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Homosexuality not included.

A. T. Henderson

R&P refugee
Here in California, they had a proposition (Prop 8) which asked if the definition of the word marriage should mean one man and one woman....it passed. The gays are fighting tooth and nail to have it overturned.
How is anyone, religious or not supposed to "keep out of the way" when it is on the ballot?

After all, weren't we voting on the accepted meaning of a word?

It shouldn't be on the ballot, certainly not in the US where the constitution specifically prohibits laws which limit the rights of minorities.

Asking for a popular vote to decide the meaning of a word is ridiculous, and it isn't really what proposition 8 was about. That was just a pitiful legal fiction to exclude a minority from a civil right.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
"a." had been the definition since the first dictionary.

"b" has been added in the last 10 years.

The vote was clear: people wanted the old definition to stick.

I agree that it should never have been on the ballot...here's why: The Bible says homosexuality is wrong, therefore, christians CANNOT vote to condone same-sex marriage. If the government just said- "Hey same-sex marriage is lawful", it would fall under the category of "give unto Caesar that which is Caesars'" and I'd be fine with it.

I really don't give a rat's arse what people do....but if "forced" I will take the Bible's side every time.

I'd like to see a quote from the bible as to why you can't vote for equal rights


Active Member
I agree that it should never have been on the ballot...here's why: The Bible says homosexuality is wrong, therefore, christians CANNOT vote to condone same-sex marriage.
There is considerable debate among Christians as to whether the Bible actually says homosexuality is wrong or not. I believe the verses used to condemn homosexuality have been taken out of context. For this reason, many Christians can, and do, condone same sex marriage.


Active Member
Typical day at RF.:shrug:
It does make the point that if the subject is "sin", the discussion will inevitably turn to homosexuality (though we did give gluttons a run for their money for a couple of pages!). As a Christian myself I find it troubling that so many followers can be so obsessed over one perceived sin (emphasis on "preceived"), while turning a blind eye to some very well established sins. Dishonesty has become commonplace in our society, via politics, our legal system, media, and advertising. Nobody cares. People literally eat themselves to death. Nobody cares. And don't even get me started on greed and avarice.


Grand Canoe Wizard
Leviticus Leviticus 18:22 should settle it with Jews and Christians

"Thou shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination."

But they still seem divided. It's their own morality conflicting with 'God's morality.' They can't truly believe what the bible says. Such conflict would surely peak their interest and fascination. That's why it is so discussed


Active Member
Leviticus Leviticus 18:22 should settle it with Jews and Christians

"Thou shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination."

But they still seem divided. It's their own morality conflicting with 'God's morality.' They can't truly believe what the bible says. Such conflict would surely peak their interest and fascination. That's why it is so discussed
And see, this is where context matters. Can you tell me to whom this command was made (Lev 18:22), and why? Also, have you read Leviticus in its entirety? Why are Christians so quick to point to this one verse, while dismissing out of hand everything else written in this book?


Dr. Greenthumb
i got new for ya, the pledge doesn't say... liberty and justice for the majority.... :facepalm:
We still have the right to try and stop such a degrading thing as "homosexual marriage". Just like the government has the right to stop the traffic of illegal street drugs.


Admiral Obvious
We still have the right to try and stop such a degrading thing as "homosexual marriage". Just like the government has the right to stop the traffic of illegal street drugs.
The problem is that you have to present a legitimate legal argument against same sex marriage.

The reason the Federal government has avoided the same sex marriage issue like the plague is because they know that when it reaches them they will have no legitimate legal reason to enforce any bans on same sex marriage and every reason to over turn every ban in the USA of same sex marriage.


Ad astra!
I don't think a religion that mandates putting another group down to make its believers feel superior should be valid.



Active Member
I don't think a religion that mandates putting another group down to make its believers feel superior should be valid.


I think followers of a religion based on the Bible should do what the Bible says.

I don't give an ants' arse about Biff and Barry and their hurt feelings.

Really. I don't.


Ad astra!
I think followers of a religion based on the Bible should do what the Bible says.

I don't give an ants' arse about Biff and Barry and their hurt feelings.

Really. I don't.

You should be more interested in the facts of the group you are putting down than what some book written by superstitious goat herders thousands of years ago says.


Well-Known Member
I think followers of a religion based on the Bible should do what the Bible says.

I don't give an ants' arse about Biff and Barry and their hurt feelings.

Really. I don't.

and then Christians wonder why most of mainstream society hates them.