The phobic label is an emotional manipulation tactic, designed by the Left, to create compliance to bad ideas, by using the good nature of religious and all good people, against them. The result of this tactic is that common sense reason will come in conflict with emotions, thereby inhibiting sound reasoning. The antidote is to judge yourself, in terms of your heart, to see if there is hate or not, and if not, then be calm and rely on your reasoning. Don't let the emotional manipulation judge for you, and inhibit reason and common sense. Like in the market place you do not have to buy every product, out of fear of being called a hater. The Left does not believe in a free market. Like gas they raised the price of free thinking.
Where I first fully understood this tactic was when I was watching stand up comedy on cable, which can be insulting to everyone. If you are secure in yourself and do not define yourself with a mask or group label, you should be able to laugh at yourself, since comedy exaggerates the generic herd masks, for the laugh. When everyone is laughing, superficial and collective walls that once divided us, come down, and we all seem to be one smiling family. We could have religious and atheists, black and white, male and female and all in-between in a comedy club. If we are all laughing, we become one family. Look in each others eyes and you will see familiar. There is something deeper than the shallows of groups, that comedy targets.
The political left started to call comedy hate and phobic, if it addressed any of their social engineering experiments. This made no sense, since everyone was laughing and full of joy, not hate. Why are they calling joy, hate or fear? I decided not to allow others to accuse me of something, that was not true, to inhibit and silence me and provide themselves cover against observation and reasoning.
Before contemporary woman's liberation; 1960's, male and female cultures were more segregated. Men, in preparation for life; husband and father and war, would try to strengthen each other. Part of this training was connected to emotional toughness, by insulting each other, with clever whit and comedy. Like in football, nobody wants to get emotionally hit, but the more times that happens, in practice, the less it hurts. The idea behind this tough emotional training was, the other teams of life and war want to hurt you bad, so you and your team need to practice hurting each other; controlled experiments, so in the day of competition, one is immune to physical and emotional pain, so life becomes easier.
As women left the home, and came into the the male dominated job market, women were not used to this male tradition; being hard, rude, but playful as a team. The males tried to welcome the smaller numbers of females to the male dominate world. But the females had their own traditions. They were more two faced; insult behind the back but friendly to the face. They were taken back by the open honesty designed to get under one's emotional skin; practice to harden emotions to insults. Men were force to change this age old team behavior, in favor the female traditions. This increasingly led to over sensitize emotions in males and females since son's never were able to learn, properly.
Instead of taking hits, in practice, one had to go into the game of life, unprepared, and overly sensitive to even minor hits. The accusation of phobia and hate was now easier to induce. Culture would have been better off, letting the males lead, instead of allowing a smaller groups to control the larger, like we have today. The larger group has the advantage and this is where everyone can learn the map to that success. This is finally being reversed. Women in sports are learning how this team toughening for adversity, helps with life; strong body and level head in times of stress. The Left tried to take them out with transgender dominance in female sports; instill compliance to a small group. They were called haters for fighting back.