that was not enough for me I looked deep inside to see the truth all the Abrahamic religions state that homosexuality is a sin and there's no doubt about it. I want to ask any homosexual of you here. Is it acceptable for you to discriminate the homosexual in the name of God?

Feel free to discuss anything you want weather if you're a homosexual or not this is an open discussion.

The so-called homosexual texts in the Bible are actually about not having Sacred Sex with Qadash. It is idolatry.

And NO! Religion people should not discriminate against gay people, regardless of their religion's beliefs on the subject.



Well-Known Member
Catholics believe that unjust discrimination against homosexuals is wrong. However, we do not believe that denying them the right to marry is wrong.


Catholics believe that unjust discrimination against homosexuals is wrong. However, we do not believe that denying them the right to marry is wrong.
And this is discrimination already ! What if we banned for example heterosexual marriage, another example ! What if we accepted Christians and we denied building Churches in the country. This is not a freedom in my opinion.


The so-called homosexual texts in the Bible are actually about not having Sacred Sex with Qadash. It is idolatry.

And NO! Religion people should not discriminate against gay people, regardless of their religion's beliefs on the subject.


And NO! Religion people should not discriminate against gay people, regardless of their religion's beliefs on the subject.
Will they ?


Catholics believe that unjust discrimination against homosexuals is wrong. However, we do not believe that denying them the right to marry is wrong.

Marriage, as a religious practice, is within the rights of the Catholic church to deny. Marriage, as a legal concept (which is all we're even talking about) is outside the authority of the Catholic church to deny.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
And this is discrimination already ! What if we banned for example heterosexual marriage, another example ! What if we accepted Christians and we denied building Churches in the country. This is not a freedom in my opinion.
No. It isn't. It's only discrimination if a right is violated. No has the "right" to be married in the eyes of the church. Marriage is a call -- a vocation. People don't just "decide" to get married. God has to call a couple to marriage. Not even heterosexuals have the right to be married.

Civic law is another matter, however.


Well-Known Member
Homosexuality has been a very hot topic for religious and non-religious people, but here's the thing most of religions deny homosexual and some of them discriminate them for example Islam ! Islam teaches the believer to kill the homosexual. Nevertheless, Saudi Arabia and Iran are full of them and for sure their activities are hidden and what makes this thing even worse is that there's no freedom of speech. I did so many researches about religions and homosexuality in general. I found very interesting things some people try to make the religion compatible with homosexuality but that was not enough for me I looked deep inside to see the truth all the Abrahamic religions state that homosexuality is a sin and there's no doubt about it. I want to ask any homosexual of you here. Is it acceptable for you to discriminate the homosexual in the name of God?

Feel free to discuss anything you want weather if you're a homosexual or not this is an open discussion.
Discriminating homosexuals is never acceptable.


Hostis humani generis
"If you can't see God in All, You can't see God at All."
- Yogi Bhajan​

I do not agree with discrimination; I see religious discrimination as a huge projection of ego. Even if God opposed homosexuality, which I do not thing God does, as my experiences of God have been Love. I think we should accept everyone, regardless of whether or not they are homosexual, heterosexual, black, white, etc.

The expression is, "God is Love". It is not "God is Love (except for the gays)". I think people should take heed of that.


Wonder Woman
Discriminating homosexuals is never acceptable.

I don't know about that, I've known some very discriminating homosexuals and I found them quite acceptable. ;)

On a serious note though, as was previously eluded to, not all religions even take issue with homosexuality.


All the replies based on "opinions not facts"...

"If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense." |Leviticus 20:13|

"And don't forget Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighboring towns, which were filled with immorality and every kind of sexual perversion. Those cities were destroyed by fire and serve as a warning of the eternal fire of God's judgment." |Jude 7|

"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality." |Corinthians 6:9|

What kind of divinity is that!, the lord doesn't have anything better to do than punishing people and counting their sins with all my respect to every religion to every individual who believes that. And about the last one I really don't understand why the homosexual guy will not inherit the kingdom of God ? just for loving someone with the same gender !


"If you can't see God in All, You can't see God at All."
- Yogi Bhajan​
I do not agree with discrimination; I see religious discrimination as a huge projection of ego. Even if God opposed homosexuality, which I do not thing God does, as my experiences of God have been Love. I think we should accept everyone, regardless of whether or not they are homosexual, heterosexual, black, white, etc.

The expression is, "God is Love". It is not "God is Love (except for the gays)". I think people should take heed of that.

But Islam teaches to kill homosexuals and the prophet Mohammed cursed them therefore you don't just discriminate them but you kill them, which is even worse ! It's enough for me to say that the holy Qur'an says homosexuals are criminals and even in the Islamic world homosexuality is intolerance. I remembered once when I watched a documentary about some Muslims and they were homosexuals from different countries they clearly love Islam and they pray five times a day just the regular practices in Islam but the only problem they face is about their sexuality. They had been tortured and were arrested, lashed and so on. So what is that ? isn't discrimination ? here's another question leave homosexuality alone I personally don't believe in the existence of God. What do you call me ? just be honest and tell me I'm an infidel or a Mushrik, this is another discrimination simply the Muslim sees himself above the mankind just to say the truth about it and I had nothing against Islam or Muslims. I respect your beliefs and you're free to believe in whatever you want to believe in.